Noah smiled happily and nodded in aknowledgement and partial relief "Ok good, I can defend you no problem! If anyone tries to hurt you they'll pay!" Noah watched as the group mobilized around Dahaka, "I don't even know who i should root for, Go Dahaka! Go Team!" When Jenny called to the person in hiding Noah's head snapped to where she looked "An enemy? I got this." Upon saying that he stepped in front of her with his arm's out in a defensive stance becoming immediately hostile, "You better not be here to cause trouble mister!" he called over to the man.
"Eevee, Shadowball!" Miranda called hoping to use the impending explosion as cover for a final attack.
Noah watched as the gigantic beast rose into the apex of the tower looking on with a mixture of amazement and pure unbridled fear. "Whoa...He's cool, I don't have to fight him do I?" Noah was at a loss and was waiting for instruction. OOC: Short post is sooooooooo short....
OOC: Im omitting this post and am just gonna post on the next page.
Noah heard the beep of the elevator from his seated position next to Jenny and he looked happily from her, to the elevator, to her, and the elevator once again seeing the people emerge. When he heard one of the men call Jenny's name his ears perked up and he stared "Hello!" he called to them long and drawn out with a big smile on his face and a warm waving hand. "Who are you guys? What are you doing here? My name is Noah, Noah Kent and this is Jenny, she's really pretty but you seem to already know her." At that, Noah stood up and brushed himself off and leaned in to whisper in Jenny's ear "Are these the bad guys? If I beat them up, will I be a hero? I think i can take them all on with my new powers, Do they have powers?" He pulled away from her ear and stood smiling happy as ever staring at these new guests.
"Eevee meet the attack head on!" Miranda said as Eevee dashed forward to meet the stream of water while the swift continued towards Horsea. The force blew Eevee backwards and she struggled to her feet but remained up ready for more "Wow, I'm pleasantly surprised Eevee, good job, How about a shadow ball now?" Miranda said to Eevee as it hopped its way into the fray again.
OOC: Im finally gonna post here, i was waiting for something...I dont remember what but i figured i should just post now to get things started. Away from all the action in the city, back at the military compound in a room full of computer monitors and other equipment; guns, swords, traps, and tricks a young girl with hazel colored hair, and eyes that reflected the light of the screens sat staring at the screens which seem to show a number of things from bio's full of important information for military officers and the legendary horsemen, to some of the awakened that have been encountered or captured and killed. There also seemed to be live camera feeds of the city streets. "Hmm, well these awakened are certainly getting better at hiding, these drones are top of the line, i should know i made them myself" a streak of pride could be detected in her voice with that. She got up from her place at the console and walked over to the table full of weapons picking up a large shield looking apparatis that she slipped on her arm as two large prongs came out of the front of it and surged with electricity "My favorite toy...." she said smiling widely before composing herself and heading outside. As the sunlight came into view she brought her hand up to cover her eyes "Whoa...when's the last time I saw daylight?" she asked noone in particular. She pulled open a tiny compartment on her device and pulled out a headset which she fixed onto her head and began to speak into "Um....testing? testing? This is Lilah Chase broadcasting a message to all military personnel, please respond with mission reports, that includes you horsemen too, no doubt you've run into something of interest. If anyone requires backup please let me know. Lilly out."
Miranda waved her finger at Angel "Nuh uh, you had your fun, it's his turn now, Eevee get ready, Use sand-attack and follow up with swift" Miranda knew that unless this Horsea couldn't take much more that she was finished, Eevee was a newborn and not content for a full battle by itself.
OOC: Hey, I'm so sorry i haven't posted i didn't have a subscription to this thread and it slipped my mind but im back now and i've subscribed so i wont get lost. Clark walked in from outside, presumably scouting the area for his database, missing for days, "You know..." he said plopping down on the ground "This place really isn't that bad.....It's definitely more comfortable than the tree's i've been sleeping for the past few days, Sorry i was gone i had some research to do, Who are these guys?" He gestured squinting at the 2 "More subjects?" he pulled out the holographic screen and got ready to type.
Miranda saw Bulbasaur pull Growlithe in front of the oncoming attack and quickly countered "You would make me attack my own pokemon? I appreciate you're strategy but it wont work! Eevee cancel that attack and use swift instead!" The shadow ball dissapated and a flurry of glittering shining stars shot out of her mouth instead when they reached Growlithe they split around him and reformed headed straight for Bulbasaur "You have to love the accuracy of this move, I just rendered your little plan useless!" She turned her attention to Horsea and Seth "Hmm, I'll take care of you in a second ok? Just let me deal with the girl first, deal?" she flashed a smile before waiting for the outcome of this attack. OOC: Also so sorry for not posting for days i was wondering why this was dead on our end of things cuz i thought i had posted and was waiting for a reply but i made a mistake, i'm back now. Haha sorry again.
Haha yea i literally was just reading through it a few minutes ago and realized the only reason it was so dead was because i was supposed to post....
A smile spread on Miranda's face "Eevee cancel the attacks and hit Bulbasaur with a Shadowball at point blank range!" at that all the clones dissipated and the Swift that had just started to form faded also as Eevee, in what was hopefully a blind spot of Bulbasaur's dashed forward a dark ball beginning to form at her mouth. Just a little closer........I can't win but i should be able to take out one of them......
Haha this battle is about to end we'll just see how Eevee gets dealt with.
Lol wow. Trying to kill my poor Growlithe are you? That thought would probably cross my mind though, so it's ok. You are thinking smart like a...
The vine's found their target ripping through 2 of the Eevee clones and grabbing onto Growlithe as the Bubblebeam from Horsea hit him dead on. All the commotion woke him up and suspended in midair he fainted "Growlithe! Damn, Eevee again Double Team and then Swift on Bulbasaur, One of mine and now one of yours Angel, it's a fair trade dont you think?" Miranda said figuring there was no way for Bulbasaur to defend itself since it still held onto Growlithe.
The powder reached Growlithe before he could let loose the fire putting him effectively to sleep, halting the attack. The smokescreen covered the ground hiding the sleeping Growlithe and everything else inside it. "Eevee cancel the Shadowball but still multiply, that oughta add to your confusion and buy Growlithe some time." Miranda shot over to them, "Maybe i can't see, but then neither can you now."
The Shadowball and Watergun collided in mid air causing a blowback that easily pushed Eevee into the ground and Horsea right out of the air. "Eevee how are you doing? Can you still fight?" Eevee picked itself up and shook it's body to get rid of the dirt Eeee Eevee said happily jumping back in the battle, "Ok then one more time, Use Double Team and then Shadowball on Horsea!" Meanwhile Growlithe was getting ever closer to Bulbasaur about to let loose a stream of fire that would knock Bulbsaur out, hopefully.
Lex paced the room as he listened to Deathstroke's words "Very good, they'll all be finished in time, the League will lose their newest little pet project, You sure they aren't aware of the current situation? If they show up....." he paused tensing up a little at the thought of his plan being spoiled "No, no, no matter, Deathstroke you are doing wonderfully, keep it up friend, we will destroy any links the League has to weaken thier resolve, and all they will do is sit up in their ivory tower, with no way to stop me. So blissfully unaware." Lex went silent on the line thinking, In just 20 minutes........., Lex moved back to his desk and hung up the phone, he pressed a button on the intercom to reach his secretary, "Mary please hold all further calls for the rest of the day unless it's and emergency, I'm going home early.....I don't......feel well" before waiting for an answer he cut the line and packed up his things heading for the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Superman looked at the timid girl following behind them, Really now? That was you? Air Girl huh? Well good work and Welcome to the League, you'll be lucky if you get the chance to meet Batman today, he's uh preoccupied" Superman said looking at the Green Lantern for approval on that statement, "Now what exactly is your ability?" I assume you're meta, like me? the starstruck look on her face and the fact that Superman was asking so mant questions probably threw her off "You just tell me if i'm asking too much and i'll stop" Superman laughed.
All at once the questions stopped, the child like quality he possessed, the laughing, the never ending smile, the innocence, were all replaced by a kind of sinister seriousness. "So, what does it all mean?" He spoke up in a much wiser sounding tone "I mean, I understand so much, I feel........different, But why?" Noah walked around the towers apex letting everything soak in. "I'm a hero now and I know what i've gotta do" The beast they flew in on was circling the tower and when it caught Noah's eye he had the strongest notion to snap his fingers and he did calling out Stop!. At that instant the massive beast was completely immobilized, an almost holographic image of a clock appearing above it's head, and began to fall towards the ground. Noah looked on and the former innocence and happiness he onced owned seemed to come rushing back to him. He laughed heartily outloud and spoke "Oh wow! This is gonna be fun, I wonder what else i can do!" With the snap of his fingers on his opposite hand he found himself speeding up exponentially and also if he willed it slowing down to a snails pace, or back to normal speed. With his old personality apparently restored he looked at Jenny who was watching him the whole time "Did you see that? Look what i can do now! I'm powerful!" He said sticking his tongue out and then giggling. He touched the tip of his tongue, feeling as if something was different about it but he shrugged it off and plopped down indian style right next to Jenny and stared up at her nonchalantly "So, should i just call you majesty like Cid? Or do you have an actual name? Also when do i start this hero business, I can't wait!"
The bubble stream was headed straight for Eevee "Growlithe block it!" Growlithe jumped in front of Eevee and took the full force of he attack sending it reeling. Growlithe stood up very weakly "Ok buddy you are almost done one more time now get in close with agility and use Flamethrower on Bulbasaur finish it off!" the orange puppy pokemon mustered up the strength it had left and rushed at Bulbasaur letting lose a flame from it's mouth. Thank you for protecting Eevee, Growlithe Miranda thought before calling out another attack "Eevee, get on that Horsea and hit it with a Shadow Ball!"