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  1. Black_Star
  2. Black_Star
  3. Black_Star
  4. Black_Star
  5. Black_Star
    "All the same i wouldn't keep it so close if i didnt think i was capable of protecting it." He said shooting Kyoko a smug look. "Well I hate to be insistant but you girls are gonna have to take me in. I've got nowhere else to go and i think we know each other enough to sleep in the same.......House? Treehouse? How do you backwater people live?"
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Black_Star
    Dreamer's bark broke the trance Clark was under "And it can talk......Wonders never cease" Clark starting typing descriptions of the 3 in front of him while asking questions to confirm his information "Ok so the pretty little beasty is Dreamer.....and the sorceress? Sakura.....and i guess that makes you with the giant blade Kyoko?" He finished typing everything. "That should cover it for now....My whole life is on this tiny little watch, If anything were to happen to it, i'd be doomed. Now what?" He said all the while smiling even though he just outed his biggest secret.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Black_Star
    "Ok so you answered the basics, but whats with the power? and the animal? I've yet to see anyone with any kind of ability like that, I myself only have THE latest and greatest of any kind of technology out there" Clark put particular emphasis and pride into that part. "Oh and by the way, my name is Clark, Clark Abel and im kind of a genius." He smirked "But don't worry i don't work for anyone that wants to hurt you and i have no bad intentions. It's all just.....research, think of me as a free agent" he while simultaneously typing into a holographic keyboard displayed over his arm. "I won't get into too many details......" He started to trail off as he became lost in thought, an almost mesmerizing look appeared in his eyes as if he wasn't even there.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Black_Star
    Clark blinked a few times in shock and disbelief " when...but the...ohhhhh" he quickly composed himself and stared at the girl and her beast "Well that's an interesting little ability you and the beast have got. Why don't you answer a few of my questions first and ill be happy to oblige you. The reason I'm following you.......well you couldn't possibly understand its much to complex." He said in one breath, a grin on his face from ear to ear.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 22, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Black_Star
    Cool. Thanks a lot. I will. :)
    Profile Post by Black_Star for Korra, Jan 22, 2011
  10. Black_Star
    Clark came to a steady walk as he approached the target "I'm close, she should be around here somewhere..." A sudden movement in the still surrounding startled him and he drew his bow "I'm not taking any chances" he muttered as he silently and swiftly shot 4 arrows into the ground around him. She might know something valuable, But is she onto me? What was that noise? No matter, i'm prepared.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 22, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Black_Star
  12. Black_Star
    "Hmm, Well that was certainly peculiar, A pretty girl shouldn't be walking around alone like that at night......or teleporting" A tall lanky blond man stepped out of the shadows on the roof of a building folding a bow made of a peculiar metal down to a size small enough to fit in his pocket staring down at the girl who disappeared into thin air leaving nothing behind but a cloak. "But I tagged her. Lets find out what her story is, shall we?" He said to noone in particular as he backed up and made a running leap to the adjacent building pulling back the sleeve on his shirt to reveal a computer tracking device in the form of a watch on his wrist.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Black_Star
  14. Black_Star
  15. Black_Star
  16. Black_Star
  17. Black_Star
  18. Black_Star
  19. Black_Star
  20. Black_Star