"Eevee take the stun seed head on, Growlithe use agility and ram Bulbasaur. Angel, I'm prepared for stun seed this time. Remember i gave my Eevee a little special something too" Eevee was hit and stunned by the attack but quickly ate its berry, a cheri berry, and dodged the Vine Whip just in time. "Make a quick recovery Eevee and use swift on that Horsea!"
Growlithe jumped forward launching an Iron Tail to smack the vines to the ground as Eevee began to rapidly multiply closing in around Bulbasaur and Horsea, Miranda saw the pokemon in the center get frantic "Having trouble figuring out which one is real? No problem, I'll show you, Eevee Shadow Ball now!" Every Eevee opened their mouths preparing a shadow ball attack, only the one directly behind Bulbasaur was real, and this attack was far to well prepared to miss amidst the confusion.
"Quick Growlithe Agility!" Growlithe sped away as fast as he could, but not fast enough as the water gun connected for massive damage. Growlithe yelped out in pain "It's ok Growlithe remember what i gave you? Use it now" Miranda said kindly and worriedly. Growlithe ate the berry she had left with him, a sitrus berry which nearly recovered his health completely. "Ok lets get back in this, Eevee use Double Team! Growlithe stay back for a second but get ready to defend."
OOC: I thought you sent out Horsea? Lol Regardless, Smokescreen can be used by either. Lol BIC: "Eevee!" Miranda called "Grab all that smoke and clear it away with a Shadow Ball! And Growlithe as soon as your vision is clear Iron Tail that Horsea" Miranda even though having only seen one attack was warming up to her Eevee and decided it could hold it's own. A large orb of dark ghostly energy was shot from Eevee's mouth straight into the ground the blast of air clearing out the smoke.
"Hmm this should be fun, let's begin, I think i'll start things off after all i am a lady, Eevee kick up a storm with sand-attack! and Growlithe use the cover to get in close to Bulbasaur with Agility!" Miranda ordered her pokemon flawlessly and they set about their attacks.
Clark stared with his eyes wide and his mouth wide open "WHAT WAS THAT?!" he yelled out of nowhere before breaking into a victorious fit of uncontrolled laughter "Why didn't you just do that before? This could have been over so much sooner."
"I don't want to leave anyone out of the party. Let's some rules though shall we? I'll be using my Growlithe and Eevee, no switching out. Which means one pokemon from each of you will be used. I implore you, pick well." Miranda giggled and winked calling Growlithe and Eevee forward and into battle.
"Hahahahaha Could've fooled me" Miranda laughed also pulling out potions to heal her team with, and handing Growlithe and Eevee each something to hold onto.
Clark looked at the new arrival "Hey there, Are you new to this too? I just hope you can fight, because they aren't done yet" Clark directed attention to the wolve's massing in front of them.
The ray's blasted Venonat back the impact of the attack at close range and the impact of the crash knocked Venonat out cold. "Why thank you..." Miranda said calling Venonat back to his ball "Unfortunately my Venonat isnt very durable thats why he is equipped with attacks mostly used for Defense like, Protect. But he did exactly what i need him to because it's time." At that a white light flashed in the area around them coming from the egg effectively blinding everyone and when it cleared a tiny brown pokemon was in the egg's place. Miranda looked down and smiled losing her serious demeanor upon seeing her new baby pokemon "How adorable! I've always wanted an Eevee. Aww you are so cute, Let's see what you know." Miranda pulled out a pokedex, probably taken from another trainer and looked up Eevee's info. "Wow not a bad set of attacks, but you are far to young to be sent into battle alone, still i have to test you out." Miranda released Growlithe "Hey buddy, here's the newest addition to our team" Growlithe looked at Eevee and sniffed around it "Alright that's enough we are in the middle of something, Hey Angel, How does a double battle sound to you? Is your grumpy boyfriend gonna join us?" Miranda called over smiling. OOC: If you wanna wait for Twilight so he can be apart of the double battle you can or we can just do it against the 2 of us your choice?
Clark frowned stunned to be spoken to so rudely "I apologize. Now can we finish this? Please? I just sliced the sleeve of my favorite shirt.......well as of now my only shirt"
"Curious.....Ok Venonat let's break that ball, repeatedly use Poison Fang, I only need another minute or so." Miranda called out "You arent too bad yourself, mind if i ask your name?" despite it being the heat of battle Miranda was still looking to extend a friendly hand.
Clark looked up and saw Kyoko "Oh great....Kyoko......Our savior is here" he said sarcastically firing another arrow at a wolf closing in on Sakura "Well that was close.....Hey could you pay attention!" he called to her.
Miranda waved a finger at Angel and tsked "Venonat, Protect" a green shield formed around Venonat protecting it from the Doubleslap. "Now that our little pink friend is so close Venonat why not give it a Zen Headbutt!" The egg started to crack more and more. Almost there Miranda thought looking on hopefully. EDIT: OOC: Wow im having issues with spelling and Grammar today. Lol
"It figures." Miranda said setting the egg down and covering her ears quickly "But Venonat isn't gonna fall for that! Screech!" Venonat made an earsplitting sound completely drowning out the sound of Jigglypuff's voice and rattling it's own ears.
The lashs caught Growlithe hard in the side and he yelped in pain "Growlithe!" Miranda cried, shock on her face but not from seeing Growlithe hurt instead from the egg which had a rather larger crack in it. "Huh? It's time? Growlithe come back!" And for the first time in awhile Growlithe was put back in it's ball "Go Venonat!" Miranda yelled throwing another ball while rushing to the egg's side and picking it up. "Venonat buy us some time! Poison Fang" The Venonat complied and hopped towards (OOC: cuz thats how i assume they would move.......i don't remember haha) the Bulbasaur, one of it's fangs getting larger and glowing purple with poisonous energy.
Clark laughed at her words "Prince? Hardly but thank you for thinking so" His bow cut down another 3 wolves. "Is there no end to these monsters?" A group of 4 wolves stalking nearby were dismantled by an exploding arrow shot at the center of their group "I mean not that i can't keep up....." a weakness in Clark's personality, letting on that he wasn't the strongest fighter and didn't like to fight or kill all that much unless it was necessary.
Because of that last attack Growlithe was caught a bit off guard for this next combo of attacks, he dodge most of the stun seeds but was still caught and immobilized as the vines whipped out lashing him repeatedly "Growlithe.......hang on. Wait for your opening" Growlithe whimpered everytime a lash hit him but looked at Miranda and almost nodded, while the move was mostly ineffective due to type Growlithe was still taking decent damage. "Hmm that's an impressive Bulbasaur you have their, You seem to have secured the upperhand." Miranda watched here Growlithe take the abuse as she waited for the stun to wear off and thought about her next move. Growlithe started to move his paws around slowly and Miranda caught on "Ok Growlithe! Now Flamethrower!"
"Haha, Clever girl, But....." The Iron tail Growlithe was preparing launched faster due to the enhanced speed. dissapating the confusion rays and meeting the aqua jet head on "Ok, Growlithe keep the pressure on and......" Miranda saw Golduck gain a slight advantage in the struggle "Quick Growlithe up and over! I think you know how this next move works girl. Say goodbye to Golduck for this battle, Growlithe roar!" Growlithe having successfully gotten behind Golduck let out a powerful roar, positively sending Golduck cowering into it's ball. "Who's next....?" Miranda commented watching her Growlithe and smiling.
"Hiding behind the girl now are you? Dont send a child to do a man's job! Growlithe dodge and use agility, when your close enough, Iron Tail!" Miranda commanded and Growlithe complied, dashing towards Golduck at incredible speeds. "Growlithe's had to contend with a pokemon that has a type advantage more than once before, you haven't ensured victory." Miranda's eyes darted to the egg which was now moving around quite a bit and pulsing white. Is it almost time? Heh this could help.... she thought before turning her eyes back to the battle as Growlithe stopped in front of Golduck preparing his attack.