Seriously, there isn't a SOAD topic yet? Anyway, what's your opinion on SOAD? I'm in love with the music they make, basically. Toxicity is my all time favorite album from any band, ever. From chop suey to atwa to forest to psycho to whatever other songs are on there, it's just 14 tracks of pure freakin awesome.
watch this video.
Today i figured out that i am claustrophobic. I figured this out at the top of the Washington monument, inside a small room with around 40 people in it. Today was not a good day. Has anyone heard of this game? As far as i can tell, it's first person parkour. I think it looks pretty good, and i can't til it comes out so i can give it a try.
No one's posted a tool thread yet? Seriously? I find this a bit odd. Anyway, i think Tool is amazing. I think that i like every song i've ever heard by them. My favorites, however(that i can remember, keep that in mind) are Sober, Prison Sex, Schism, and Aenama( i can't do that odd ae thing on my computer, sorry.)
So i'm moving tomorrow and my mom said we'd be getting the internet back on the 6th. I'll be on for a while tonight and possibly tomorrow, i dunno though.
i was at a party yesterday and this kid had a bottle full of what looked a hell of a lot like pepsi, and since it was in a pepsi bottle, when he asked if i wanted some i thought "hmmm. I like pepsi. i'm thirsty, too. why not?" so i took like 2 big gulps but it was crown royal whiskey and it tasted awful.
Yay! My mom picked up some oranges at the store today. I haven't had them in forever, but they're my favorite fruit ever. what is your favorite fruit?
I heard this band on my local radio station a few weeks ago, and i'm pretty much in love with the music they make. Listen to Melancholyism first, it's win in song form.
Does anyone like this band? God, i love this band. They're my favorite band ever, i think. Yeah, favorite band ever. My favorite songs of theirs are: 70x7, Okay i believe you but my tommy gun don't, Guernica, Me vs Madonna vs Elvis, I will play my game beneath the spinlight, The Shower Scene...Okay, to tell the truth, i haven't heard a Brand New song that isn't my favorite. This video is all i could find about this guy, Derek Paravicini, the "Living Ipod" He's blind and disabled, but he can remember and play every song he's ever heard. In the video, he even changes up one of the songs, and it sounds pretty good. What do you guys think of this? I think it's great that he can do something amazing even though he's disabled. EDIT: Repliku found this on youtube, so i thought i'd include it. It's in five parts. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Thanks again, Repliku.
Does anyone here listen to Eisley? I think they're simply amazing. I don't think i've ever heard a song of theirs that i didn't like, but my favorites are Memories, Telescope Eyes, and Blackened Crown.
Ahhhhh i can't beat him. I'm level 80 and i'm using oblivion. Any tips?
Has anyone else played this game? I'm on my second playthrough and i think it's really quite good. One of the best RPG's i've played on the PS2. I just love the combat system.
I got this cd today and i think it's pretty sweet. Does anybody else own the cd, or like Say Anything?
Is anyone here a fan? My friend told me about them today and i think they're just great.
I really don't feel like looking through the old threads so i can bump up whatever thread was made about this game, but i got it like two weeks ago and it is amazing. One of the best games i've ever played.
This is one of the funniest youtube videos i have ever seen. POWERTHIRST:
Hey, my name's Nick, and i'm friends with OMGitsRIKU or however her username is spelled. I'm thirteen and i've beaten kh1 and 2 and i've gotten to the end of COM with both roxas and sora (used games ftw) but never beat the game because my friend borrowed and then lost it, and i haven't felt like buying another one.