Hey truth can i ask can you make a code that swaps normal roxas clotes textures with org XII roxas clothes textures and pm it to me
Um dude its not your max convert i tried porting with delta.... not saying full name it for coders but try this out its cool Play as DW Mickey (Ported by Sephiroth&Cloud) 11CFAC7C 00000318 21CC396C 01000000 21CC39B4 001C0001 21CC39BC 09000000 103403C0 00000029 11CEFC8C 00000769 21CF0A34 58455F57 21CF0A38 5F303130 21CF0A3C 46544C55 21CF0A40 00004C5F 21CFC66C 005B009B please port
The play as dw riku doent work i was riku one keyblade and for some reason there was two donalds PLease port to pal this is going to be cool View Battle 11CFA400 0000???? (Replace ?'s with UCM digits for desired fighter #1) 11CFA3FE 0000???? (Replace ?'s with UCM digits for desired fighter #2) 21CC5930 58455F4E 21CC5934 00303238 11CFA3FC 000003BE 2037AE7C FFFFFFFF 20378D2C 00000000 2037AE48 00000000 2037A3D8 0016EA64
So are you going to port it
Thanks for code thank you please port to pal Limit Sora (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ 11CFA3FC 000006C1 01CD2E2F 00000001 21CFBDEC 000000BC 01CD2E76 00000009 10340b4c 0000023D 0033FEC9 000000FF 0033FECA 000000FF 0033FECB 000000FF 10340E62 00000052 201A01F8 00000000 201A0568 10000006 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 10340E60 00000000 10340E62 00000000 10340E64 00000000 10340E66 00000000 Anti-Roxas Form - Ultimate Darkness Sora 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0006 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 10340BC4 00000317 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401004C 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0023 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 200F7000 8C820004 200F7000 8C820004 200F7004 080682F8 200F7008 AC820000 201666F8 0C03DC00 0034038A 000000FF 0034038E 000000FF 20356F3C 40800000 200F7004 080682F8 200F7008 AC820000 Play as Dual-Wielding Riku 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 01CDCE94 00000023 11CDCE9C 00000002 00340A84 0000008A 10340CE4 00020100 21CFBDEC 003200A3 21CDCE4C 01000000 21CDCE94 00230001 21CDCE9C 09000000 1033FEC0 00000029 11CEF7B4 00000068 21CF06F4 58455F57 21CF06F8 5F303130 21CF06FC 425F5852 21CF0700 5F464C54 01CF0704 0000004C
Please port to pal Play as Dual-Wielding Mickey 11CFA3FC 00000318 21CC346C 01000000 21CC34B4 001C0001 21CC34BC 09000000 1033FEC0 00000029 11CEF78C 00000769 21CF0534 58455F57 21CF0538 5F303130 21CF053C 46544C55 21CF0540 00004C5F 21CFBDEC 005B009B
I did i am just desparete i posted last week for thes code to be ported and it is still noe eny way i will delete that post and post it at the kh2 pal tread sorry for breaking the rules and i did read them
oh well oh and a meant DW sora or Warrior sora Off topic: Can you port from KH II ntcs/u to PAL
oh ok what about can we make play as night sora in one hand dream sord and the ather dream shield
thanks for the tip do you think we could make a code what could make sora clothes black
oh man oh and i think i know why cloud doesnt work he has diferent msets there is 1150_e.mset and 1151.mset
ok all try well is you walk off a high place you are flying weird and is you try to jump you sty on the ground But please make a walk everywhere code
Um please make walk everywhere code
Yes i have one can you please right me the tutoril and PM it to me
Nope it not rong it still works test it and please make a code where you always walk and not run
Hey here is may play as code i made it works in TT first distrect Play as TT tidus(just walk) Play as TT tidus(just walk) 20E29B84 00E0E580 20e29b88 00e0e5a0 @ sepheroth&Cloud and here is your play as leon code model name xa_ex_1030 Works in first distrect Play as Leon 20E77DB4 00E0E8C0 20E77DB8 00E0E8E0 And here is my play as leon model name xa_ex_1031 Play as Leon 2 20E29B84 00E0E340 20E29B88 00E0E360 See the dif and is there a walk only code becuse most play as codes you can only walk not run=crash
Hey can we give normal roxas org XII roxas textures to make punk roxas
Cool in the pal tread we have play as dark riku with key blade and animations on destinry island
Um when using emuhaste must the master code be on too
hello new dude whant some cdes