Search Results

  1. christo theron
    OK what is hooded roxas ucm digit i know there is no boss battel but a saw the cutsence do there must be a ucm digit
    Post by: christo theron, May 4, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. christo theron
    Now if somone can figure out how to make undama play as boses code
    Post by: christo theron, May 4, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. christo theron
  4. christo theron
  5. christo theron

    Ok This is my first play as boss code that works

    Credit to Me and Wheel of time for fixing some problems i had.
    But mostly me made the code just know that

    Play as Axel
    E005FDFF 0035BA5C
    11CFAC7E 00000051
    20911858 00E91910
    20911868 00ECB540
    2096D858 00F19930
    2037B300 00000000
    E028FEFF 0035BA5C
    20A21758 010FA900
    20A1B4B8 0111B0F0
    209DA2F8 011242D0
    209DA338 0112E5C0
    209DA378 0113A0A0
    209DA3B8 011440D0
    209DA3F8 0114E790
    209DA438 01157650
    209DA478 01160C50
    209DA4B8 01169060
    209DA4F8 01177060
    209DA538 0117F000
    20A81CB8 010FA900
    20BA3328 01277750
    209DC618 011F4190
    209DC658 011F4190
    209DC698 011F4190
    209DC8D8 011F4190
    209DC918 011F4190
    209DC958 011F4190
    209DCB98 01218160
    209DCD98 01277720
    209DCDD8 01277720
    209DD018 01277720
    209DD058 01277720
    209DD338 01269190
    209DD378 01277720
    209DAE58 0122A280
    209DAF18 012881B0
    209DAFD8 01293D00
    20C14018 0120F2B0
    20C1FB38 0120F2B0
    20C28488 0120F2B0
    20C2F868 010FA900
    209DD498 010FA900
    209E9628 0110A1F0
    209FBD18 0110A1F0
    20A16368 01112510
    20BF5948 01112510
    20BFFAB8 01112510

    Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room/Audience Chamber, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.Then fire up the animations with L2.
    Thread by: christo theron, May 3, 2011, 47 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  6. christo theron
    Profile Post

    hi dude whats up

    hi dude whats up
    Profile Post by christo theron for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, May 3, 2011
  7. christo theron
    Profile Post

    check inbox please

    check inbox please
    Profile Post by christo theron for Wheel of Time, May 3, 2011
  8. christo theron
    Profile Post

    hi look at your inbox

    hi look at your inbox
    Profile Post by christo theron for Wheel of Time, May 2, 2011
  9. christo theron
  10. christo theron
  11. christo theron
  12. christo theron
  13. christo theron

    My Fav game

    Ok my fav game has to be Sonic Colours\

    Why it is my fav is
    1.The Game is so well made
    2.You can turn super sonic any time
    3.There are things called whisps
    4.The wwisps give you powers like
    c.purple frenzie
    h.Black hole DS only
    i.Flame burst DS only

    and the funny cutseanes i mean

    This :

    Sonic:Sup tails do yuo have the translater working yet
    Tails:you bet.
    Whisp:Bla blo as ga
    Tails: he says a amde sock is makeing them make underwear or a bad man is taking there friends its hard to tell

    (Sonic and wisp Shake heads)
    Thread by: christo theron, Apr 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. christo theron
  15. christo theron

    Help Coders

    I was thinking why is there so littel members with the tittel coder

    I mean i am good at making KH1 and KH2 codes

    Do i have to do something to get title coder

    what do i have to do to become one

    Christo Ower and Out
    Thread by: christo theron, Apr 29, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  16. christo theron
    I was thinking there is so many codes here they mabie could add a code data base all you do is

    Search Game :..............(EX. Kingdom Hearts 2)

    Search Region:...............(EX. PAL)

    Search Code Name:.........(EX. Play as Riku )

    Then you would get a few results and you can just pic

    So tell me what you think please comment
    Thread by: christo theron, Apr 29, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. christo theron
    Like this one 0917 - Hayner (NPC)
    Post by: christo theron, Apr 29, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  18. christo theron
    OK thanks anyway it would be cool to play as kh 1 riku it is in the ucm list but once again it was only in a cutscene is there a way to play as np ucm
    Post by: christo theron, Apr 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  19. christo theron
    Hi i wish i had this game anyway my friend has it and he whants a play as blindfold riku code you know to one he is wearing a org robe oblivion and blandfold
    Post by: christo theron, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  20. christo theron