Hi thar, Adriana! I'm Wulphie! [MARQUEE]WeLcOmE tO kHv!!![/MARQUEE] I have a friend that goes to my school named Adriana. I hope you have lots of fun and make lots of friends!
ワンダ, don't spam. And bye, ;~; I'll miss you! I didn't know you very well, but still!
Hi, I'm Wulphie! I'll be your friend! And you change the font by going to Fonts. XD.
I really loved the cover and Chapter 1 is great. I can't wait to see what happens!
hey there! I'm Wulphie! Have a great time on KHV and I hope I'll see you alot!
Hi there! I can help you!
That's kind of sad and funny at the same time. Imagine how angry allll those people are that really needed the hospital when they called. They need to double check the books when they're printed.
It's a band called Mae my best friend just told me about. She said she doesn't like them much, but maybe I would, so she gave some links to their videos. Suspension- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9FVLLHrXNI Sometimes I Can't Make It Alone- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0QKZ-8_A0E&NR=1 Embers and Envelopes- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11JMp8yrY70 Summertime- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvgjxaMMP2E&feature=related I know the videos aren't that good, but just listen to the music.
Bye! Have fun with your homework! (If that's possible!) We'll miss you!
All of this stuff always seems to happen to me, too, but I don't feel unsafe. Teachers have to show your work to the board of education so they know your doing it.
O.o Wow. That was funny HILARIOUS! I was laughing so hard!
omg when I saw this thread I though you really set your friends on fire, but I like them! I'm telling my friends about them!
Okay, I'm sure you're not fat. One day I saw this girl walking in the hall in my middle school and she was very fat. I said to myself,"If I don't get healthier, I'm going to look like her." And I'm like a health food nut. Anything healthy, I'll eat. I've always been that way. But I started eating a lot more healthy foods and I lost 6 pounds. People that say diets don't work don't do them right. You have to stick with it.
aww, thnx!
I suck at snowboarding games. I always end up dying in the most random way.
I should sooo forward this to my friends! They would be on the floor laughing sooo loud!
That was flat out cruel! She was mean! The boy is ******ed; he can't help it!
OMG this is really good! Hope to see how it ends!
I think it is ethical because I'd want to know if I was standing next to someone who could hurt me. You never know what people are thinking, and haven't you ever wondered?
No what's that?