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  1. Princess Celestia

    Omg! Absol!

    Look at Absol!

    She's transorming into one of us!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 23, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Princess Celestia
    What do you think?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 23, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Princess Celestia

    Finish Him!

    Finish him!

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 22, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Princess Celestia
    For all the lost souls killed by Kira...

    So... are you guys going to commandeer a ship and become ghost pirates or what?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 22, 2008, 237 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Princess Celestia
    I just confirmed it...

    There is a rumor going around the forums... I confirmed its true today...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 19, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Princess Celestia
    I'm going to attempt something really dangerous tommorow... if I don't come back... I've been killed...

    So I'll have Phoenix Wright read my will now...

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 19, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Princess Celestia
    Who will catch it?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 18, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Princess Celestia

    Below are the rules for The Death Note Game here. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round.

    The Shinigami
    Repliku is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time with accusing the Shinigami.

    * The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering tracks but also will not aid the detectives with their investigations either. Probably, the Shinigami will be a pain in the arse to both parties instead.

    * The Shinigami likes fruit. Particularly apples and peaches.

    Shinigami Eyes
    To make it clear what Shinigami Eyes is, an explanation is provided here.
    * If one full day goes by and no accusations are made, the Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of the Kira's choice. If 2 days pass, the Kira gets 2 kills the following day and[COLOR="teal*] if a third day passes by[/color], the Kira gets 3 kills with Shinigami Eyes.

    The Dead
    You can die in this game by 3 ways.
    1. The Kira figures out your first true name. This will be contained in the Death Note the Kira writes to the book aka PMs to the Shinigami.
    2. The detective accuses a suspect that turns out to not be the Kira.
    3. The Kira gains Shinigami Eyes.

    * Dead people in the game cannot give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or by IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post some because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!!

    Those who accuse someone of being the Kira may do so once as a freebie. This puts you in danger though of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out.

    * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. However, if you make a second accusation because the Kira hasn't killed you off, you must provide clear and concise evidence to back up why you are accusing the new person. If you get to for some reason accuse a 3rd time, etc, the same rule here applies.

    * An amendment to the rule above. If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult :) players will be required to present evidence when accusing someone the first time. If the member list is small for the round, it grants that detectives have to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira so the list isn't knocked out too soon.

    * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. The Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads.

    One Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role.

    * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here.

    * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead.

    * The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not.

    * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time.

    *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop.

    * Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note notebook otherwise. It is possible to get a Shinigami to hand them out but at a cost...


    * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami.
    1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira.
    2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread.
    3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game.

    The Current Record... Set by Pyro...
    サキ アマミヤ Dead by possibly someone knows the first name or a Shinigami eyes death.
    Graxe -Dead from accusing Shades
    gintasthebest Dead from either Shinigami eyes or the kira knows the first name. Something linked to amber. hmm.
    Heartless_Vice dead from a peanut. bummer.
    CarbuncleGem - accused Pyro and is dead.
    KittyKat88 doubtful since joining the game just now. Accused pirateking_luffy.
    clouddart100 - comes in and out so it leads to question. Accused TrueKeybladeMaster
    TrueKeybladeMaster - accused but found innocent.
    Shades -Already been accused and released. Also accused DemoN:||D@ys.
    Cocohints - Either ICSP kept Coco a secret or she's pretty much not the kira. I'm going to so far go with it that she's not. Cocohints accused Amber.
    pirateking_luffy proven innocent of accusation. Committed suicide of his own volition. Then somehow killed again by the kira.
    Rosey - Accused jojo13.
    Trogdor - Was accused and released. Accused Mr Despair.
    DemoN:||D@ys Accused by Shades and released. Accused Repliku.
    Amber - Accused by Cocohints. Released due to evidence. Accused OblivionRoxas but died prior to accusation.
    Love - was he even playing?
    Firekeyblade - another lurking person killed by the kira.
    Mr.Despair Accused by Trogdor and released.
    Mr Calamity Just joined in.
    OblivionRoxas - confirmed that he possibly could be in the game. Accused by TCO.
    jojo13 Rosey accused him. Released.
    Goimez was playing?
    Mr. Melancholy jumped out a window at 5:44 commiting suicide and plummeting to his death. Ironically, the window was on the first story floor.
    advent_of_apocalypse so yeah.

    These new rules should help make the game more challenging for both the detectives and the Kira. Make sure to read these before playing. If you post in the game when a round is currently on, unless you clearly specify you do not wish to join, your name will be added to the roster of detectives for that round. Any questions on the game, feel free to PM the current Shinigami.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 15, 2008, 3,383 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Princess Celestia




    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 10, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Princess Celestia
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 9, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Princess Celestia
    This thread is now under control of the Galactic Empire!

    Where are the trasmitions you intercepted.

    *Grabs nearest person and picks them up onehanded by the neck*
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 7, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Princess Celestia
    I can't get it to sinc up with my PS3!

    I usually plug in the USB and it sincs right up... only thing is... the GameStop Madcatz controller doesn't have a USB cable connection!


    I feel like a totall noob! I mash the home button and everything!

    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 7, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Princess Celestia
    The manga was written in 2003. This song was released in 2002. And there are a lot of Death Note based themes. Trains, heart attacks, and people being possesed to kill themselves. Its simply to blantantly the same.

    Please note, the video doesn't show gore, but it does have a little blood. And lots of death refferences. All animated though. If you watched death note, you won't find this violent at all.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 5, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Princess Celestia
    Never mind someone took up the offer... close please.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 27, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  15. Princess Celestia
    I've been stressed and overworked... I'm leaving for who knows how long. Hopefully a just few days... maybe a few weeks. Until they I'll miss you all.

    Things are better if I say...

    So long... and goodnight...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 25, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  16. Princess Celestia
    The Cupcake is a LIE!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 25, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Princess Celestia


    I heard this and thought of you...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 24, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Princess Celestia
    If you saw a cardboard box lyeing in a room that wasn't there 30 seconds ago, and there is a supposed stealth master infiltrating your base?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 19, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Princess Celestia
    *Ready's pokeballs*

    Prepare to get owned noob!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 16, 2008, 105 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Princess Celestia
    Mainly my respect for people... work has made me bitter... next thing you know...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 16, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone