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  1. Black_Star
  2. Black_Star
  3. Black_Star
    Did i forget anything? (also just posting this to figure out why i can't post)

    EDIT: I put up to characters forms before this post and they arent appearing but this one did......
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Black_Star
  5. Black_Star
    Ok im gonna post the bios for 2 comic people and im still thinking about OC's so ill post them here as soon as i think of it.

    Username: Black_Star
    Real Name: Clark Kent/Kal-El
    Super Name: Superman
    Rank: Justice League
    Age: Um.....Ageless?
    Gender: Male

    Normal Appearance: I love Tom Welling's Clark Kent but i figure it should probably be animated and its just so difficult trying to find a good shot of Clark from the comics. So.......I'm not fond of this one but it'll do


    Bio: It's a bird, It's a plane, No it's SUPERMAN!!!....Do you really need a bio?

    Personality: Modest, brave, kind-hearted, humble, friendly, outgoing, a strong sense of justice, and morality and sometimes even a little shy as Clark Kent. When donning the suit his demeanor remains basically the same except for a much more serious sense of focus.

    Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, senses, intelligence, regeneration, longevity, invulnerability, super breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, microscopic vision, telescopic vision, flight,

    Equipment: None.

    Other: Weakness: Kryptonite

    Username: Black_Star
    Real Name: Edward Nigma
    Super Name: The Riddler
    Rank: Villain, Legion of Doom(?)
    Age: I would have to assume somewhere in his mid to late 30's maybe early 40's but i cant find a birthdate given
    Gender: Male

    Normal Appearance: He is constantly in costume but before he became The Riddler he was a scientist......think mildly mad, introvert scientist


    Bio: A man obsessed with puzzles, riddles, word games and the like ever since he was a child and craved the glory and satisfaction of winning a contest at school for solving a puzzle, his reward? a book of about riddles. From there he slowly but surely steeped himself into a world of crime starting with becoming a carnival employing and tricking and cheating people out of their money with his complex puzzles and mind games.

    Personality: a smooth talking yet quirky man deemed insane by the courts for severe cases of Obsessive compulsion and neurosis. He loves forewarning heroes and law enforcement of his crimes before hand with complex clues. Unlike most of Batman's gallery of villains The Riddler is not a murdering psychopath but rather a malignant narcissist with an enormous ego. His method of commiting crimes is so ingrained in his personality that he is virtually powerless to stop himself from acting it out.

    Powers: Genius level IQ, Highly creative and skilled at inductive and deductive reasoning, lateral thinking, and pattern recognition, Vast esoteric knowledge, mediocre fighter on a hand-to-hand level from engaging in them for years, also a skill technician/engineer known for setting elaborate deathtraps

    Equipment: Question mark cane that houses all kinds of technological devices and some weaponry, exploding jigsaw pieces, question mark shaped pistols

    Other: He cannot simply kill and opponent if he has the upperhand his "disease" wont let him he must put them through a a deathtrap to see if he can devise a life and death intellectual challenge that the hero cannot solve and escape.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Black_Star
    To late to join?

    Username: Black_Star
    Name: Lilah "Lilly" Chase
    Age: 21
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: Lilly doesnt even really know how she feels about the awakened. She only joined up with the military for the amazing access to all kinds of technology she gets granted as a techie. She understands the aims of the military and will carry out a kill order if given but shes not the strongest fighter she prefers to be in the background coordinating squads and acting as a watchtower so to speak. She has no known family to speak of and so she can put all her focus into her research creating only the best for the armed forces. She is starstruck by the very mention of any of the horsemen and secrets lives out a daydream where she is one.

    Personality: Very outgoing and friendly, loves taking on new projects she gets assigned, Sometimes she prefers technology over people and when she gets an idea in her head she becomes a total introvert ignoring the world around her and pretending its just her, her computer, and her tools.

    Weapons: Dual Desert Eagles kept on a holster on either thigh and 2 hidden retractable blades on either toe of her boots and a tool identical to that of Shions, so basically a large more powerful version of a stun gun that can also act as a shield and a digital device that she keeps her whole world on; any battle data she collects from the awakened or the horsemen or regular soldiers, military strategies, weapon blue prints, etc.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Black_Star
  8. Black_Star
  9. Black_Star
    Username: Black_Star

    Name: Clark Abel

    Age: 19


    Personality: Clark is very refined and gentlemenly almost as if he is royalty minus the snobby. He often goes on tangents where he ignores the rest of the world when a brilliant idea comes into his head even if its in the heat of battle. He is a master of archery and his vast knowledge of all things weaponry making different types of arrows to fire (like Green Arrow kind of)

    Powers: Master inventor....if that makes sense. He can forge and make almost anything

    Weapon: Bow and Arrow

    Other: Warrior seems most obvious
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Black_Star
  11. Black_Star
  12. Black_Star
  13. Black_Star
  14. Black_Star
  15. Black_Star
  16. Black_Star
    Miranda made it out of town and onto the next route she took a rest in a secluded place pulling her backpack off her shoulders and taking out street clothes which she changed into. She then began taking the contents of the pack out and laying them in front of her. some food, pokemon food, and water, a set of backup tools, a few different outfits, and an egg. "At least i've still got this. It's been moving around alot lately it might be close to hatching, But what kind of pokemon is it?" she thought reflecting back to the moment it came into her life, a reward from her superiors for a successful job in Saffron City. "And what about those other trainers. There is no way they would keep the old amber, damn......another setback. Still things could get interesting. I'll give them a little test when they get here, what do you say Growlithe?" At that Growlithe popped out of his ball and gave an almost cocky head nod and barked. She packed up all her things except for the egg which she held close to her as Growlithe came faithfully to her side to wait for the people who cost her the job.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Black_Star
    Noah took in everything that was happening around him "Is this your boss......Cid.....ol......fu? Hahaha thats a funny name, I'll call you Cid i bet other people do." He turned his attention to the woman in front of him "You're really pretty lady, are you gonna teach me how to be a hero? to get stronger, to fight?" I'm ready.....I hope. Noah thought as his feet were still buckling from the fall but he grit his teeth and smile focusing on the oppurtunity that was being placed in front of him.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Black_Star
    "Rare fossils are being held in this small town museum? You must be kidding, It makes sense though, Pewter City is known for its rocks." Miranda said stepping through the reception area to noone in particular. Her fiery red hair fell in loose curls down her back, her body clad in a beautiful flowing sundress. "I guess i should get down to business, no time for dilly dallying, right growlie?" she said looking down at the sterling silver chain around her neck with the tiny pokeball on the end. She began scoping out her target, a large chunk of old amber "This won't go for much on its own, But the scientists on Cinnabar Island might be able to resurrect this into one powerful Aerodactyl that i can sell on the black market." Miranda proceeded to the nearest restroom and closed herself in a stall putting her bag down on the toilet she opened it, smiling. "Let the fun begin."

    Inside that oversized purse contained the tools of the trade, a tight black latex jumpsuit with a red emblazoned R just above the left breast, a black face mask with the facade of an ornate butterfly, various lock picking tools and other jamming devices capable of breaching any security kept in a handy utility belt around the waist. "It's a shame i really did like this bag......oh well i'll be reimbursed eventually." She sighed opening and climbing through the ventilation system ready to make her debut. The shipment of fossils was well guarded being that this was their first day in the museum, police everywhere, including the fabled Officer Jenny. "This could get hairy....." Miranda thought as she looked down on her prey perched high on a rafter "So as far as i can tell security measures haven't been set up yet its just those guards." She analyzed, as a small ring came from one of the pouches on her belt she picked up the cell phone and answered it. "Hello........Yes sir, im in position now.........Yes I understand..........No this shouldn't prove too difficult.......Everything is under control i'll report back to HQ as soon as is necessary.............Miranda Cassidy out" upon finishing the conversation the phone was slipped back into its pouch and she dropped from the rafter to the ground right in front of the amber rock. "No time for finesse or stealth here" she said to herself and then out loud "Sorry boys, You did your best but im afraid its not enough." she called slipping the old amber into a black satin bag and making a beeline for the exit. Unfortunately for Miranda the guards were a little more prepared than she expected as the blocked her exit and the guards behind her were closing in "Alright you thief, there is nowhere left to run!" called a familiar voice from the back of the crowd who turned out to be Officer Jenny. "Team Rocket huh? I should've guessed" Jenny sneered. "Oh my i do seem to be in somewhat of a pickle, no? I didn't want to resort to this but, Growlithe go!" she picked the pokeball off of her locket and tossed it in the air. "You see Growlithe are a very territorial pokemon and by threatening me, you're making him upset" Miranda said stroking the top of Growlithes head "Now Growlithe, Roar" at that Growlithe barked happily got into a touch looking stance and let out a deafening and incredibly frightening roar that stunned the guards and could probably be heard by anyone near the location, giving Miranda, who had conveniently slipped earplugs in case something like this should occur, just enough time to escape she ran right through the guards at the entrance bowling them over "Growlithe let's go!" she said beckoning him to follow, The outskirts of town, to Mt. Moon I should be safe there. she thought in her head as she ran down the rocky streets.

    Growlithe not far behind her starting barking happily at the.....semi-successful job she turned her head to look and smile at him and when she turned back she smacked right into 3 adventurers, 2 boys and 1 girl "What the~" she exclaimed while standing and dusting her self off the fall caused her masked to be knocked off and their she stood in front of these 3 trainers her face visible and the giant R telling of her affiliation, she panicked and Growlithe looked on watching, waiting for his partners next move. "Hey, are you guys okay? I'm so sorry" Compassion leaked through and she withdrew it without waiting for a second she "I mean, watch where you're going you little punks!!!! C'mon Growlithe." She grabbed her mask along the way and continued running towards Mt. Moon. That was way to close ive gotta be more careful. But wait......THE BAG!!Where is it?! Did i drop it when i ran into those kids? I can't go back......oh no the boss is gonna kill me. She put it out of her mind and focused on her escape calling Growlithe back into the ball.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Black_Star
    This could be sooooo fun. Pokemon <3
    Gotta Catch 'em All

    Username: Black_Star
    Name: Miranda Cassidy
    Age: 22
    Appearance: Miranda looks exactly like Misa Misa from Death Note except with red hair and no pig tails. I'll try to put a good pick up when I'm on my computer and not my phone.
    Starter: Growlithe
    Bio: Young, Beautiful, Cunning, and swift these are some of the words used to describe the thief and member of the evil organization Team Rocket. Though Miranda does not have the same means as the rest of her colleagues, she treats all pokemon as cherished friends her pet growth is her starting partner and has been with her since she was a young child, a present from her father who has passed on. At first glance people see her as stuck up with a "can't be bothered" attitude but this is just how she defends her fragile self. She has been thieving since she was 13 and has honed this skill into a fine art known as a master thief with the butterfly mask across Kanto.
    Other: Plays more of an anti-hero role she is indeed a team rocket member but works for her own means.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Black_Star
    Noah's heart skipped a beat as he was picked up and dropped from the mount "HEY YOU COULD WARN A GUY!!" he called out. Noah was confident he could stick this landing and as he went falling towards the ground he prepared to land, with his feet pointed downwards we landed and stuck it "Hahahaha I did it!" He yelled out happily and then stuck his tongue at his new friend. Unfortunately that celebration ended when his legs collapsed from beneath him and he fell face forward, he sat up rubbing his scraped up face a few tears welling up in his eyes "owwww that hurt!!" Then the questions poured out "Why are we here? What was that explosion? Did you see that girl in the distance? Is she a friend? Huh? Huh? Huh?!" He struggled to his feet dusting himself off and remaining bent at the knees to bear the pain in his legs.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home