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  1. Black_Star
    Hmm, She's not half bad Clark thought to himself watching Sakura and smiling, his eyes darted to his left as a duo of wolves came snarling towards him. "Oh really now?" he said drawing his bow and letting loose 2 arrows simultaneously for 2 headshots "These savage beasts can't possibly even try to compare" he said shooting another one closing in on his back. Clark stared at Sakura again "Hey Princess! How you doin'? Can you handle the heat?"
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Black_Star
    Miranda huffed quite loudly and her eyes turned to slits as she stared down the girl "Ok, thats it, I tryed to play nice and i almost had you but im not putting it off any longer. I'm gonna take it by force! Growlithe! Flamethrower!" without warning Miranda commanded Growlithe to launch an attack directly at the trainers before they had even called pokemon, the only pokemon out was the silly Jigglypuff. A stream of fire spewed forth out of Growlithes mouth as he jumped forward in front of Miranda. As the fire traveled towards them Miranda said "I want that Old Amber."
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Black_Star
    "Good enough for me" Miranda said beaming "The rock please? Then you can be on your way, It'll be as if we never met" and i wont lose my head. She sighed with relief
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Black_Star
    Miranda's face lit up "Hmm, maybe" she held out her hand and beckoned for it using her other to call Growlithe down. "This is too easy, why are you complying, i am a master thief, a member of Team Rocket, and i wasnt all that nice to you to begin with, so why now?" she asked puzzled
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Black_Star
    "Maybe I was wrong, you're clearly strong willed and determined. Let me guess your the type of guy who will only except a pokemon if it is powerful from the get go. Hmm you'd actually fit right in, daddy taught you well, all thats left is to tuck away that hair under a hat and you'll be all set." Miranda stated matter of factly, trying ot butter him up. "What do you need with a silly Aerodactyl anyway? Hmm?"
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Black_Star
    "Oh poo" she said pouty and childish "Pretty please?" she said posing in a way that would drive Brock crazy.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Black_Star
    Miranda's eyes locked onto the amber "Hmm wow, impressive, I never thought that Officer Jenny could be so naive. Now uh why dont you hand it over to me? I mean i did steal it fair and square"
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Black_Star
    Look at the boy glaring but composed her self retorting "Hey you guys were in my way, that heist was going as perfectly as i planned it" she lied. "Then you had to be on that road. So what'd you do when the cops inevitably caught up with you? Did you give the amber back like good boys and girls?" she mocked secretyl hoping that wasnt the answer. Miranda continued staring at the group now very sternly.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Black_Star
    "Oooo touchy" She said mockeningly "Not even a hint? I do love a good guessing game, Is it one of those mindless lowly little grunts? Are you gonna follow in daddies footsteps? You probably couldn't cut it" She laughed softly and Growlithe yelped happily along with her.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Black_Star
    Miranda's smile disappeared and shock hit her face only to fade into a cocky smile once again "Oh, I get it your dads on the force, Which one is he maybe i've run into him before. But I've certainly never seen you."
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Black_Star
    "Hmmm........That couldn't have taken you any longer could it? I've been waiting forever" Miranda called out drawing out the forever part and putting extra emphasis into it. "I mean really..." she went on "Little Growlie and i here were starting to get bored, I've been meaning to get a little payback in for making me drop that Old Amber" She jumped down from the top of a boulder with Growlithe close behind, the egg which seemed to occasionally pulse was still held close to her chest.

    "I'm really not one for any kind of idle chit chat but why dont we just get this started, forget the formalities, my name isnt important, you know why im doing this so let's battle!" Growlithe stepped in front of her and gave a ready bark as it lowered to the ground in a tense battle stance "So, Who's first? The little girl with that ridiculous pink fluff ball or one of you brats?" Miranda let out a short laugh and set her egg on the ground next to her feet.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Black_Star
    Clark smiled affectionately "A dozen? that it? I was hoping for more of a challenge than that. I'm ready" he said while taking the collapsed bow out of his pocket and holding it closed in his fit. "How far are we from home anyway?" he asked hoping the trip wouldnt take too long, some kind of civilization is what he craved.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Black_Star
    Real Name: Layla Morgan
    Super Name: Ivory Arrow
    Rank: Green Arrow's sidekick (Not sure if that means Justice Cadets or Young Justice applies)
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female

    Costume: Picture is coming soon.

    Bio: Layla grew up in a happy home, no divorces, no fighting, no hate, a happy family, thats what everyone dreams for anyway. But she wanted something more. She is half meta-human with an innate ability to heal those around her. Layla took gymnastic classes and karate, she ran track in school she was quite agile, and acrobatic. She wanted to learn how to fight she grew up idolizing and even developing a slight crush on the Green Arrow, a suave practiced man. She wanted to learn how to fight like him so she took archery lessons in secret from her disapproving family and over the years improved greatly hoping to maybe rival the Green Arrow's abilitys. She took up the mantle of the Ivory Arrow on the whim that she might catch his attention and with time and patience she did now becoming a direct underling in his tutelage.

    Personality: When not in costume and "working" Layla doesnt have alot to say but she speaks her mind if something comes up, she's very friendly and loves to lend a helping hand to someone in need. She is also constantly looking for anyway to get the Green Arrow's approval and be noticed by him. When donning her Ivory Arrow gear she becomes very practiced and focused, she keeps her cool and try's not to panick as to not look weak and stay strong for others in the face of danger but she has been known to buckle when the intensity of a situation gets out of hand.

    Powers: Master Markswoman (No special crazy contraption arrows like GA) Healing spells that can only be used to heal others

    Other: The only person who knows her identity is the Green Arrow


    Username: Black_Star
    Real Name: Parker Pryce
    Super Name: The Punchline
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Dark purple hair in the same style as Robin's, A color swapped version of the Joker's suit (green is purple and purple is green) with a bow tie is what he normally wears when not committing crimes otherwise normal random street clothes.

    Costume: Picture is coming also

    Bio: Parker grew up just outside of the Suicide Slums in Gotham he's always been poor and stealing to keep himself sustained as his parents and older brother were killed in a random shooting when he was 9. Since that day he decided that he didnt just want revenge on the people who killed his family he wanted it on all of Gotham, maybe even the world. He started seeing a shrink free of charge to help him manage and get past the problems he was both causing and having, a shrink named Harleen Quinzel. Unfortunately for him she was enthralled with one of her patients from the Asylum, The Joker and so she spent their sessions regaling him with the stories he told her when she went to see him. His young impressionable mind was then molded into one of slight insanity, he believed the Joker to be his new father and he would do anything to help him out. When Dr. Harleen came up with the crazy idea of busting him out Parker agreed to help. Blah blah blah skip ahead sometime, Parker takes up the mantle of The Punchline to become the Joker's sidekick, his Robin (aside from Harley of course) and now he commits crime in the Joker's name.

    Personality: Appears to be just nearly as deranged as the Joker himself he delights in pain and never shows any other emotion than joy and happiness he has his own crazy laugh to go with it and a smile plastered on his face.

    Powers/Gadgets: Use's a staff much like robins and has a bunch of the same gadgets that the Joker himself uses.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Black_Star
  15. Black_Star
    Lex stood, staring out across the skyline of Metropolis in his office at Luthor Corp when the phone rang, It was very clear who could reach him without notification from his secretary first, he answered smirking "Why Slade, how good of you to call, what have you got for me? " the sun in the background cast light around him shrouding him in shadows.


    Superman touched down at the Hall of Justice and ignored the ruckus going on around him outside, as he made his way through he ran into the Green Lantern whom he greeted warmly "Well, Lantern how's it going? As excitable as ever out there I see. How're things going in here? Anything to report? he motioned for the green lantern to follow him on a leisurely fly through the hall.

    OOC: Both short.....They'll get longer i promise.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Black_Star
  17. Black_Star
    Ok here are my oc's finally

    Real Name: Layla Morgan
    Super Name: Ivory Arrow
    Rank: Green Arrow sidekick (not Young Justice or Justice Cadets)
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female


    Costume: glowing white contacts lens that act like batman's display in under his mask, a white hooded trench coat with a very light powder blue trim magical runes line the garment, light powder blue blouse with pink clasps, Calf high light powder blue heeled boots with a pink trim at the top, light powder blue leather pants with 2 pink crosse's on either leg, Long arm length white gloves, a quiver of arrows with pink feathers on her back. (trying to find a way to post the actual picture, pending)

    Bio: Layla grew up in a happy home, no divorces, no fighting, no hate, a happy family, thats what everyone dreams for anyway. But she wanted something more. A metahuman with an innate ability to heal other, Layla took gymnastic classes and karate, she ran track in school she was quite agile, and acrobatic. She wanted to learn how to fight she grew up idolizing and even developing a slight crush on the Green Arrow, a suave practiced man. She wanted to learn how to fight like him so she took archery lessons in secret from her disapproving family and over the years improved greatly hoping to maybe rival the Green Arrow's abilitys. She took up the mantle of the Ivory Arrow on the whim that she might catch his attention and with time and patience she did, now becoming a direct underling in his tutelage.

    Personality: When not in costume and "working" Layla doesnt have alot to say but she speaks her mind if something comes up, she's very friendly and loves to lend a helping hand to someone in need. She is also constantly looking for anyway to get the Green Arrow's approval and be noticed by him. When donning her Ivory Arrow gear she becomes very practiced and focused, she keeps her cool and try's not to panic as to not look weak and stay strong for others in the face of danger but she has been known to buckle when the intensity of a situation gets out of hand.

    Powers: Master Markswoman (No special crazy contraption arrows like GA) Healing spells that can only be used to heal others

    Other: The only person who knows her identity is Green Arrow

    Username: Black_Star
    Real Name: Parker Pryce
    Super Name: The Punchline
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Dark purple hair in the same style as Robin's, A color swapped version of the Joker's suit (green is purple and purple is green) with a bow tie is what he normally wears when not committing crimes otherwise normal random street clothes. (Not really gonna attempt to find one of those, no luck so far.....might have someone photoshop a picture maybe)

    Costume: A joker take on Robin's outfit a short purple and green cape attached to a latex bodysuit also of red and green with a yellow P and a black background embroidered on the left side of his chest, the line that would make it an R seemingly covered over in black paint. Green gloves just below his elbows with black straps securing them and purple green and black combat boots on his legs. a black mask in 2 diamond shapes covers his eyes. (picture pending)

    Bio: Parker grew up just outside of the Suicide Slums in Gotham he's always been poor and stealing to keep himself sustained as his parents and older brother were killed in a random shooting when he was 9. Since that day he decided that he didnt just want revenge on the people who killed his family he wanted it on all of Gotham, maybe even the world. He started seeing a shrink free of charge to help him manage and get past the problems he was both causing and having, a shrink named Harleen Quinzel. Unfortunately for him she was enthralled with one of her patients from the Asylum, The Joker and so she spent their sessions regaling him with the stories he told her when she went to see him. His young impressionable mind was then molded into one of slight insanity, he believed the Joker to be his new father and he would do anything to help him out. When Dr. Harleen came up with the crazy idea of busting him out Parker agreed to help. Blah blah blah skip ahead sometime, Parker takes up the mantle of The Punchline to become the Joker's sidekick, his Robin (aside from Harley of course) and now he commits crime in the Joker's name.

    Personality: Appears to be just nearly as deranged as the Joker himself he delights in pain and never shows any other emotion than joy and happiness he has his own crazy laugh to go with it and a smile plastered on his face.

    Powers/Gadgets: Use's a staff much like robins and has a bunch of the same gadgets that the Joker himself uses.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Black_Star
    Clark put on a plastic smile after hearing about the leisure activities "Sounds.....thrilling....really....really....thrilling" Great im staying with thieves and murderers And then the bark, which went by Clark completely unnoticed. He looked at Sakura strangely " Is it trouble?"
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Black_Star
    "Well she's certainly feisty" Clark said while following Sakura closely behind. "I didn't mean backwater exactly but you clearly arent accustomed to the same kind of living i am.....or used to be anyway" He quickly changed the subject "So what do you do for fun around here? Are there any dangers to watch out for? C'mon c'mon be a gracious hostess" Clark said while scanning the area with his eyes almost electronically.
    Post by: Black_Star, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Black_Star