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  1. Black_Star
    With a smile as big as ever on his face he took note of his two new friends "Hey I'm Noah" he said to the woman slightly shy before transfixing his gaze on the summoning in front of him "Whoa you must be powerful mister I wonder if ill ever be that strong" he said as he monkey flipped onto the back of the beast patting it on the head warmly "Thanks for the lift buddy hahahahahaha"
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Black_Star
    Noah stared up wide eyed at the beast looming over them "Whoa....." he said slowly and just then the gravity of this new situation began to sink in "Im gonna be a hero" he said, his voice quiet until it became an uplifting laughter that echoed in the land scape around him.
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Black_Star
    "A hero......" Noah pondered this immensely, He knew vague details about the heroes Snow and Lightning and their companions, from the stories his mother used to tell him, they were courageous and brave, also incredibly powerful. He decided and in an instant a serious stature and look spread throughout him "That sounds like fun, but 3 questions first. What do i have to do? Am i gonna make alot of friends? and--" his normal goofy nature returned "Whats a kid gotta do to get some food? Thats the only reason i ended up in this mess in the first place........My stomach always leads me to trouble. heheh"

    "Oh and whats your name? Why can you transform like that? and whered that bullet that hit that monster come from?.......I guess that makes it more than 3 questions" Noah finished scratching his head nervously laughing.
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Black_Star
    "Well thats not very nice..." Noah yelled to the man as he fought "But i guess since you saved my life its not really up to me what kind of courtesy you show."

    Upon seeing the crystallized form burst forth, Noah audibly gasped in amazement and his eyes seemed to gleam as he set his gaze on the claw. "That looks pretty dangerous" He said in a drawn out manner "What other fun tricks do you have?" At this point Noah was starting to ignore the pain and he ripped part of his shirt to wrap around his arm to stop the bleeding "I'm gonna need some medical assistance for this later......or i might....." He gulps sarcastically and comically "Die."
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Black_Star
    The look on Noah's face quickly changed from fear to relief to amazement and then settled on admiration as he watched his savior in action. "" he breathed out. He stood on his feet with renewed vigor and broke into a fit of laughter ignoring the clear anger directed at him "Hahahah! Wow mister your SO cool!" suddenly collapsing to the ground again as another sharp pain from his wound ripped through his body "Ow...." he whined out shedding a single tear "I've really got to be more careful."
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Black_Star
    Noah could smell the scent of battle in the air, he just wasnt sure what direction it was coming from. Thus he kept a steady place running along the craggy plateau taking in the sights around him, the native creatures getting into tiny scuttles for food or chasing each other around for fun. He couldnt believe the sights to behold on Gran Pulse, how much bigger the world was outside of his crowded forest home, it was breathtaking and a little overwhelming. What was left of his home, that giant pillar in the distance, was nothing but a distant cluster of memories, some good but most bad. Noah snapped free of his trance like state and focused on this new obstacle in front of him, "Time to climb!" he shouted happily giggling slightly as he launched himself toward the massive wall that stood in his way. He scaled the wall with deadly agility and skill and when he reached the top he never skipped a beat and took off for the opposite end of the wall where he would try to scout out his next move. The call of an Amphisbaena high in the sky distracted him while and he ran and when he turned back he almost ran straight off the edge, when he saw them.

    Down in the valley below a massive Behemoth King and a Megistotherian were locked in a ferocious duel. "Sooooo, thats what i smelled earlier" he murmured to himself "Well i guess i've got to pick a favorite to win" He inhaled deeply and steadied his feet on the ground letting out a booming yell and jumping happily up and down "GO BEHEMOTH, BOO WOLF GUY!!!!!" He made a possibly fatal error though as the earth under him gave way and he started to fall towards the ground drawing the attention of the 2 beasts, he grabbed onto one of the larger pieces of debris and aimed it at the ground to soften his landing. When the dust cleared he was face to face with the monsters. He started to laugh and tried to stifle it "Oh boy! I'm in trouble now, It's been awhile since i had a good fight!" As he said this he jumped forward into the fray about to strike the behemoth with his powerful fist when out of the corner of his eye he saw the Megistotherian lift his massive paw and lunge towards him "WHOA!" he yelled as he cartwheeled to the side, but it was of no use the claw connected with his arm leaving 3 large bloody gashs in it's place. Noah stood up and a look of fear began to show on his face which he immediately hid behind a plastic smile. Then the pain set in, it sent a shock rocketing through his entire system and he could barely find the strength to stand up. Noah was certain this was his end, the beasts were closing in on him and he began to lose hope fast.

    "KWEHHHHHH!!!!!" This sound broke through the panic and reached his ears and that horrible smell hit his nose making him cringe. "I hope those Chocobos don't come over here, for their sake, I don't want to see them hurt" But then something else occured, there were 2 more scents, almost human like paired with those chocobo, although they seemed slightly malicious they were his only hope now "HELP PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!" He screamed out, and now he could only wait.
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Black_Star
    Ok, that all sounds good. Ill put up my first post right now. =D
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Black_Star
    Judging from the only spells i want him to know. Id say his would be Saboteur but also Synergist. It doesnt matter much to me whatever you prefer. And Synergist, Saboteur, and Medic sounds pretty good for the monk like quality im trying to give him. And seeing as his Bio already has him knowing some spells that he uses to survive id say that he became a L'cie before meeting them and he is going to join up. But if its easier to have him become a L'cie with everyone else for story purposes i dont mind. I just want in. Lol
    Post by: Black_Star, Dec 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Black_Star
    Hi Everybody!! =D

    Username: Black_Star

    Name: Noah Kent

    Age: 11

    Gender: Male


    Personality: Very high energy and a real go getter. He is easily manipulated and talked into things. He treats fighting like a game and is always smiling or laughing. A real wild child.

    Biography: Noah has been in his treehouse home in the Gapra Whitewood his whole life. A freak accident where he witnessed the death of his father and mother sticks in the back of his mind and he has never spoken of it, instead covering up his pain behind laughter and a child like innocence. Nature has hardened him through his short years in life and he can usually be heard strengethening his hands and feet on the trees and rocks in the area. He has always had an affinity for time and space magic that he will often use to his advantage in a fight or when catching dinner. He is incredibly swift to begin with and that is only amplified when adding a haste spell which can grant him the appearance of teleportation to an untrained eye. (Not sure if this is fleshed out enough this is my first RP let me know if it needs anything else. Also his only Accessible spells are Haste, Slow, Stop, Meteor, Invisible, Reflect, Warp, and Regen)

    Weapon: Fists (Bare, Cestus, Knuckles) and Feet

    Location of Brand: On his tongue

    Magic Type: Time and Space

    Eidolon: Onion Knight (Looks like Lulu's doll from X) (not quite sure yet)

    Theres my repost sorry ive been busy and out all day. Let me know whats gonna happen and im more than willing to be worked in however you need me too. =)
    Post by: Black_Star, Nov 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Black_Star
    Hi Everybody!! =D

    Username: Black_Star

    Name: Noah Kent

    Age: 11

    Gender: Male


    Personality: Very high energy and a real go getter. He is easily manipulated and talked into things. He treats fighting like a game and is always smiling or laughing. A real wild child.

    Biography: Noah has been in his treehouse home in the Gapra Whitewood his whole life. A freak accident where he witnessed the death of his father and mother sticks in the back of his mind and he has never spoken of it, instead covering up his pain behind laughter and a child like innocence. Nature has hardened him through his short years in life and he can usually be heard strengethening his hands and feet on the trees and rocks in the area. He has always had an affinity for time and space magic that he will often use to his advantage in a fight or when catching dinner. He is incredibly swift to begin with and that is only amplified when adding a haste spell which can grant him the appearance of teleportation to an untrained eye. (Not sure if this is fleshed out enough this is my first RP let me know if it needs anything else. Also his only Accessible spells are Haste, Slow, Stop, Meteor, Invisible, Reflect, Warp, and Regen)

    Weapon: Fists (Bare, Cestus, Knuckles) and Feet

    Location of Brand: On his tongue

    Magic Type: Time and Space

    Eidolon: Onion Knight (Looks like Lulu's doll from X) (not quite sure yet)
    Post by: Black_Star, Nov 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home