Hey now that your exams are done do you think you could PM me a turorial how to make play as bosses sincce my internet is slow i cant watch the video
hey please port the codes that i posted in the Pal KHII thread and the original codes are FM+
Hey did you get my PM
Does anyone have play as codes for this
Hi Colby whats up
Is enyone going to make some codes
hey can you texture mod
is enyone going to port these
Hi i sent a ney App form apllying for someting else tell me if you get it
Hey just whant to ask for what pozition are you hiring
hey did you get my app form
Hey please cheack the KHII pal code thraed
Nope i have notised
hey can i make a limit form by giving valor kh1 textures
This tread is dieing is there new codes
please port codes from Fm to PAL
Realy cool, but can you give me a code that riku has goofy arm i am making warior riku almost like you ^_^
how about these got from FM no texture mods DW Shadow Roxas: (Might work on PS2) 11CE0B68 00000323 21c9f630 58455f50 21c9f634 00303331 21c9f638 00000000 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 21C6C900 0A090964 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 2032e028 FFFFFFFF 2032e030 06080606 21cd5408 58455f57 21cd540c 5f303130 21cd5410 46544c55 21cd5414 00004C5f 21cd53e8 58455f57 21cd53ec 5f303130 21cd53f0 46544c55 21cd53f4 0000525F 01c9f62f 00000001 11CD4394 0000077A Play As DW Sora(KH1) 11CE0B68 000006C1 21caec2c 01000000 21cd51c8 58455f57 21cd51cc 00303130 01caec7f 0000000A 21c6c93c 05040000 21c6c940 00000000 21ce267c 006000BB 1032F024 00008052 11CD4394 0000077A ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies) Play As Warrior Sora(KH1) 11CE0B68 000006C1 21caec2c 01000000 21cd51c8 58455f57 21cd51cc 00303330 01caec7f 0000000A 21c6c93c 05040000 21c6c940 00000000 21ce267c 00BB0060 1032F024 00008052 11CD4394 00000949 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Shield Dummies) Sora With Two Organizations Weapons: 1032E020 00000029 01c9553f 0000000A 21cd51c8 45485f57 21cd51cc 00303030 21c6c93c 04040404 21c6c940 00000004 11CD4390 00000845 ------>Weapon Mod(Weapon Dummies or Xaldins Lances) 11CD4394 00000846 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies)
Wait can you give me a green rep bar i would appricate it ^_^
hey can i ask people gave me rep like(nice codes etc) but Phazen give me bad rep why does the bad not go away