Can't find it... I'm guessing the fastest way to find it is to post it here... I found one... its unsinc'ed... Its annoying to here Ryuks voice comming out of L...
The title speaks for itself. I'm not talking would you want to be the character in the story, but if you found the death note, would you use it?
Guess what I'm watching...
Ok... big time spoiler warning off the bat. I want to discuss on what is the perfect crime commited in the series. Many of the crimes are perfect, and could only be solved by the maricles that the protagonist pulls off in the series. I would like to ask, who did the best crime in the enire series? Who got the closest to getting away?
I found your theme song... I was listening to the Transformers soundtrack the other day, and this song came on... you came into mind.
Post a pic of an animated character next to a real person whom you think looks like them... President Taft vs. Marvin Grossberg
... Who's on first...
I got the game Rachet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction... Now I know how to fight an armada of aliens... With a disco ball... and a Beegee's album!
I just got me a PS3, any good tips on the "Can't miss" games?
First O R A N G E fell victim... then Cupcake is no more... OMG, she is starting to build up an army of brainwashed ZOMBIES!!! Only a virtual equivalent of Chuck Norris can stop her... Catch The Rain, save us!!!
But something evades my knowledge, and I think its time I asked... What does "The Cake is a Lie" refer too? I seen the VG comics of it, as well as it being reffered to several times in the forums... but I have no idea what it means... I don't even think its funny. Did I miss the memo?
:nono: I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. 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I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate. I will not highjack threads and turn them into the “Was Sora Justified?” debate.
Chicks with Whips honored... 5/16/08 Franziska von Karma 5/17/08 Isabella "Ivy" Vanentine Members so far... ICSP La Sofa Absol Timeless Kingdom Konoha Xendran *I'm not into what being a member of this fanclub may imply... I just like the female character who is usually portrayed with a whip.
Soul Calibur 4 is coming out July 29th... and even though I don't talk about it much... I am a huge fan of the game... I was thinking of taking the game up again, competitively. I was a semi pro player back in the days of Soul Calibur 3... If I do, I will probably play this game every day, for several hours a day. I would have to play it around my school schedual. Now... here is the dilema... if I pick the game up again... I will almost certainly abandon this site. What should I do?
Are you really as sweet as you seem on You are aweseome! I just thought you needed to hear it...
I never noticed it before... but you you place these two pictures side by side... BYEAH!!!!
I've been playing Ace Attorney, so I got that stuck in my brain... Maya: Hey Pheonix, the water pressure in the shower is too low. Pheonix: Maybe you should go to the fire station and have them spray you with a water hose. Maya: Wow! What a good idea! *Leaves* Pheonix: (Apperantly, E.S.P. can't help detect sarcasm.) What are your favorite lines from a video game!