I have questioned this many times before. I think it could if someone did something strong enough. But do you mean shut down so that someone can reopen the internet, or just like completely die? If the internet ever shut off, I would not be able to survive.
I'm pretty sure my brother told me it was DeathSpank. But spdude runs it now or something? Idk, welcome! I'm Wulphie! and I hope you have a great time here!
Welcome to the best site on the internet! I'm Wulph, and anything you need just ask! Have fun on KHV, and I hope to see you around!
Aww! I loved it! This has got to be one of the best story's I've read yet. But I'm so sad it's almost over! Only 3 more(Is it 3?)??! Nyu!
Yellow thar! I'm Wulphie!, but if you want, you can call me Wulph. Welcome to KHV, where any kind of drama can break out! Make tons of friends(or don't), be serious in the Discussion forum, or take a break in the Spamzone, where you can pretty much do anything. HAVE FUN!!!
Bye bye, I'll miss you even though I barely knew you! Take care! Have a good time in the real word!
I have many a favourite. My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Dragonforce, We the Kings, From First to Last, The Hush Sound, and Fall Out Boy. I <3 MUSIC!
Bye, Rosey! We'll miss you! Get that dent out of your knee fast! xD But have fun in Paris, too!
I agree with every word of that. Uh, that's six words. Tetris(1) is(2) an(3) action(4) puzzle(5) game(6). Seriously, people. It's not mind control. And if you think it is, please explain it to me. OHMIGOD! I have so noticed that! There was this game released some time ago and it was called The Bible Game. I rented it, I played it, and my review? I GOT BORED. I brought it up because I remember it got and extremely high rating by all the Christian people. I am a Christian, but I don't get worked up over crap like this. I believe in ghosts and stuff, paranormal things are my thing, but this? Seriously? And tetris is beatable. I played the original tetris on this website one time some years back, and I stayed up all night on the computer just to beat it. I had the high score for a month and I beat it.
I'm so sorry. May he rest in peace. People can eventually get over things. Just give her some time and let her know you're there for her. Let her know you've lost someone important to you, too. Hug her back. XD
4 words: The Blair Witch Project. Scaryest of them all. It's about these 3 kids(I think like early college/late high school), 2 boys 1 girl, and they were doing some project for school and they chose The Blair Witch. They go out into the woods, their car right outside the woods, planning to stay the weekend there. One of the boys goes into the woods around midnight on the first night and kicks the map into the river. The girl starts cussing him out(she says the F word about 10 times), the other boy is holding the camera cussing him, too. It gets late. They can't find their way out of the woods. The boy that kicked the map in the river "mysteriously" dies. The girl finds part of his tongue and a few of his teeth, bloody, in a folded napkin. (There's a rumor that there's an old shack out in the woods where an old man lives and whenever kids come there, he kills one, making the other stand in a corner of a room so they don't have to watch. Then he kills them.) They get scared since it's dark in the woods at night with no one there. They start running, it starts raining. They find the old shack. They go in, getting out of the rain and I think the girl loses the other boy. She finds him at the very end, stadning in a corner. She drops the camera, the end. The worst part? TRUE STORY. At the end. when she dropped the camera, the movie was just over, no credits. No actors, producers, directors, NO CREDITS AT ALL. And at the very beginning of the movie it said,"This is a true story. 3 kids went into the woods one day and were never seen alive again. This is their video that was found a year later," or something along those lines.
My grandparents have smoked for over 40 years. They're fine. I see every detail about smoking wrong, but if you want to, I say it's your choice. My science teacher was talking about that one day and he said,"If anyone can give me just 1 good reason to smoke, as soon as school's over, I will go buy a pack of cigarette's and smoke them." No in my class or any other class did or could. My 2 best friends mom's smoke. They are also fine.
I think of it as an emotion. I feel it 50.5% of the time. Speaking of which, I'm bored right now. -.-
Half empty. I admit to being a pessimist. :(
Sikko. I guess my idea of flirting is smiling, teasing them a little, ALWAYS talking to him/her, being glued to their hip, etc.
Happy Any Holiday You Celebrate Day! I'm staying at my place for Christmas. My family is coming in. :D
Well, my brother does. His username is in my sig. But he never comes here anymore. And my parents have almost NO CLUE about how to use a computer so I'm untouchable.
I'm kinda the same. I'd cry if my dog got torn apart by another but like if some random dude jumped off a big building and his head cracked open and blood spewed out, yeah I'd laugh. On the other hand, if he was somewhat important to me, or I knew him, I'd feel sad. But I don't cry. I've never been much of a crier.
Very impressive! *clap clap clap* *looks around* Oh, I though Aryaa would be in it. Whatever. But still, good work. I loved it.
OMG, it's so cute! I love this story! Kinda sad, kinda interesting! Their middle names are Romeo and Juliet?! That's cute!