The ******s rule here... Really... now... Trigger has supporting evidence... The verdict is in... The ******s, do in fact, rule
I was listening to Dramatica today... I played the song XIIIth anthology... I suddenly feel like walking around in black treanch coats with hoods, and trying to build Kingdom Hearts...
DN GAME GUIDELINE. ROUND 18 Prologue: L has been on the trail of the Kira. The only problem is that the Kira seems to change and even as they stop one maniacal despotic human with a god complex, the Death Note itself seems to always slip out of the grasp of the good detectives' hands and ends up with yet another person who evolves to become the new Kira. This, of course, means that the most brilliant minds in law enforcement must come together to stop this epidemic of murder. L has gathered these most competent people but sadly, the Kira is no fool either and somehow always manages to get into the ranks of the detectives. The Kira's mission is to take out the detectives that try to thwart his/her moves so he/she can go on a killing spree unhindered. The detectives' mission is clear: Catch the Kira before you are taken out from one of your very own members on the team and bring Kira to justice. Below are the rules for The Death Note Game. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round. This game was a creation by ICSP so he get credit for its design and being the founder. Pyro aka Light Yagami and Repliku take credit in mutating it further. These rules will be updated as will the Round number every time a new game starts so no one has to scroll through and search. Please don't make us have to add more rules. *whine*. The Shinigami The Shinigami is the one person in the game that will know what the detectives and the kira and accomplices are doing at any moment. Accusations as well as deaths are reported by the Shinigami to the thread. Frisky Kitty is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time with accusing the Shinigami unless you want a humorous ending. *The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering tracks but also will not aid the detectives with their investigations either. Probably, the Shinigami will be a pain in the arse to both parties instead. * The Shinigami likes fruit. Particularly apples PEACHES! APPLES!!! PEACHES!!!!!!! APPLES!!!! PEACHES!!!!!! APPLES!!!!PEACHES & KITTYS!!! Shinigami Eyes To make it clear what Shinigami Eyes is, an explanation is provided here. * If one full day goes by and no accusations are made, the Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of the Kira's choice. If 2 days pass, the Kira gets 2 kills the following day and if a third day passes by, the Kira gets 3 kills with Shinigami Eyes. These are cumulative so if no one suspects for two days in a row, the Kira gets 3 kills, etc. * It is -very- important that members who have Death Notes or pages inform the Shinigami as they get the items and also that the Kira communicates with the Shinigami when passing them out. This way I know who has a real DN and fake etc. Also, if you use a -page- of the DN you are given, to not be caught with it later if you are accused, you must declare getting rid of it after. * The Shinigami may have to inquire the real first names of players since part of the rules of the game is that the Kira may 'kill' using them. Please, if you would, respond to PMs when inquired as soon as you see them. If you do not and you are going to make an accusation, it will not be counted! Also, the Shinigami will post deaths in Pacific Standard time unless declared otherwise. * In some games, there may be more than one Shinigami. This also means there may be more than one Kira. Every Shinigami comes equipped with a Death Note of his/her own and also one that is given to the Kira. The Shinigamis may each know who the Kiras are (or not if they want sport against each other) but they will not inform the Kiras who the other is. The Kira always reports kills and convo only to his/her Shinigami; not the one or two others that may be present. The Dead You can 'die' in this game by through the three following methods. 1. The Kira figures out your first true name. This will be contained in the Death Note the Kira writes to the book aka PMs to the Shinigami. 2. The detective accuses a suspect that turns out to not be the Kira. 3. The Kira gains Shinigami Eyes. * Dead people in the game cannot give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or by IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post some because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!! Doing so will eliminate you from playing in the next Round. * The 'dead' may go ahead and post in another thread made called 'The Graveyard...' The link is . Please still in this thread do not discuss openly your suspicions on who the Kira is. Accusers/Detectives Anyone who is in the game and who is not the Kira is a detective. However, the Kira has infiltrated the detective group and you cops know it. Figuring out who the Kira is happens to be your mission as you try to keep yourselves alive. * Those who accuse someone of being the Kira may do so once as a freebie. This puts you in danger though of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out. * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. However, if you make a second accusation because the Kira hasn't killed you off, you must provide clear and concise evidence to back up why you are accusing the new person. If you get to for some reason accuse a 3rd time, etc, the same rule here applies. * An amendment to the rule above. If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult players will be required to present evidence when accusing someone the first time. If the member list is small for the round, it grants that detectives have to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira so the list isn't knocked out too soon. * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. The Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads. The Kira may also make accusations and is basically going to often try to play the role of detective. * Detectives are responsible for maintaining their lists of people that are alive, dead, accused, suspicious etc. There will be a post also here of some of that information, but do not depend on it as the Shinigami will only put on the list those who are members of the Round, those accused and those who have died. Also, it may not be updated as frequently as the detective lists. The Kira One (or two if the Shinagami is bored) Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role. If you happen to not know what the Kira is, it's the killer. * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here. * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead. Keep in mind that this game is PG-13. Also know that the Kira should write the time of death, a description on what he/she 'wants' the death to be, such as suicide, attacked by a bag lady, hit by a car, etc. Do not describe the actual entire death scene as though it is taking place but rather what you'd want to happen instead. The Shinigami will take care of the rest to ensure it stays PG-13. *The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not. * The Kira may hand out a page of the Death Note to be used by someone else. However, again, the Shinigami must know of the action. No more than 1 person at any time may have the Notebook. No more than one person may be given a page out of the Death Note. Giving out a page though means the Kira still possesses the Notebook. If you have a page or more of the DN and do not declare you get rid of it after or before using it, you will be discovered with it if you are accused of being the Kira. * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time. If more than one day passes, the Shinigami may write the Kira's name in his/her own Death Note and pass on the Kira's Death Note to someone new. *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop. * On Fake Death Notes. Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note. There are no magical properties to them. It is possible to get the Shinigami to pass out fake DNs but a clue may be given about the Kira for the favor. Only two fake Death Notes per Kira may be released in a game. * The Kira may NOT bring in people from outside of the game to use as Misa/Mikamis or accomplices. Only the people who post in the thread are considered to be playing and are therefore eligible for negotiations of this sort. This means that the Kira must choose within the group that is already there and not coerce someone to join to become the assistant or new Kira. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some nasty thing happening from the Shinigami. * A Kira or Misa cannot say that someone should be removed from the list due to inactivity if in fact the player is doing things actively in the background such as kills, whether seen by others or not. Anyone who is playing is active. * If a Kira/Misa is caught with a portion of the Death Note (a page or more), the person may be held in jail for 1 to 3 days for investigation. During the time held, the Kira/Misa cannot have contact with any associates to order kills etc. The Death Note can only be used by the other person(s) of their own wills. *The Kira or Misa/Mikami, to avoid being killed by the other on their 'team', or to avoid discovery by detectives etc may, if in possession of the Death Note or a page, write his/her own death scheduled for when he/she wants it. Doing this means that the player cannot be killed in any other way but by the time and way described in the Death Note, which could prolong their lives or end them sooner. *Just to clarify a misinterpreted rule. Kira can only select Mikami's out of either the detectives who have been playing from the begining, or someone who joined the game not knowing who Kira is. Kira can not encourage outside players to join if they wish to have a Mikami. Misa/Mikami The Misa/Mikami is a person entrusted by the Kira to be in his/her game. The Misa may be entrusted with the Death Note at times or given papers from the Notebook. Also he/she may be given orders to do some things for the Kira to impede detective investigations. Keep in mind the Misa/Mikami MUST be chosen by the Kira from members of the game round. * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami. 1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira. 2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread. 3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game. You must the Death Note and not just a page to do this. * If the Misa/Mikami has the Death Note, he/she may kill off the Kira, despite the former agreement of being loyal to the Kira if the Kira has a chance of ratting the Misa/Mikami out. A page of the Death Note will not work, if the Kira happens to have the Death Note, but if not, that page will work. It has to be the Death Note book. * The Misa/Mikami and the Kira should be posting in the thread now and then to show activity. The Kira and Misa also should not try to remove one another from the list by declaring inactivity of a player. This does not mean they cannot say that someone is less suspicious because of it. It means do not try to remove players from the actual list of players in the game for the round to include yourselves. GENERAL RULE: There are 'Titles' granted to players as they solve cases or are just exquisite Kiras. These Titles are really just given to players as token things and this is not a role-playing game where people actually play out the roles of the characters in Death Note. Please do not ask for titles as they are given on merit only and attitudes that are similar to characters in Death Note. Also: Only players involved in the game can interact within the game. No sideline detectives or Kira's... This is a big one... people who disobey this rule are subject to death via shinigami. Lastly: There may be mods or Admins playing in the game. Do NOT ask them to help you find out information that could only be obtained using mod/smod/admin powahs. They cannot and will not do this and it is considered cheating. _________________________ RANKS: Here will be a tally of most cases solved, best solo Kira, best Kira/Misa team up, most inventive Kira/Misa team up, Fastest case solved, etc. Stay tuned as I tabulate this up. Most cases solved: Repliku Second most cases solved: Pyro Fastest double case solved (Kira/Misa): Pyro Fastest case solved: Repliku Most kills by Kira: Pyro (21 kills by herself) Most kills by duo Kira/Misa: Light Yagami (Pyro) and L (Repliku) (30 kills) Best collaboration by duo Kira/Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice Best Mikami: Heartless_Vice Best Misa: Catch the Rain Best Shinigami: ICSP Kira Wins: Cin and Catch the Rain. Most kills done by CtR. 25 in total. Shades - 12 kills + his own suicide. Light Yagami and L - 30 kills total. Close Kira Wins Pyro - 21 deaths with no Misa. ICSP/Heartless_Vice - 16 deaths combined. Cases Solved Round 1: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Trogdor (2 kills) Case Solved by: Repliku Round 2: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Pyro (0 kills) 2nd Kira: Repliku (4 kills and then suicide xD) Case solved to discovering 1st Kira: Graxe Round 3: Shinigami - ICSP/Graxe Kira 1: Saki (1) Kira 2: Mirai (2) Case solved by: Pyro Round 4: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Heartless_Vice (3) Misa to Kira: Pyro (21) Case solved by: TheChosenOne and Repliku providing evidence. Round 5: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: Envy (Mr. Calamity/Ghetto) (8) Case solved by: TrueKeybladeMaster (Inspector Gadget) Round 6: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: ~Amber~ (1) Case solved by: What? Round 7: Shinigami - Heartless_Vice Kira: CarbuncleGem (0) Case solved by: Repliku Round 8: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Heartless_Vice (5) Case solved by: Haseo Round 9: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Final_Form (2) Case solved by: Heartless_Vice Round 10: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: TrueKeybladeMaster (0) Case solved by: Pyro (kind of a gimme here to get the game over) Round 11: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Darkrequiem0 (0) Case solved by: Pyro Round 12: Shinigami - Repliku Kira & Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice(16 (+1 HV's own demise)) Case solved by: Cocohints. Both were accused by her. Round 13: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Cin (3 distinctive kills + shared kills) Misa: Catch the Rain (7 distinctive kills + shared kills) 25 total kills. Case solved by: No one. Round 14: Shinigamis: ICSP and Repliku Kira 1: Shades - (13 and suicide). Misa - DMaster (2) - (Died by ICSP) Kira 2: DemoN:||D@ys (2) Case solved by: Kira 2 was discovered by Antiweapon. No one solved Shades' case. Shades won but committed suicide. Round 15: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Gwen (2) - Total of 9 deaths. Misa: Clouddart100 (7) Case solved by: 7th Key of the Kingdom accusing Clouddart100. Round 16: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Light Yagami (Pyro) (15) - Total 30 deaths. Misa: L (Repliku) (15) Case solved by: no one. Round 17: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Fearless (4) Misa: none Case solved by: Graxe Round 18: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: VideoGameNerd256 (7) Misa: none Case solved by: Repliku ______________________________ Shinigami's: Shinigami Ryuk The Dead: The Investigated: The Accusers: Accusers will still be listed below in the detective/suspect list. Those with gray are dead. Detectives/Suspects: __________________________________________________ _______ Round 18 TrueKeybladeMaster Fearless Darkrequiem0 Saintlikesgirls Fayt-Harkwind Chεrry ♫ jettie Kid Hero Xephos Graxe Absol VidioGameNerd246 Heartless_Vice Pyrɸ Pika_power Repliku Shades Round 19 Shades Pika Power Pyro Repliku TrueKeybladeMaster Fayt-Harkwind Darkrequiem0 Fearless Absol Original_Edward レッツ・シェイク Graxe Xephos
Pyrth says: We;; consfering I;sm druck as geck, tham I don'tw swhat the fuc I;m dpoing nw. xD Pyrth says: i womdering that tpp. xF Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: What did you say?!? Pyrth says: what> Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: We;; consfering I;sm druck as geck, tham I don'tw swhat the fuc I;m dpoing nw. xD Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: Seriously... what does that mean? Pyrth says: O-O Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: let me try to translate drunken shinigami... Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: Well, confessing I'm drunk as ****, that I don't know what the **** I'm doing now. Pyrth says: oh sjhit! fucl I said tyay?! xSS Pyrth says: xD8 Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: I so want to make a thread on that now! Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: can I! Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: ? Pyrth says: Iumm Pyrth says: sure>q Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: LOL! Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: Can I call it drunken Pyro? Pyrth says: yeah yoy you cma fcall tis driomkem puro Pyrth says: Pyro* Pyrth says: i wony' re ,enrm ber anyo pf yjs tompw,,pw Ryuk, the Shinigami formerly known as ICSP says: Now your just doing it on purpose! Pyrth says: xD
I threw skittles at Pyro and hit her! I WIN!
LusciousDyme7 says:Saying AIB next to a bunch of smilies crap ICSP says:hey... does this work ICSP says:*Pushes funny button* You have just sent a nudge. ICSP says:YES IT DOES! LusciousDyme7 says:OMG LusciousDyme7 says:WTF?!!! LusciousDyme7 says:O.o You have just sent a nudge. LusciousDyme7 says:How do you do that? ICSP says:Push the nudge button... ICSP says:its the one two right of the smilies! LusciousDyme7 just sent you a nudge. ICSP says:Yes... that one! LusciousDyme7 says:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 LusciousDyme7 says:lol ICSP says:I'm going to post a thread in the spamzone on it! LusciousDyme7 says:Go, go *does it again* LusciousDyme7 just sent you a nudge. LusciousDyme7 says:Man, that's good /conversation
She was gone for a few days. But today she came back home, I'm so happy. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon with her. She's seemed just so happy. I love her!
DN GAME GUIDELINE. ROUND 16 Prologue: L has been on the trail of the Kira. The only problem is that the Kira seems to change and even as they stop one maniacal despotic human with a god complex, the Death Note itself seems to always slip out of the grasp of the good detectives' hands and ends up with yet another person who evolves to become the new Kira. This, of course, means that the most brilliant minds in law enforcement must come together to stop this epidemic of murder. L has gathered these most competent people but sadly, the Kira is no fool either and somehow always manages to get into the ranks of the detectives. The Kira's mission is to take out the detectives that try to thwart his/her moves so he/she can go on a killing spree unhindered. The detectives' mission is clear: Catch the Kira before you are taken out from one of your very own members on the team and bring Kira to justice. :lol2: Below are the rules for The Death Note Game. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round. This game was a creation by ME so I get credit for its design and being the founder. Pyro aka Light Yagami and Repliku take credit in mutating it further. These rules will be updated as will the Round number every time a new game starts so no one has to scroll through and search. Please don't make us have to add more rules. *whine*. The Shinigami The Shinigami is the one person in the game that will know what the detectives and the kira and accomplices are doing at any moment. Accusations as well as deaths are reported by the Shinigami to the thread. ICSP is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time with accusing the Shinigami unless you want a humorous ending. :guiltygearXpc37: *The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering tracks but also will not aid the detectives with their investigations either. Probably, the Shinigami will be a pain in the arse to both parties instead. * The Shinigami likes fruit. Particularly apples PEACHES! APPLES!!! PEACHES!!!!!!! APPLES!!!! PEACHES!!!!!! APPLES!!!!PEACHES Shinigami Eyes To make it clear what Shinigami Eyes is, an explanation is provided here. * If one full day goes by and no accusations are made, the Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of the Kira's choice. If 2 days pass, the Kira gets 2 kills the following day and if a third day passes by, the Kira gets 3 kills with Shinigami Eyes. These are cumulative so if no one suspects for two days in a row, the Kira gets 3 kills, etc. * It is -very- important that members who have Death Notes or pages inform the Shinigami as they get the items and also that the Kira communicates with the Shinigami when passing them out. This way I know who has a real DN and fake etc. Also, if you use a -page- of the DN you are given, to not be caught with it later if you are accused, you must declare getting rid of it after. * The Shinigami may have to inquire the real first names of players since part of the rules of the game is that the Kira may 'kill' using them. Please, if you would, respond to PMs when inquired as soon as you see them. If you do not and you are going to make an accusation, it will not be counted! Also, the Shinigami will post deaths in Pacific Standard time unless declared otherwise. * In some games, there may be more than one Shinigami. This also means there may be more than one Kira. Every Shinigami comes equipped with a Death Note of his/her own and also one that is given to the Kira. The Shinigamis may each know who the Kiras are (or not if they want sport against each other) but they will not inform the Kiras who the other is. The Kira always reports kills and convo only to his/her Shinigami; not the one or two others that may be present. The Dead You can 'die' in this game by through the three following methods. 1. The Kira figures out your first true name. This will be contained in the Death Note the Kira writes to the book aka PMs to the Shinigami. 2. The detective accuses a suspect that turns out to not be the Kira. 3. The Kira gains Shinigami Eyes. * Dead people in the game cannot give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or by IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post some because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!! Doing so will eliminate you from playing in the next Round. * The 'dead' may go ahead and post in another thread made called 'The Graveyard...' The link is . Please still in this thread do not discuss openly your suspicions on who the Kira is. Accusers/Detectives Anyone who is in the game and who is not the Kira is a detective. However, the Kira has infiltrated the detective group and you cops know it. Figuring out who the Kira is happens to be your mission as you try to keep yourselves alive. :ninjacat: * Those who accuse someone of being the Kira may do so once as a freebie. This puts you in danger though of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out. * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. However, if you make a second accusation because the Kira hasn't killed you off, you must provide clear and concise evidence to back up why you are accusing the new person. If you get to for some reason accuse a 3rd time, etc, the same rule here applies. * An amendment to the rule above. If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult :) players will be required to present evidence when accusing someone the first time. If the member list is small for the round, it grants that detectives have to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira so the list isn't knocked out too soon. * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. The Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads. The Kira may also make accusations and is basically going to often try to play the role of detective. * Detectives are responsible for maintaining their lists of people that are alive, dead, accused, suspicious etc. There will be a post also here of some of that information, but do not depend on it as the Shinigami will only put on the list those who are members of the Round, those accused and those who have died. Also, it may not be updated as frequently as the detective lists. The Kira One (or two if the Shinagami is bored) Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role. If you happen to not know what the Kira is, it's the killer. :registro5B15D: * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here. * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead. Keep in mind that this game is PG-13. Also know that the Kira should write the time of death, a description on what he/she 'wants' the death to be, such as suicide, attacked by a bag lady, hit by a car, etc. Do not describe the actual entire death scene as though it is taking place but rather what you'd want to happen instead. The Shinigami will take care of the rest to ensure it stays PG-13. *The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not. * The Kira may hand out a page of the Death Note to be used by someone else. However, again, the Shinigami must know of the action. No more than 1 person at any time may have the Notebook. No more than one person may be given a page out of the Death Note. Giving out a page though means the Kira still possesses the Notebook. If you have a page or more of the DN and do not declare you get rid of it after or before using it, you will be discovered with it if you are accused of being the Kira. * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time. If more than one day passes, the Shinigami may write the Kira's name in his/her own Death Note and pass on the Kira's Death Note to someone new. *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop. * On Fake Death Notes. Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note. There are no magical properties to them. It is possible to get the Shinigami to pass out fake DNs but a clue may be given about the Kira for the favor. Only two fake Death Notes per Kira may be released in a game. * The Kira may NOT bring in people from outside of the game to use as Misa/Mikamis or accomplices. Only the people who post in the thread are considered to be playing and are therefore eligible for negotiations of this sort. This means that the Kira must choose within the group that is already there and not coerce someone to join to become the assistant or new Kira. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some nasty thing happening from the Shinigami. * A Kira or Misa cannot say that someone should be removed from the list due to inactivity if in fact the player is doing things actively in the background such as kills, whether seen by others or not. Anyone who is playing is active. * If a Kira/Misa is caught with a portion of the Death Note (a page or more), the person may be held in jail for 1 to 3 days for investigation. During the time held, the Kira/Misa cannot have contact with any associates to order kills etc. The Death Note can only be used by the other person(s) of their own wills. *The Kira or Misa/Mikami, to avoid being killed by the other on their 'team', or to avoid discovery by detectives etc may, if in possession of the Death Note or a page, write his/her own death scheduled for when he/she wants it. Doing this means that the player cannot be killed in any other way but by the time and way described in the Death Note, which could prolong their lives or end them sooner. *Just to clarify a misinterpreted rule. Kira can only select Mikami's out of either the detectives who have been playing from the begining, or someone who joined the game not knowing who Kira is. Kira can not encourage outside players to join if they wish to have a Mikami. Misa/Mikami The Misa/Mikami is a person entrusted by the Kira to be in his/her game. The Misa may be entrusted with the Death Note at times or given papers from the Notebook. Also he/she may be given orders to do some things for the Kira to impede detective investigations. Keep in mind the Misa/Mikami MUST be chosen by the Kira from members of the game round. :poke: * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami. 1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira. 2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread. 3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game. You must the Death Note and not just a page to do this. * If the Misa/Mikami has the Death Note, he/she may kill off the Kira, despite the former agreement of being loyal to the Kira if the Kira has a chance of ratting the Misa/Mikami out. A page of the Death Note will not work, if the Kira happens to have the Death Note, but if not, that page will work. It has to be the Death Note book. * The Misa/Mikami and the Kira should be posting in the thread now and then to show activity. The Kira and Misa also should not try to remove one another from the list by declaring inactivity of a player. This does not mean they cannot say that someone is less suspicious because of it. It means do not try to remove players from the actual list of players in the game for the round to include yourselves. GENERAL RULE: There are 'Titles' granted to players as they solve cases or are just exquisite Kiras. These Titles are really just given to players as token things and this is not a role-playing game where people actually play out the roles of the characters in Death Note. Please do not ask for titles as they are given on merit only and attitudes that are similar to characters in Death Note. Also: Only players involved in the game can interact within the game. No sideline detectives or Kira's... This is a big one... people who disobey this rule are subject to death via shinigami. Lastly: There may be mods or Admins playing in the game. Do NOT ask them to help you find out information that could only be obtained using mod/smod/admin powahs. They cannot and will not do this and it is considered cheating. _________________________ RANKS: Here will be a tally of most cases solved, best solo Kira, best Kira/Misa team up, most inventive Kira/Misa team up, Fastest case solved, etc. Stay tuned as I tabulate this up. Most cases solved: Repliku and Pyro Fastest double case solved (Kira/Misa): Pyro Fastest case solved: Repliku Most kills by Kira: Pyro (21 kills by herself) Most kills by duo Kira/Misa: Light Yagami (Pyro) and L (Repliku) (30 kills) Best collaboration by duo Kira/Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice Best Mikami: Heartless_Vice Best Misa: Catch the Rain Best Shinigami: ICSP Kira Wins: Cin and Catch the Rain. Most kills done by CtR. 25 in total. Shades - 12 kills + his own suicide. Light Yagami and L - 30 kills total. Close Kira Wins Pyro - 21 deaths with no Misa. ICSP/Heartless_Vice - 16 deaths combined. Cases Solved Round 1: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Trogdor (2 kills) Case Solved by: Repliku Round 2: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Pyro (0 kills) 2nd Kira: Repliku (4 kills and then suicide xD) Case solved to discovering 1st Kira: Graxe Round 3: Shinigami - ICSP/Graxe Kira 1: Saki (1) Kira 2: Mirai (2) Case solved by: Pyro Round 4: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Heartless_Vice (3) Misa to Kira: Pyro (21) Case solved by: TheChosenOne and Repliku providing evidence. Round 5: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: Envy (Mr. Calamity/Ghetto) (8) Case solved by: TrueKeybladeMaster (Inspector Gadget) Round 6: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: ~Amber~ (1) Case solved by: What? Round 7: Shinigami - Heartless_Vice Kira: CarbuncleGem (0) Case solved by: Repliku Round 8: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Heartless_Vice (5) Case solved by: Haseo Round 9: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Final_Form (2) Case solved by: Heartless_Vice Round 10: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: TrueKeybladeMaster (0) Case solved by: Pyro (kind of a gimme here to get the game over) Round 11: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Darkrequiem0 (0) Case solved by: Pyro Round 12: Shinigami - Repliku Kira & Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice(16 (+1 HV's own demise)) Case solved by: Cocohints. Both were accused by her. Round 13: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Cin (3 distinctive kills + shared kills) Misa: Catch the Rain (7 distinctive kills + shared kills) 25 total kills. Case solved by: No one. Round 14: Shinigamis: ICSP and Repliku Kira 1: Shades - (13 and suicide). Misa - DMaster (2) - (Died by ICSP) Kira 2: DemoN:||D@ys (2) Case solved by: Kira 2 was discovered by Antiweapon. No one solved Shades' case. Shades won but committed suicide. Round 15: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Gwen (2) - Total of 9 deaths. Misa: Clouddart100 (7) Case solved by: 7th Key of the Kingdom accusing Clouddart100. Round 16: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Light Yagami (Pyro) (15) - Total 30 deaths. Misa: L (Repliku) (15) Case solved by: no one. Round 17: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Fearless (4) Misa: none Case solved by: Graxe ______________________________ Shinigami's: Shinigami Ryuk The Dead: The Investigated: The Accusers: Accusers will still be listed below in the detective/suspect list. Those with gray are dead. Detectives/Suspects: _________________________________________________________ Round 17 Darkrequiem0 Fayt-Harkwind L Light Yagami Absol 7th Key of the Kingdom jettie Unsaintly_Saint Fearless Finalform keybladeofdarkness4 Kid Hero Graxe Xephos TrueKeybladeMaster Xaale
DN GAME GUIDELINE. ROUND 15 Prologue: L has been on the trail of the Kira. The only problem is that the Kira seems to change and even as they stop one maniacal despotic human with a god complex, the Death Note itself seems to always slip out of the grasp of the good detectives' hands and ends up with yet another person who evolves to become the new Kira. This, of course, means that the most brilliant minds in law enforcement must come together to stop this epidemic of murder. L has gathered these most competent people but sadly, the Kira is no fool either and somehow always manages to get into the ranks of the detectives. The Kira's mission is to take out the detectives that try to thwart his/her moves so he/she can go on a killing spree unhindered. The detectives' mission is clear: Catch the Kira before you are taken out from one of your very own members on the team and bring Kira to justice. :lol2: Below are the rules for The Death Note Game. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round. This game was a creation by ME so I get credit for its design and being the founder. Pyro aka Light Yagami and Repliku take credit in mutating it further. These rules will be updated as will the Round number every time a new game starts so no one has to scroll through and search. Please don't make us have to add more rules. *whine*. The Shinigami The Shinigami is the one person in the game that will know what the detectives and the kira and accomplices are doing at any moment. Accusations as well as deaths are reported by the Shinigami to the thread. ICSP is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time with accusing the Shinigami unless you want a humorous ending. :guiltygearXpc37: *The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering tracks but also will not aid the detectives with their investigations either. Probably, the Shinigami will be a pain in the arse to both parties instead. * The Shinigami likes fruit. Particularly apples PEACHES! APPLES!!! PEACHES!!!!!!! APPLES!!!! PEACHES!!!!!! APPLES!!!! PEACHES Shinigami Eyes To make it clear what Shinigami Eyes is, an explanation is provided here. * If one full day goes by and no accusations are made, the Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of the Kira's choice. If 2 days pass, the Kira gets 2 kills the following day and if a third day passes by, the Kira gets 3 kills with Shinigami Eyes. * It is -very- important that members who have Death Notes or pages inform the Shinigami as they get the items and also that the Kira communicates with the Shinigami when passing them out. This way I know who has a real DN and fake etc. Also, if you use a -page- of the DN you are given, to not be caught with it later if you are accused, you must declare getting rid of it after. * The Shinigami may have to inquire the real first names of players since part of the rules of the game is that the Kira may 'kill' using them. Please, if you would, respond to PMs when inquired as soon as you see them. If you do not and you are going to make an accusation, it will not be counted! Also, the Shinigami will post deaths in Pacific Standard time unless declared otherwise. * In some games, there may be more than one Shinigami. This also means there may be more than one Kira. Every Shinigami comes equipped with a Death Note of his/her own and also one that is given to the Kira. The Shinigamis may each know who the Kiras are (or not if they want sport against each other) but they will not inform the Kiras who the other is. The Kira always reports kills and convo only to his/her Shinigami; not the one or two others that may be present. The Dead You can 'die' in this game by through the three following methods. 1. The Kira figures out your first true name. This will be contained in the Death Note the Kira writes to the book aka PMs to the Shinigami. 2. The detective accuses a suspect that turns out to not be the Kira. 3. The Kira gains Shinigami Eyes. * Dead people in the game cannot give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or by IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post some because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!! Doing so will eliminate you from playing in the next Round. * The 'dead' may go ahead and post in another thread made called 'The Graveyard...' The link is . Please still in this thread do not discuss openly your suspicions on who the Kira is. Accusers/Detectives Anyone who is in the game and who is not the Kira is a detective. However, the Kira has infiltrated the detective group and you cops know it. Figuring out who the Kira is happens to be your mission as you try to keep yourselves alive. :ninjacat: * Those who accuse someone of being the Kira may do so once as a freebie. This puts you in danger though of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out. * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. However, if you make a second accusation because the Kira hasn't killed you off, you must provide clear and concise evidence to back up why you are accusing the new person. If you get to for some reason accuse a 3rd time, etc, the same rule here applies. * An amendment to the rule above. If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult :) players will be required to present evidence when accusing someone the first time. If the member list is small for the round, it grants that detectives have to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira so the list isn't knocked out too soon. * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. The Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads. The Kira may also make accusations and is basically going to often try to play the role of detective. * Detectives are responsible for maintaining their lists of people that are alive, dead, accused, suspicious etc. There will be a post also here of some of that information, but do not depend on it as the Shinigami will only put on the list those who are members of the Round, those accused and those who have died. Also, it may not be updated as frequently as the detective lists. The Kira One (or two if the Shinagami is bored) Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role. If you happen to not know what the Kira is, it's the killer. :registro5B15D: * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here. * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead. Keep in mind that this game is PG-13. Also know that the Kira should write the time of death, a description on what he/she 'wants' the death to be, such as suicide, attacked by a bag lady, hit by a car, etc. Do not describe the actual entire death scene as though it is taking place but rather what you'd want to happen instead. The Shinigami will take care of the rest to ensure it stays PG-13. *The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not. * The Kira may hand out a page of the Death Note to be used by someone else. However, again, the Shinigami must know of the action. No more than 1 person at any time may have the Notebook. No more than one person may be given a page out of the Death Note. Giving out a page though means the Kira still possesses the Notebook. If you have a page or more of the DN and do not declare you get rid of it after or before using it, you will be discovered with it if you are accused of being the Kira. * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time. If more than one day passes, the Shinigami may write the Kira's name in his/her own Death Note and pass on the Kira's Death Note to someone new. *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop. * On Fake Death Notes. Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note. There are no magical properties to them. It is possible to get the Shinigami to pass out fake DNs but a clue may be given about the Kira for the favor. Only two fake Death Notes per Kira may be released in a game. * The Kira may NOT bring in people from outside of the game to use as Misa/Mikamis or accomplices. Only the people who post in the thread are considered to be playing and are therefore eligible for negotiations of this sort. This means that the Kira must choose within the group that is already there and not coerce someone to join to become the assistant or new Kira. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some nasty thing happening from the Shinigami. * A Kira or Misa cannot say that someone should be removed from the list due to inactivity if in fact the player is doing things actively in the background such as kills, whether seen by others or not. Anyone who is playing is active. * If a Kira/Misa is caught with a portion of the Death Note (a page or more), the person may be held in jail for 1 to 3 days for investigation. During the time held, the Kira/Misa cannot have contact with any associates to order kills etc. The Death Note can only be used by the other person(s) of their own wills. *The Kira or Misa/Mikami, to avoid being killed by the other on their 'team', or to avoid discovery by detectives etc may, if in possession of the Death Note or a page, write his/her own death scheduled for when he/she wants it. Doing this means that the player cannot be killed in any other way but by the time and way described in the Death Note, which could prolong their lives or end them sooner. *Just to clarify a misinterpreted rule. Kira can only select Mikami's out of either the detectives who have been playing from the begining, or someone who joined the game not knowing who Kira is. Kira can not encourage outside players to join if they wish to have a Mikami. Misa/Mikami The Misa/Mikami is a person entrusted by the Kira to be in his/her game. The Misa may be entrusted with the Death Note at times or given papers from the Notebook. Also he/she may be given orders to do some things for the Kira to impede detective investigations. Keep in mind the Misa/Mikami MUST be chosen by the Kira from members of the game round. :poke: * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami. 1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira. 2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread. 3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game. You must the Death Note and not just a page to do this. * If the Misa/Mikami has the Death Note, he/she may kill off the Kira, despite the former agreement of being loyal to the Kira if the Kira has a chance of ratting the Misa/Mikami out. A page of the Death Note will not work, if the Kira happens to have the Death Note, but if not, that page will work. It has to be the Death Note book. * The Misa/Mikami and the Kira should be posting in the thread now and then to show activity. The Kira and Misa also should not try to remove one another from the list by declaring inactivity of a player. This does not mean they cannot say that someone is less suspicious because of it. It means do not try to remove players from the actual list of players in the game for the round to include yourselves. GENERAL RULE: There are 'Titles' granted to players as they solve cases or are just exquisite Kiras. These Titles are really just given to players as token things and this is not a role-playing game where people actually play out the roles of the characters in Death Note. Please do not ask for titles as they are given on merit only and attitudes that are similar to characters in Death Note. Also: Only players involved in the game can interact within the game. No sideline detectives or Kira's... This is a big one... people who disobey this rule are subject to death via shinigami. Lastly: There may be mods or Admins playing in the game. Do NOT ask them to help you find out information that could only be obtained using mod/smod/admin powahs. They cannot and will not do this and it is considered cheating. _________________________ RANKS: Here will be a tally of most cases solved, best solo Kira, best Kira/Misa team up, most inventive Kira/Misa team up, Fastest case solved, etc. Stay tuned as I tabulate this up. Most cases solved: Repliku and Pyro Fastest double case solved (Kira/Misa): Pyro Fastest case solved: Repliku Most kills by Kira: Pyro (21 kills by herself) Most kills by duo Kira/Misa: Cin/Catch the Rain (25) Best collaboration by duo Kira/Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice Best Mikami: Heartless_Vice Best Misa: Catch the Rain Best Shinigami: ICSP Kira Wins: Cin and Catch the Rain. Most kills done by CtR. 25 in total. Shades - 12 kills + his own suicide. Close Kira Wins Pyro - 21 deaths with no Misa. ICSP/Heartless_Vice - 16 deaths combined. Cases Solved Round 1: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Trogdor (2 kills) Case Solved by: Repliku Round 2: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Pyro (0 kills) 2nd Kira: Repliku (4 kills and then suicide xD) Case solved to discovering 1st Kira: Graxe Round 3: Shinigami - ICSP/Graxe Kira 1: Saki (1) Kira 2: Mirai (2) Case solved by: Pyro Round 4: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Heartless_Vice (3) Misa to Kira: Pyro (21) Case solved by: TheChosenOne and Repliku providing evidence. Round 5: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: Envy (Mr. Calamity/Ghetto) (8) Case solved by: TrueKeybladeMaster (Inspector Gadget) Round 6: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: ~Amber~ (1) Case solved by: What? Round 7: Shinigami - Heartless_Vice Kira: CarbuncleGem (0) Case solved by: Repliku Round 8: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Heartless_Vice (5) Case solved by: Haseo Round 9: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Final_Form (2) Case solved by: Heartless_Vice Round 10: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: TrueKeybladeMaster (0) Case solved by: Pyro (kind of a gimme here to get the game over) Round 11: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Darkrequiem0 (0) Case solved by: Pyro Round 12: Shinigami - Repliku Kira & Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice(16 (+1 HV's own demise)) Case solved by: Cocohints. Both were accused by her. Round 13: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Cin (3 distinctive kills + shared kills) Misa: Catch the Rain (7 distinctive kills + shared kills) 25 total kills. Case solved by: No one. Round 14: Shinigamis: ICSP and Repliku Kira 1: Shades - (13 and suicide). Misa - DMaster (2) - (Died by ICSP) Kira 2: DemoN:||D@ys (2) Case solved by: Kira 2 was discovered by Antiweapon. No one solved Shades' case. Shades won but committed suicide. Round 15: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Gwen (2) - Total of 9 deaths. Misa: Clouddart100 (7) Case solved by: 7th Key of the Kingdom accusing Clouddart100. ______________________________ Shinigami's: Shinigami Ryuk The Dead: FinalForm false accusation. Antiweapon - false accusation. keybladeofdarkness4 - false accusation. Xegreny - false accusation. Pika_Power - false accusation. Xaale - false accusation The Investigated: 1st Antiweapon is accused by keybladeofdarkness4. 2nd Darkrequiem0 accused by Finalform. 3rd L accused by Pika_Power. Innocent and making up for sugar loss. 4th Heartless_Vice accused by Finalform. 5th Light Yagami accused by Pika_Power. 6th Graxe accused by Pika_Power. 7th Pika_Power accused by Xegreny. 8th Gwen by Antiweapon. 9th keybladeofdarkness4 is accused by Xaale 10th hot cocoa is accused by keybladeofdarkness4 The Accusers: Accusers will still be listed below in the detective/suspect list. Those with gray are dead. 1st keybladeofdarkness4 accuses Antiweapon 2nd Finalform accuses Darkrequiem0. 3rd Pika_Power accuses L. woe is me. 4th Finalform accuses Heartless_Vice. 5th Pika_Power accuses Light Yagami. 6th Pika_Power accuses Graxe. 7th Xegreny accuses Pika_Power. 8th Antiweapon accuses Gwen. 9th Xaale accuses keybladeofdarkness4. 10th keybladeofdarkness4 accuses hot cocoa. Detectives/Suspects: L Light Yagami keybladeofdarkness4 Gwen Heartless_Vice cocohints/hot cocoa Dmaster Darkrequiem0 Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX レッツ・シェイク finalform Steal the Hail Unsaintly_Saint Xaale Kid Hero Graxe cloudart100 AnTi::Her0~> jettie Fayt-Harkwind Fearless Antiweapon TrueKeybladeMaster Shades Catch the Rain Pika_Power Absol VideoGameNerd246 ________________ Round 16 List Shinigami - Shinigami Ryuk Detectives/Suspects Clouddart100 keybladeofdarkness4 Fearless finalform L Heartless_Vice TrueKeybladeMaster Light Yagami jettie Fayt-Harkwind Darkrequiem0 7th Key of the Kingdom Gwen Darkrequiem0 Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Fearless Graxe Unsaintly Saint Kid Hero Xephos VideoGameNerd246 レッツ・シェイク Steal the Hail Xegreny (?)
I love this pic... isn't Franny so adorable! Can someone shrink this down to a legitamate size for a siggy? Its size is ok... but the data it takes up is WAY too big...
DN GAME GUIDELINE. ROUND 14 Prologue: L has been on the trail of the Kira. The only problem is that the Kira seems to change and even as they stop one maniacal despotic human with a god complex, the Death Note itself seems to always slip out of the grasp of the good detectives' hands and ends up with yet another person who evolves to become the new Kira. This, of course, means that the most brilliant minds in law enforcement must come together to stop this epidemic of murder. L has gathered these most competent people but sadly, the Kira is no fool either and somehow always manages to get into the ranks of the detectives. The Kira's mission is to take out the detectives that try to thwart his/her moves so he/she can go on a killing spree unhindered. The detectives' mission is clear: Catch the Kira before you are taken out from one of your very own members on the team and bring Kira to justice. :lol2: Below are the rules for The Death Note Game. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round. This game was a creation by ME so he gets credit for its design and being the founder. Pyro and Repliku take credit in mutating it further. These rules will be updated as will the Round number every time a new game starts so no one has to scroll through and search. Please don't make us have to add more rules. *whine*. The Shinigami The Shinigami is the one person in the game that will know what the detectives and the kira and accomplices are doing at any moment. Accusations as well as deaths are reported by the Shinigami to the thread. ICSP is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time with accusing the Shinigami unless you want a humorous ending. :guiltygearXpc37: *The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering tracks but also will not aid the detectives with their investigations either. Probably, the Shinigami will be a pain in the arse to both parties instead. * The Shinigami likes fruit. Particularly apples PEACHES! APPLES!!! PEACHES!!!!!!! APPLES!!!! Shinigami Eyes To make it clear what Shinigami Eyes is, an explanation is provided here. * If one full day goes by and no accusations are made, the Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of the Kira's choice. If 2 days pass, the Kira gets 2 kills the following day and if a third day passes by, the Kira gets 3 kills with Shinigami Eyes. * It is -very- important that members who have Death Notes or pages inform the Shinigami as they get the items and also that the Kira communicates with the Shinigami when passing them out. This way I know who has a real DN and fake etc. Also, if you use a -page- of the DN you are given, to not be caught with it later if you are accused, you must declare getting rid of it after. * The Shinigami may have to inquire the real first names of players since part of the rules of the game is that the Kira may 'kill' using them. Please, if you would, respond to PMs when inquired as soon as you see them. If you do not and you are going to make an accusation, it will not be counted! Also, the Shinigami will post deaths in Pacific Standard time unless declared otherwise. * In some games, there may be more than one Shinigami. This also means there may be more than one Kira. Every Shinigami comes equipped with a Death Note of his/her own and also one that is given to the Kira. The Shinigamis may each know who the Kiras are (or not if they want sport against each other) but they will not inform the Kiras who the other is. The Kira always reports kills and convo only to his/her Shinigami; not the one or two others that may be present. The Dead You can 'die' in this game by through the three following methods. 1. The Kira figures out your first true name. This will be contained in the Death Note the Kira writes to the book aka PMs to the Shinigami. 2. The detective accuses a suspect that turns out to not be the Kira. 3. The Kira gains Shinigami Eyes. * Dead people in the game cannot give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or by IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post some because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!! Doing so will eliminate you from playing in the next Round. * The 'dead' may go ahead and post in another thread made called 'The Graveyard...' The link is . Please still in this thread do not discuss openly your suspicions on who the Kira is. Accusers/Detectives Anyone who is in the game and who is not the Kira is a detective. However, the Kira has infiltrated the detective group and you cops know it. Figuring out who the Kira is happens to be your mission as you try to keep yourselves alive. :ninjacat: * Those who accuse someone of being the Kira may do so once as a freebie. This puts you in danger though of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out. * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. However, if you make a second accusation because the Kira hasn't killed you off, you must provide clear and concise evidence to back up why you are accusing the new person. If you get to for some reason accuse a 3rd time, etc, the same rule here applies. * An amendment to the rule above. If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult :) players will be required to present evidence when accusing someone the first time. If the member list is small for the round, it grants that detectives have to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira so the list isn't knocked out too soon. * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. The Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads. The Kira may also make accusations and is basically going to often try to play the role of detective. * Detectives are responsible for maintaining their lists of people that are alive, dead, accused, suspicious etc. There will be a post also here of some of that information, but do not depend on it as the Shinigami will only put on the list those who are members of the Round, those accused and those who have died. Also, it may not be updated as frequently as the detective lists. The Kira One (or two if the Shinagami is bored) Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role. If you happen to not know what the Kira is, it's the killer. :registro5B15D: * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here. * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead. Keep in mind that this game is PG-13. Also know that the Kira should write the time of death, a description on what he/she 'wants' the death to be, such as suicide, attacked by a bag lady, hit by a car, etc. Do not describe the actual entire death scene as though it is taking place but rather what you'd want to happen instead. The Shinigami will take care of the rest to ensure it stays PG-13. *The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not. * The Kira may hand out a page of the Death Note to be used by someone else. However, again, the Shinigami must know of the action. No more than 1 person at any time may have the Notebook. No more than one person may be given a page out of the Death Note. Giving out a page though means the Kira still possesses the Notebook. If you have a page or more of the DN and do not declare you get rid of it after or before using it, you will be discovered with it if you are accused of being the Kira. * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time. If more than one day passes, the Shinigami may write the Kira's name in his/her own Death Note and pass on the Kira's Death Note to someone new. *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop. * On Fake Death Notes. Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note. There are no magical properties to them. It is possible to get the Shinigami to pass out fake DNs but a clue may be given about the Kira for the favor. Only two fake Death Notes per Kira may be released in a game. * The Kira may NOT bring in people from outside of the game to use as Misa/Mikamis or accomplices. Only the people who post in the thread are considered to be playing and are therefore eligible for negotiations of this sort. This means that the Kira must choose within the group that is already there and not coerce someone to join to become the assistant or new Kira. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some nasty thing happening from the Shinigami. * A Kira or Misa cannot say that someone should be removed from the list due to inactivity if in fact the player is doing things actively in the background such as kills, whether seen by others or not. Anyone who is playing is active. * If a Kira/Misa is caught with a portion of the Death Note (a page or more), the person may be held in jail for 1 to 3 days for investigation. During the time held, the Kira/Misa cannot have contact with any associates to order kills etc. The Death Note can only be used by the other person(s) of their own wills. *The Kira or Misa/Mikami, to avoid being killed by the other on their 'team', or to avoid discovery by detectives etc may, if in possession of the Death Note or a page, write his/her own death scheduled for when he/she wants it. Doing this means that the player cannot be killed in any other way but by the time and way described in the Death Note, which could prolong their lives or end them sooner. Misa/Mikami The Misa/Mikami is a person entrusted by the Kira to be in his/her game. The Misa may be entrusted with the Death Note at times or given papers from the Notebook. Also he/she may be given orders to do some things for the Kira to impede detective investigations. Keep in mind the Misa/Mikami MUST be chosen by the Kira from members of the game round. :poke: * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami. 1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira. 2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread. 3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game. You must the Death Note and not just a page to do this. * If the Misa/Mikami has the Death Note, he/she may kill off the Kira, despite the former agreement of being loyal to the Kira if the Kira has a chance of ratting the Misa/Mikami out. A page of the Death Note will not work, if the Kira happens to have the Death Note, but if not, that page will work. It has to be the Death Note book. GENERAL RULE: There are 'Titles' granted to players as they solve cases or are just exquisite Kiras. These Titles are really just given to players as token things and this is not a role-playing game where people actually play out the roles of the characters in Death Note. Please do not ask for titles as they are given on merit only and attitudes that are similar to characters in Death Note. Also: Only players involved in the game can interact within the game. No sideline detectives or Kira's... Lastly: There may be mods or Admins playing in the game. Do NOT ask them to help you find out information that could only be obtained using mod/smod/admin powahs. They cannot and will not do this and it is considered cheating. _________________________ RANKS: Here will be a tally of most cases solved, best solo Kira, best Kira/Misa team up, most inventive Kira/Misa team up, Fastest case solved, etc. Stay tuned as I tabulate this up. Most cases solved: Repliku and Pyro Fastest double case solved (Kira/Misa): Pyro Fastest case solved: Repliku Most kills by Kira: Pyro (21 kills by herself) Most kills by duo Kira/Misa: Cin/Catch the Rain (25) Best collaboration by duo Kira/Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice Best Mikami: Heartless_Vice Best Misa: Catch the Rain Best Shinigami: ICSP Kira Wins: Cin and Catch the Rain. Most kills done by CtR. 25 in total. Shades - 12 kills + his own suicide. Close Kira Wins Pyro - 21 deaths with no Misa. ICSP/Heartless_Vice - 16 deaths combined. Cases Solved Round 1: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Trogdor (2 kills) Case Solved by: Repliku Round 2: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Pyro (0 kills) 2nd Kira: Repliku (4 kills and then suicide xD) Case solved to discovering 1st Kira: Graxe Round 3: Shinigami - ICSP/Graxe Kira 1: Saki (1) Kira 2: Mirai (2) Case solved by: Pyro Round 4: Shinigami - ICSP Kira: Heartless_Vice (3) Misa to Kira: Pyro (21) Case solved by: TheChosenOne and Repliku providing evidence. Round 5: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: Envy (Mr. Calamity/Ghetto) (8) Case solved by: TrueKeybladeMaster (Inspector Gadget) Round 6: Shinigami - Pyro Kira: ~Amber~ (1) Case solved by: What? Round 7: Shinigami - Heartless_Vice Kira: CarbuncleGem (0) Case solved by: Repliku Round 8: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Heartless_Vice (5) Case solved by: Haseo Round 9: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Final_Form (2) Case solved by: Heartless_Vice Round 10: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: TrueKeybladeMaster (0) Case solved by: Pyro (kind of a gimme here to get the game over) Round 11: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Darkrequiem0 (0) Case solved by: Pyro Round 12: Shinigami - Repliku Kira & Mikami: ICSP/Heartless_Vice(16 (+1 HV's own demise)) Case solved by: Cocohints. Both were accused by her. Round 13: Shinigami - Repliku Kira: Cin (3 distinctive kills + shared kills) Misa: Catch the Rain (7 distinctive kills + shared kills) 25 total kills. Case solved by: No one. Round 14: Shinigamis: ICSP and Repliku Kira 1: Shades - (13 and suicide). Misa - DMaster (2) - (Died by ICSP) Kira 2: DemoN:||D@ys (2) Case solved by: Kira 2 was discovered by Antiweapon. No one solved Shades' case. Shades won but committed suicide. Round 15: Shinigami: ICSP Kira: Misa: Case solved by: ______________________________ Round 14 ROUND 14 IS OVER! Shinigami's: Repliku ICSP The Dead: レッツ・シェイク Xephos Cin Pyro Gwen Unsaintly Saint Catch the Rain Heartless_Vice Kid Hero Antiweapon - guessed Kira Demon. Pika_Power Darkrequiem0 DMaster 7th Key of the Kingdom Thalassa_Shells/Fearless Shades The Investigated: 1st. Nate-Rivers - accused by Xephos. 2nd. Gwen - accused by Cin. 3rd. Cloudart100 - by Pyro 4th. Fayt-Harkwind - by Pyro 5th. Xaale - accused by Cloudart100 6th. DemoN:||D@ys - accused by Antiweapon. Is one of the Kiras. 7th Heartless_Vice accused by Antiweapon. 8th Steal the Hail accused by Heartless_Vice. 9th Fearless/Thalassa accused by Pika_Power 10th Darkandroid accused by Kid Hero. 11th Shades accused by Steal the Hail. 12th TrueKeybladeMaster accused by Darkrequiem0. 13th Fayt-Harkwind accused by 7th Key to the Kingdom. 14th 7th Key of the Kingdom accused by Fearless. 15th TrueKeybladeMaster by Shades. 16th The Accusers: Accusers will still be listed below in the detective/suspect list. Those with gray are dead. 1st. Xephos accuses Nate-Rivers 2nd. Cin accuses Gwen. 3rd. Pyro accused Fayt-Harkwind and Cloudart100 4th. Same as third. 5th. Cloudart100 accuses Xaale. 6th Antiweapon! Demondays caught! 1st Kira down! 7th Antiweapon Accused Heartless_Vice 8th Heartless_Vice accused Steal the Hail. 9th Pika_Power accuses Thalassa_Shells/Fearless. 10th Kid Hero accuses Darkandroid. 11th Steal the Hail accuses Shades. 12th Darkrequiem0 accuses TrueKeybladeMaster. 13th 7th Key to the Kingdom accuses Fayt-Harkwind. 14th Fearless accuses 7th Key to the Kingdom. 15th Shades accuses TrueKeybladeMaster. Detectives/Suspects: DevileoX - removed due to inactivity. CarbuncleGem - removed due to inactivity. jettie - removed due to inactivity. Round 15 List Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk L Light Yagami keybladeofdarkness4 Gwen Heartless_Vice cocohints/hot cocoa Dmaster Darkrequiem0 Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX レッツ・シェイク finalform Steal the Hail Unsaintly_Saint Xaale Kid Hero Graxe cloudart100 AnTi::Her0~> jettie Fayt-Harkwind Fearless Antiweapon TrueKeybladeMaster Shades - says he doesn't want to play next round. :(
C'mon people, we gotta find him before he hurts someone!
... its a spoiler! Spoiler YOU JUST GOT BLUE BADGERED! ftw
Heartless Vice just threw a ball of yarn at me... and it richochet'd off my head and landed in his hands... No joke! >_> Its like it was that ball of yarn's destiny to be used as a weapon to hit me in the head!
Easy come easy go... will you let me go? I don't feel loved here anymore... I don't know if or when I will return...
The story... there is a 4 way war going on... I am Xelax, king of the Dark Knights... Our three main rivals are the Pirates who rule the islands to the south, and the ninjas from the east in thier towns. And the Barbarians from the North who reside in the wilderness. We the Dark Knights are stationed to the West. In a dark Castle like town. Who will join me in my quest to take over the world? Name: King Xelax Allignment: Dark Knight King, despite residing in darkness, has a strong sense of justice Rank: Dark Knight King Special Abilities: Can freely manipulate dark matter. Skilled with the Fell Sword.
The Dark Knights have taken over the spamzone successufully! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Bow to your new Overlords!!! *Gets DeathNoted* MY HEART!!! Ack...
I would kiss the feet of the one who made this... if only that one would lower themselves to little old me and allow me to... Brace yourself its over 9 minutes long...
My Guitar Hero is on TV!!!! ITS JIMMY PAGE!!!
The Spamzone Forum is now under the control of the order of the Dark Knights! We desire to spare as many lives as possible. Please do not resist this takeover... and we promise you may continue your meager lives under our control. I and Pyro (the one with the funny o) are now King and Queen. All who oppose us with be excecuted via Fellsword.