Hey can i ask how did you get panties ander your name becuse i want myn to say Darkness
And Org roxas no hood how many bones And i found this code for FM+ can somone port it BBS Mickey *made by keytotruth* And a little Edited by "Aurangzeb56"(R2): (Goto the throne room of Land Of Dragons to activate) E011FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000318 2032E3B4 8189821B 2032E3B8 819F81A0 2032E3BC 81878187 2032E3C0 809E8196 2032E3C4 81958195 2032E3C8 80A380A3 2032E3CC 81978197 2032E3D0 81978197 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 21C6C900 0A090964 21C960F0 58455F57 21C960F4 5F303130 21C960F8 00003033 2032e364 FFFFFFFF 2032e36c 06080606 21c9f2bc 00020000 11CE0B6A 0000005B 21c9578c 04000001 21c957d4 001C0002 2083f204 00c6b2c0
oh man how mutch bones does Hooded roxas and DW roxas
Hey please go look at the KHII PAL code tread
Well when MX hearts whent into terra body Mx= 2 Parts Xemnas and Ansem so mabie MX will return
Its so awesome Sora Vs riku for the mark of mystery and master xehnort returns mabie even vanitis and ven,terra and aqua
Well yes is you can change its textures with KH1 sora to kinda get it every time i try to mod textures i ended up with bluecloths sora with red hair And is there anyway to play as roxas with OrgXII robe(no hood)
Hey Jaden must be realy board huh
Seph i watced the re coded secret end video and guess what happend( I am so exited now )
Well i am making play as limit but i need texture mod
well if you dont have final form use this All Drive Forms Unlocked E005FDFF 0035BA5C 20341328 FFFFFFFF 2034132C FFFFFFFF 20341330 FFFFFFFF 10341024 00000180 10341074 00000180 1034109C 00000180 save with code on
well you could have been final form valor model giant keyblades
Pleaseread the Pm i sent you
Man i need help does anyone know how to mod textures besides Aunzeb
cool thanks for code HELP:And please somone send me a PM on how to mod textures i already watched Aungzeb video its to blury have bad internet somone please help AND here is my new code i made Play as Black Thunder Sora 11CFAC7C 00000058 2037b300 C0100000 21CB9D74 5F303031 21CB9D78 464C5442 1035539C 0000005A 103553AC 0000005A
cool the dw riku code no t stanse and work TTown an d disney castle
man augzeb cant tell me how to mod textures because he is studing for exams
hey can you please port the code in my second post the watch battel
I will find a coder who can
When i run KHII on Zero GS its very bright is there a way to fix it