Whazzup? I repped you today.
Invading your visitor messages Invading your visitor messages invading your visitor messages Invading your visitor messages Invading your visitor...
Aww! Cute avvy! Oh, I'm being rude, I'm Rinoa! Have fun when you're on!
I know, right? Me too!
Nice avvy. 10/10. Nice siggy! 11/10.
Nice avatar. Hilariousity.
Eragon=WINWINWIN!!! Eragon was HOT! Twilight=OHMIGODITWASSOFRIKKIN'AWESOMEICAN'TWAITTILLITCOMESOUTONBLU-RAY! Both movies and both book series(read 'em all!) were made of awesome!
I feel the same way! She's like an optimist! When Axel showed up and she was alkl like,"Who are you??!!" and that's the only time she was sad/scared/etc. I know, right? I just was to beat her with Sora's keyblade! Namine= awesome.
I feel really bad that you're leaving. I didn't know you very well, but I saw you a lot in DF's fanfics. I really dont know what to say... ;.;
I never did know you that well, but something majour must be bothering you. If you run, that'll only make it worse. But it's your choice. If you do leave for a while, just try to comeback soon.
Oh, well good! *wipes away tears* :D
I'm Rinoa! Your username reminds me of my best friend's REALLY fluffy cat. But I think it suits you. If you need help, I can help you. Almost...all the time. XD. Here, I'll make you a buddy right now!
Aww! *sobbing* G-G-G'bye! I-I'm gon-gonna be sad!!! Have fun.
Hey there! I'm Rinoa! I guess since you're from KHI, you know the rules. Just have fun and make tons of friends!
Oh my God, that was adorable! It was so romantic and sweet! A few misspelled words, but nonetheless! You are very talented and should be very proud of yourself!
I don't know you, but I really just hate to see members go. I'm really sorry all those things have happened to you. Good luck!
Oh, I'm not too big on photography, but my bff's mom is a photographer. I can ask her about some stuff, that can maybe help you!
Okay, so I read these books called the Divide, and I got to thinking, Man, no one has heard of these books! so I was wondering who's read them.
No doubt: Eclipse. I was amazed.
I hate her. She's uptight, and snobby to me. Sora+ Riku= 4-evah!