Search Results

  1. Princess Celestia


    I am a Pokemon master, and I do hereby challenge you to a Pokemon battle!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jun 1, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Princess Celestia
    Its one fitting of a goodboy...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 31, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Princess Celestia
    If I know your first name... wanna play with a Shinigami?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 29, 2009, 53 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Princess Celestia
    That way I have an excuse to be emo and throw a fit and ask staff to close this!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 28, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Princess Celestia
    A bust (by the definition of this thread) is someone who plain old looks like they are up to no good. Someone who just looks suspitios.

    Post a pic...

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 19, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Princess Celestia
    I think it kinda fails...

    Its a Naruto one for my cousin ArchVice.

    It Ends Tonight... random Naruto Death Scenes... tell me what you think?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 11, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Princess Celestia


    You will all die...

    I wonder how many of you I know the first name of...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 8, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Princess Celestia
    [The Game] My interest in this site. Every time I log on its the same boring stuff. Kingdom Hearts is an after thought of this site. I no longer have my motivation to RP. Most of my friends have left, and spamming is slowly sapping away at my soul.

    I've tried several times to leave, but have never managed to successfully pull it off again. I would try posting this in the departure threads, but I've already done that once.

    So long, and goodnight.

    J/K btw...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, May 4, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Princess Celestia
    I dare you to preform this forbidden form of Jutsu to someone IRL.

    I want to see pics or it didn't happen!

    First one with proof wins!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Apr 28, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Princess Celestia


    I felt like smegaing it...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Apr 16, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Princess Celestia
    What are your motivations for posting?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Apr 14, 2009, 51 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Princess Celestia
    Who's the most epic of them all?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Apr 14, 2009, 36 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Princess Celestia
    [Read the title...]
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Apr 1, 2009, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Princess Celestia
    I have been a member of KH-V for a about a year now. I have made many friends here.

    I am not leaving because anyone offended me, I am not upset and I hold no grudges to anyone.

    I am leaving due to a massive change in my personal circumsances. And as such, I am notgoing to say I shall not return. I will pop back in occationally and visit with you guys.

    I will miss each of you.

    Ok... now the fairwell list...

    To the She-Devil with the funny O. You never ceased to amaze me. We've already discussed manythings about how good a friend you are. We'll never be too far apart. You're my Tyler Durden...

    To my favorite writer. Your charisma and lovability have greatly attracted me to you. You introduced me to the finer details of what makes a great fictional character a great character. You've also shown me what makes a great person a great person. You're a dear friend, and I do not wish to lose contact with you. I'll keep in touch each and any way I can.

    To my favorite English Muffin, I really liked you. I got emotional when you did. Remember wherever you go, you'll always have a friend in me. I wish nothing but the best of you. You don't reallize how strong you are. You are very valuable to the site.

    To the one with the FireKeyblade, I wish you were on more. You're a good friend. You'll be missed. Your a good person. I wish you realized just how important you are to your friends.

    To the Banhammer wielder, I hated seeing you leave hurt. I liked your restoration of order, and appreciate everyting you did for the site. We'll meet for battle soon...

    To the dude who wears his sunglasses at night. You're a keen speaker, and a intelectual. I was not suprised at all you were an english major. I respect your intelect, and count you amounst my friends.

    To the Kookie Kween, you're very charismatic, and a good friend. I wish you nothing but the best.

    To RoxasRoxas chick. You're bunny's are adorable. You're a good friend. Nuff said.

    To the MaskedMegaman, sorry we kinda grew apart towards the end. However you are a friend. I view you as very intelligent, and one of the few who can truly shut me up in a debate... with my stubborness and all.

    To the master debator. From day one, we've crossed swords against each other. Soon I found myself enjoying the competition of debating you. Mutual admiration eventually became friendship. You will always be a good person in my book. Even if you're a replica.

    To the Goddes Of Spam. Seeing you leave KH-V was heartbreaking. Every post yo made brightened my day. I hope one day you follow through with your promise...

    To the Pokemon Prosecutor, You're funny, and my greatest mistake was undeestimating you're determination to accomplish your goal. I'm glad to count you as a dear friend. You're stubborness is and admirable trait, which will allow you to achiev man things you wouldn't normally accomplish. It also will earn you respect amounst you're peers. It earned mine.

    To the Dark Knight Prince. You're funny... and your fanatical loyalty to the Dark Knights was amazing.

    To the DK who now runs KH-D. I wish I could've stuck around longer. I wish I stuck around long enough to finish the Fan Fic I promised you. I never started it... Sorry...

    To the most adorable Dark Knight. I always liked you. Every post you made me laugh. Don't push me off a cliff!! :nonono:

    To my fishy friend. Sorry you got grounded. You're a nice person. I wish I could've gotten to know you better. I'll see you around when I poke my head back in later.

    To the Dark Knight Noob... (Xenon), You're funny. I know we had a lot o common interest, including our Dark Knight obsession and you're love of FFT. See you around when I revisit my friends.

    To Vvixian, You're a good friend. Have fun in school. I wish I could talk to you as much as I used to. But I guess you're schedual didn't allow it. See you later.

    To the biggest Death Note fan ever... I consider you a good friend, and if it wasn't for your abnormal obsession with Death Note, I would have never got intersted in it... and missed out on one of the greatest stories I've ever seen/read/played. Thanks, friend. PS: Thanks for your AMV's... thier all great...

    To Emma, I count you as a friend. Um... even though you wiered me out a few times... >_>

    To Cin, Ghetto, and Jube. We have more in common than most people think. Despite that we are publically enemies, I do consider you close enough to be friends.

    To my cousin... Thanks for letting me use your computer... although I won't say goodbye... since I couldn't get rid of you if I tried...

    To everyone else... I missed out so many people, but if I wrote down everyone who was important to me, I'd be here for hours. I'll miss you all... I wish I couldv'e gotten to know you all better.

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Dec 21, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  15. Princess Celestia
    If you were to pair up pokemon... who would each one be paired up with?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Dec 8, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Princess Celestia
    [Baby sitting for a week!]
    I can't believe she has entrusted me with such a big responsibility.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Dec 5, 2008, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Princess Celestia
    [read the title]
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Nov 30, 2008, 718 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Princess Celestia
    You have no chance to survive make your time!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Nov 28, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Princess Celestia


    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Nov 27, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Princess Celestia
    Let's be friends!


    That way we can learn and grow together!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Nov 22, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone