When is this game commun out anyway
Seen them well have you
Dude i found pics of new riku for KH DDD wanna see it
Dont wanna burst your bubble but i only made a perfect axel code the others take to long to make
OK thanks for info I have to get used to codeing again can bearly rember stuff
I can proboly make a boss code if you whant I just need a dump of battle and room BTW I am back i made the play as perfect axel just so you know
Nice, Have the coders made a texture hack code or not yet
BTW how many post do i have to have to change my name
Hi i bet your suprised to hear from me LOL
Hi kairi LOL i called you kairi Since you call me ven
I think if its like FF7 then i would watch it or mabie an animation but live action ? never but i think there armour would look cool in real life
OK when i go to graveyard the tornados keep suking me in and i cant get out i kepp dieing I am at Ventus LV22 HP 80 PP 100 Next level 360 Difficulty Normal
I think it would be cool if we could laike hack a keyblade into the game is there a code to modify textures ?
I have the game and it rocks my dad got it from his friend and then gave it to me my fav char as akatsuki sasuke or aka hawk sasuke
Hi do you think you can make a play as org roxas i mean how did they make play as pj roxas ?
Beats me i will ask whell of time if he can try
look in your inbox please
Ok i need a dump of sora vs saix boss i whant to make a play as perfect boss code