How did you know
Yeah how did yuo know
hi dude how is it going remember me
Glad you do check your latest rep
Hi am back i missed this place do you still remember me ?
Hi Guys I have been away a long time anyway um i am starting hacking KH games again ok Wheel of time what new codes have you made for me to test (ps. Hi wheel of time aka. sep and cloud bet you did't think i will come back)
Oh darn i haven,t played KH1 in a while it does,nt whant to work and where did i pur my Armax disc Bro have you seen it wonder where is it
Hey is there something i can test i am back
Spam lets get back on subject any new codes i have been gone a wile
Ok i understand why because people exspect you to make lots of codes everyday and its annoying
Hey dude i know you dont do reqwests but please just this onces Valor form sora with KHI sora textures for a PAL limit form
what resialts where you looking for that he was riku or someting
This made glide faster 101243B4 00004000 Same for this one 101243F4 00000000 Nothing 101243B4 00003F00
Hey do you have any sonic game if you do tell me their names
Just one qestion Un-Dma or Dma
I really need some codes like play as super sonic outside final battel Please and maboe a charmod like shadow replasis sonic Here are the codes in RAW (M) 0e3c7df2 1853e59e fe80390e bcc75816 Have 999 rings de939f2e bca99b83 Have 99 lives de93981a bca99b83 Start With All Characters At Max Level de972986 e0af9b86 de965a3a e0af9b86 Pick Up 1 Ring For Full Team Blast de939b3a 680b9b83 Pick Up 1 Ring For 9999999 Points de93997a bca99b83 Freeze Timer de93a50e bca99b83 All Story Levels And CG Theater Open deaec62a bca99b83 deaec6ca bca99b83 deaec596 bca99b83
Dude Awesome code please PM me how to to it
Those arn't for a emulator %_%
Hey can i ask for a KHI pal 100% game save for emu please
Yes i will ask him ^_^