yeah the original voices defently thats a very good point but we all no the FF: sprits within was a peice of crap i think the FF. advent children was a success tho because everyone as familier with the characters. i would want a good kh movie but also them concerntrating on the next game when and if it ever comes out yeah the disney bit would be cencored but if they liked the game "violence" then i dont see a problem with incorperating that with a movie yeah i got to igmit that of corse i would rather a new game then a movie but i would also want a movie so if i didnt want to play the game but felt like some kh goodness then i could watch the movie :)
i think they should make a kingdom hearts movie sort of like the style they had with Final Fantasy Advent children. this could be like the adventure after kingdom hearts 3 like from the message in the bottle from the king onwards or just a whole new story with sora riku and kairi. i think it would be good. sned in ur thoughts
i loved the riviraly with sora and riku and then when all hope was nearly lost their friendship pulled through
not at all i love the idea that we can explore Disney worlds i loved the Disney movies as a kid and i also love kingdom hearts so it like Disney for older people however saying that sometimes i wish that the disney was a bit less because its a good story line and i am usally more intrested in the main story with sora, kairi and riku yes there would be no kingdom hearts with out it and the disney magic is awsome but we need more of the story or more disney but involving the main story more
riku is my fav cause riku used his dark powers but still helped his friends when they really needed him the most
if u payed enough attention u would have worked that out
of couse he was justified they were planning to take kingdom hearts and alos they kidnapped kairi good theory sora did forgive them bit it was really roxas forgiving them not sora
riku gave her the keyblade and she could use it because her heart was a strong as ever finally finding her 2 best friends her heart.
the reason for that was that he was asleep for nearly a year so he grew up in the pod
yeah but the note mickey left was find the key so that could have meant anything because as far as they were concerned the king only had a key blade
but she cant be from another world because the worlds wernt connected so how could she get to destiny islands
maybe because he was to busy fighting the darkness he didnt lose memorys or did but didnt notice
interesting theory but im gonna have to agree with the comment that he only stayed because him and riku were in it together
welcome hopfully u keep up the great site
since im in Australia we didn't get the re-chain of memories so all i have to go on is the game boy advanced version so i didnt really notice all of the differences that much
i don't no if this has been said yet but in kingdom hearts 2 Donald said Pete was causing trouble and king mickey banished him into another dimension i was just thinking that maybe we will see the king banish pete into the other dimention in this game.
thats a very good theory
i really liked number 1 its was very well done
cool vid number 1 :)
welcome remember to keep active