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It's Baby Got Back sung...differently. Just listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyJeC99QO8A
For once i don't mind living in Cleveland.
Get my mind off of [What i'm thinking about right now]
Clearly Modest Mouse is the best band ever.
Of everyone having opinions about the staff. Jesuschristfuck, where did you get it into your head that it mattered what you think? The staff is the staff, and they're gonna be the staff until the higher-ups decide otherwise. Get over it.
How hot Katy Perry is.
You smell like mud and dragons and used napkins and electricity and bad pizza and and i want you to go away.
And listen to the new White Rabbits album, "It's Frightening" because while frightening it's also some delicious music for your ears.
Not hey-seuss. Jee-zus. No joke.
So far it's just called Bears. Here's how i believe the universe started. In the beginning, there was nothing. And then, there was the Bee. The Bee simply did what he did best. He made the Honey. Honey, as we all know, attracts bears. AND THEN THE GREAT URSURUS CAME, AND HE ATE THE HONEY, AND IN THE MIGHTY BELCH THAT FOLLOWED, THE UNIVERSE WAS CREATED. A growl rippled from the divine throat of Ursurus, and there was light. And it was okay, i guess. Needed more honey. Another growl from the righteous vocal cords of the bear, and there was the Earth, which was also okay.
So i'll post this here. I'm unattractive, /khv/, and so i feel like shit most of the time. I used to be a cutter in eighth grade. Thinking about starting up again, because it worked. I don't care about your stories, or how you feel about this, or your sympathy, or whatever it is you feel the need to post. Just give me something else to do, something that isn't talking about it with the stupid fucking guidance counselors because we all know that's a waste of time. Something that works, that'll at least distract me from feeling like i wanna bash my head in til my brains leak out all over floor.
I usually eat mine rare, sometimes cooked even less than that. If it's just brown on the outside, with some pink surrounding the center, and then there's almost raw meat in the middle, it's perfect.
Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire But if i had to perish twice I think i know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice Everyone should know this poem. Everyone.
playing with a stick? Seriously, you never see kids playing with sticks anymore. Back in the day, we hardly had toys but sticks were abundant. You could do fucking anything with a stick. Sword fights, oarsmen on a great viking ship, another sword fight, another sword fight, another sword fight... the possibilities were endless.
with my first day of work. I'm awesome at it. Go me.
I'm back, bitches.
Hello .
Jesus christ where has this man's music been all my life.