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  1. Atlas

    I think i got the highest scores in our freshman class.
    Thread by: Atlas, Dec 17, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Atlas
    The definition of Trendwhore is to take a particular theme, idea, or meme, such as a saying, and to rape the the **** out of it through overuse and repeated failure.

    To be honest I feel a little guilty, not only for having brought the term trendwhore, itself, to KHV, but for having been the first to openly attempt to use this rabid form of trolling in order to create humor. Obviously the very act of trendwhoring has become whored. Which is sad and overall, a disappointment to society and the human race as a whole.

    I believe it is time now to cleanse the site of trendwhoring. We begin this by limiting the rights of trendwhores, they won't mind, they'll be far to busy screaming "epic fail" or something stupid that in reality, only noobs and trendwhores say. When they have become comfortable with their surroundings, we can round them all up and pool them into one place, a camp, if you will. Where they can live amongst themselves, rather then amongst us. While we're at it, we might as well give them manual labor to do, we can at least be productive about this, no?

    Of course with the introduction of manual labor, those who can't work will undoubtedly have to leave the camp. When the trendwhores first arrive, we can have a swift process of taking out those that are too young, too old, or too pregnant. They'll be put into their own safe little chambers to live in. There will be no need to ever see them again, they'll be the chambers. Nein, I think they'll want to stay. Wir können dann die Körper ins Feuer werfen.

    I think this will really be better for everyone, with these changes in place, the true race of KHV will be able to live in peace and harmony. Like, oh, say, for instance, those with blond hair and blue eyes. Oh werden sie es lieben. It'll be like a dream, the whole world wird an unserer Kraft zittern. Those that widersetzen Sie sich wird sein destroyed.

    Wir werden über die Welt, eine große Rasse, über das ganze Land, für immer und die ganze Ewigkeit herrschen. Wir werden das Ungeziefer, diejenigen ausrotten, die das edle deutsche Blut mit uns nicht teilen!



    Wir sind kein Fremder, um zu lieben
    Sie wissen die Regeln und ich auch
    Ein volles Engagement, woran ich denke
    Sie würden das von jedem anderen Kerl nicht bekommen

    Ich will Ihnen gerade erzählen, wie ich mich fühle
    Haben Sie lassen Sie verstehen

    Nie wird Sie aufgeben
    Nie wird Sie enttäuschen
    Nie wird umlaufen und Sie verlassen
    Nie wird Sie schreien lassen
    Nie wird auf Wiedersehen sagen
    Nie wird eine Lüge erzählen und Sie verletzen.

    Thank you.
    Thread by: Atlas, Dec 16, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Atlas
    That is all.
    Thread by: Atlas, Dec 16, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Atlas

    A man chooses

    A slave obeys.

    Jesus christ i love Bioshock but it sure has it's freaky moments.
    Thread by: Atlas, Dec 10, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Atlas


    I saw an infomercial for The Clapper and i thought wouldn't it be awesome to exchange all the lights in a concert hall for clapper ones so every time a song ended the lights would just go f-ing crazy.
    Thread by: Atlas, Dec 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Atlas

    My Heart

    It don't beat, it don't beat the way it used to.

    And my eyes don't recognize you no more.

    Anyone else a fan of The Killers?
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Atlas
    I just created a /b/ folder.
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 21, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Atlas


    My dad is giving me 300 dollars for christmas, and another 300 for my birthday, although that's in march so it doesn't really matter.

    Any ideas as to what i should do with it?
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 20, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Atlas
    So just downloaded it, i'm not sure if i like it or not. Customizing the avatar was cool, it looks as much like me as i could get it. Didn't really have time to mess around with it much cuz i got kicked off the Xbox, but it seems okay.

    What are your thoughts on it?
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 19, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Atlas
    Intelligent joke thread?

    Descartes is sitting in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would like another. He says "I think not" and promptly vanishes.
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 12, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Atlas
    I'm surprised, i really am.

    Anyway, on to Watchmen.

    I saw the trailer and it said something about how Watchmen was one of the greatest graphic novels ever, and i simply thought "Then i wonder why i haven't heard of it before?" But i saw it at the library a few weeks ago, and i picked it up, remembering that the trailer seemed pretty cool.

    They weren't kidding. Watchmen is one of the best things i have ever read. The characters are deep and intriguing, the art is wonderful, and the story just draws you in. I picked it up on a saturday and didn't put it down until i was done. My favorite character was Rorschach, he was just so... i dunno. Had that whole "je ne sais quoi" thing going on for me.
    Thread by: Atlas, Nov 8, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Literature
  12. Atlas
    Today i was riding my bike and ahead of me some lady was pulling out of her driveway which was okay because she was clear of the sidewalk but i get like maybe a foot away from her driveway and she pulls back in! So i have to hit the breaks but my front break works a lot better than my back and i go over the handlebars and when i get up she's laughing at me.
    Thread by: Atlas, Oct 9, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Atlas
    I think you'll understand.

    Thread by: Atlas, Sep 7, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Atlas


    What Would Neal Patrick Harris Do?
    Thread by: Atlas, Jul 17, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Atlas
    So i was thinking of doing stand up for the talent show a while back and i wrote some stuff but i never got around to performing, so i figured i'd post it just for lulz. It's not that good, but you might chuckle a bit. maybe.

    Please note a lot of this was written late at night, and probably isn't funny unless you haven't slept for 36+ hours.


    Stupid teenage boy.
    I am just another stupid teenage boy.

    Yeah i know a few of you are sitting there like "omg nick your one of the smartests kids i know"

    You'd be surprised at how wrong you are.

    Show me a wall, and i will walk into it.

    I do this all the time. Usually when i get out of bed i walk into the hallway and end up only getting half of me lined up with the doorway. Walking into the kitchen, even more dangerous. There are knives in that place. Knives are fun but dangerous. I can't count how many holes i have in my socks, right between the toes, from all the knives i've dropped. (or failed to catch) There are also hot things in the kitchen. Me and hot things have never been the best of buds, and know that i'm older the relationship is really going downhill, based on the fact that down is the same direction my intelligence seems to heading. The phrase i use most in the kitched happens to be, and this is a good one, listen up, "I wonder if it's hot yet," which is usually followed by me shoving my hand in the freezer and trying not to scream like a little girl, because, guess what? It's always hot. Always.

    I have ruined countless things being stupid.

    Most of the times it's not that i'm stupid, it's that i have no depth perception. The other day i tried to nonchalently lean against the wall and ended up pretty much tackling my wall because i thought it was A LOT farther away than it actually was. Kicking at balls that are six feet away, shooting the ball twenty feet past the basketball hoop, if it has to do with distance and is embarrasing, i bet i've done it.

    I've never broken a bone, which is amazing.

    "Hey dude. See that squirrell? Betcha i could tackle that sucker. Watch this"
    Says the stupid teenage boy, landing face first in a tree

    "Dude i could totally clear that bonfire"
    Says the stupid teenage boy, singeing all the hair off his legs for the next year.

    (This is my favorite)
    "Dude, you can run fast, right?"
    Seconds later, the sirens start.

    Terry Shivao Burger.
    So when i hear veggie burger, i don't think of it as an alternative to an actual burger, i usually think Terry Shivao Burger.

    Think about it. They have all those forms like Do not resuscitate and stuff, but what if they had one more no one knew about?

    The TIVB. Turn into veggie burger? Check yes or no.

    So guess what? If you've ever eaten one of those, your not a vegetarian, your a freaking cannibal.


    The Ninja
    Gather 'round children, it's time for a story!

    This is called The Ninja.
    It's about my sister megan.

    I was seven years old and playing out with my friends in their driveway. My older sister megan was there too, she was twelve at the time. Suddenly i couldn't see megan anymore, i had no idea where she had gone! I looked around and suddenly, she leaped out of a bush onto the ground and, yelling, "Hey nick, let's play ninja!" knocked out my two front teeth with her hand.

    So, a few days later, being the resourceful little kid that i was, i called to my sister, "Hey megan, let's play ninja!" and threw a ninja star into her eye.

    There's a moral to this story, children, would you like to know what it is?

    The moral is:


    Stand up material(maybe)
    My mom hates me because i'm growing, she tries to kill me on a daily basis, if only to save the hundreds she spends on food and new clothes for me every month. She's getting good, too. "Well, it looks like asprin, but it tastes like...CYANIDE! Ha, nice try, mother, maybe next time." My dad tried to kill me off when i was little. We were playing baseball in the backyard, i was about six. Being the pitcher, i threw the ball to my dad, and he hit it pretty far, but he also let go of the bat mid-swing. The thing didn't even turn around or anything, just flew straight as an arrow towards my forehead. Having the reflexes of a dead goldfish, i simply stood and watched as it came towards me, eventually hitting me right between the eyes, almost knocking me unconcious. My dad runs over and, being the unsensitive jerk he is, the first thing he said was "You could've ducked" God i hate my father.Baseball has never been my sport though. I was about eight or nine, and i was playing baseball with my friends in the backyard. So i got up to bat and after two strikes, (told you i wasn't very good) i hit it very high up and started running. I get to about second base and i look up and think "Hey, a baseball is coming towards me, maybe i should catch it." I should've let it drop. I caught the baseball and somehow got myself out. The next kid up was laughing too hard to bat properly. Ok, that's a lie. It didn't happen when i was eight, it happened last year. I'm actually not good at any sport. I actually came up with a maneuver, i call it "The Tatnall" It's when your playing basketball and you make what seems to be a really good shot and it does that thing were it spins around the rim for a while. Only in " The Tatnall", the basketball doesn't go in like you were hoping it would, it spins around a bit more, then it flies out of the hoop and hits you in the nose. This has actually happened to me before.

    The words i never want to hear come out of your mouth.
    "i would so bang that chick"

    No, you would date-rape her.

    There is a difference between yes, and a roofie in her drink.

    Big difference between

    "hey, wanna go to my place?"

    and her duct-taped to the bed of your truck, *******.

    And trust me, saran wrap doesn't cut it, she will have your baby.

    P.S. It will be the ugliest baby to ever walk the earth, and it is all your fault.

    Pool sex.

    Pool sex.

    Wouldn't that be weird?

    It would take forever, don't you think? Cuz like regularly moving in water is already kinda weird.

    Would having sex in a pool be the same as having sex on the moon? They train astronauts in water for so they get used to space gravity.

    Wouldn't it suck if you were like, scuba diving, and someone came along and just started screwing you? I would hate that. "HOT DAMN NOT AGAIN, WHERE'S MY FREAKING HARPOON GUN"

    So the real message here is.

    If you don't scuba dive with a harpoon gun, your screwed.

    Thread by: Atlas, Jul 7, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Atlas

    Rhyme says

    f******r (5:05:45 PM): I feel gay
    Thread by: Atlas, Jul 7, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Atlas


    the clown wins.
    Thread by: Atlas, Jul 7, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Atlas
    i just watched this movie, and i must say, it quickly became one of my favorites. It's about this kid named Hal Hefner, and he has a speaking problem, but this girl comes up to him on the school bus and tells him that he should join the debate team. It's a lot better than i make it out to sound, actually. I'm not very good at this synopsis thing.
    Thread by: Atlas, Jun 21, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Atlas
    i am so sick. In addition to my sunburn, i've got migraines and i think i'm going to throw up or simply die. i feel awful.
    Thread by: Atlas, Jun 14, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Atlas


    We're having the biggest thunderstorm we've had in like forever where i live right now, and it's pretty awesome. I'm like the only person in my family who likes thunderstorms, though. Everyone else is scared to death of them.
    Thread by: Atlas, Jun 9, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone