Welcome. Hope u have fun, stay active and check out the rules. Have any questions? PM us.
lol still a newbie :p Welcome. Hope u have fun, stay active and check out the rules. Have any questions? PM us.
Agreed. But at times they both piss me off. Vincent is cool with his gun, but Cloud is a whole new level.
lol not really, though in KH he had clown shoes, but in KH2 he brought more action, and i think his shoe size was reduced. But Sora is really stupid in the game, he couldn't put 2 n 2 together at times.
Lol ofcourse KH would have more of a story! Its the begging of a series. But yeah KH was truly an amazing game. My first game that i bought for Ps2.
Both of them. If it wasn't for Donald's magic skills i'd be dead at times. And if it wasn't for goofy's defense i'd be dead at times.
Its probably the king telling them about a problem that has occured. And the new enemy has something to do with it. Its kinda obvious imo lol. But i wonder what the other mickey seal said, the one in Com...
lol nice Desktop guys. Wow your all big fans of Square-Enix. Anyway Misty your welcome, and can u plz PM me the stock for your wallpaper, i wanna use it for a sig :)
yeah i think so too, but just how big is it? Is there a rough estimate? Or comparison?