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  1. Princess Celestia
    Its been a while sine I worked on it. Most of hem were well thought out, but pretty inactive. I'm wonderin if anyone wul even care?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Oct 2, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Princess Celestia
    If you don't know what to do in this thread, may The God-Emperor of Man help you.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Oct 1, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Princess Celestia

    Life sucks

    Discuss please.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Sep 30, 2011, 35 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. Princess Celestia
    Ok, I never played Warhammer 40k (Or warhammer fantasy battle for that matter) but I am extreamly curious of it.

    I know a little bit about Ork and Human lore. I also know about the Tyranid, Tau, and Eldar general stories.

    I want to know more or less if this is a game I should invest my time, and money into. I like the concept, and I love the deep lore of each faction.

    I am just curious, how does the overall flow of the game (table top game, in case there are any videogame spinoffs). When the dice is rolled, what happens next, what each roll does. ect.

    Also, how is each army more or less designed to be played. I don't expect you guys to go in depth into advanced tactics, just a general summary.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Sep 17, 2011, 32 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Princess Celestia
    Yes... I like the feature generally. But I know of certain members who used real names as ID's, and expressed privacy concerns over it.

    Also, perhaps the user wants to make a "Fresh Start" and have thier previous names forgotten for personal reasons. Is it possible to make the feature optional?

    It'd be easy to add it to the Profile Privacy section of our edited profile.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Sep 16, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Princess Celestia

    For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest.

    I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed.

    In this matchup:

    We will not be comparing two different warriors, but rather, two different factions of alien warriors.

    One society, we have the Orks, from the universe of Warhammer 40,000. This mighty "Green Wrecking ball" strikes fear into all the other warlike species in thier universe. In fact, some have commented, that thier constant infighting is the only thing keeping it from consuming the universe. These mighty warriors, live with one purpose, WAAAGH! The warcry echos out, its time for the Orks to prove who's biggah.

    On the other hand, we have the the Krogan, of Mass Effect universe. These species are a much more tragic one. Through years of adversity, the Krogan have learned to be selfish, aggressive, unsympathetic and violent. Thier numbers dwindle, but thier response is unchanged, respond to oppression with aggression. Thier society is now based upon war, to kill and pillage. Technology itself has brought this once tribal society, to a force to be reckoned with. They will not yield quietly to the Orks.

    In this Matchup we will test:
    Closed Quarters Combat (Melee)
    Mid Ranged Combat (Conventional Firearm Range)
    Long Ranged Combat (Longer)
    Toughness (Armor or physical toughness)
    Combat Leadership
    and finally, JUST PLAIN AGGRESSION!

    Keep in mind, that this will be squad on squad action. We will assume that each squad will have 1 typical field commander (I don't want the almighty Ork King himself on the battlefield) as well as a typical team of 5 others who may or may not have a variety of weapons that would be expected of thier respective faction.

    Now, the universe of Mass Effect, and Warhammer have never crossed paths, we must ask ourselves, if these two factions of warriors ever met on the battlefield, who is deadliest.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Sep 4, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Princess Celestia

    For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest.

    I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed.

    In this matchup, we compare Cloud Strife, the protaganist of Final Fantasy VII. A man twisted by memories Zack, who stood against Sephiroth in the final climatic battle. Wielding his buster sword, and Materia, he was able to overcome overwhelming odds. Standing in oposition against him we have Squall, the protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII. Silent and cold, serving as a mercinary, he eventually defeats Ultimecia and prevents her from destroying time itself.

    We will be comparing these two warriors in:
    Magical Abilities
    Tactics and Strategies
    Limits (Seperate Category from Weaponry and Magic)
    Combat Consistancy (New category, want to see how it works)

    If anyone else things that something which would affect the outcome of the battle should be added to the list, please post so we can add it.

    Any canonical appearance by either of these characters can be added to the list. I'd be willing to say that Kingdom Hearts is not canon, but Dissidia is (Since its plot intertwines with FF1). But if you are willing to debate either please do.

    Now, aside from Dissidia, the universes they hail from have never crossed, but even then, there is no record of a result between these two fighting. So therefore, they have never met on the battle field. Now, WHO IS DEADLIEST!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Sep 1, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Princess Celestia

    For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest.

    I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed.

    In this matchup, we will compare two warriors from a different science fiction future. Adam Jensen of Deus Ex Human Revolution. From the year 2027, an ex police man, who became mechanically augmented to becoming a superhuman cyborg, against Commander Shepard. Since Commander Shepard is customizable, we will take his default profile. John Shepard, the Earthborn, Sole Survivor, Soldier.

    In this matchup, we will compare:
    Short Ranged Combat
    Long Ranged Combat
    Tactics and Strategies

    Honestly, I have not played either game (Thank you Deus Ex and Mass Effect Wikia for helping me write this). As such I feel a bit unqualified to judge and write the ending, but with popular vote I will. I would also like you to bring out which each characters strenghs and weaknesses as if you are explaining it to someone who has never played the game.

    Since neither of these warriors universes have never crossed paths, they will never meet in combat, now, WHO IS DEADLIEST! *plays intro music*
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 30, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Princess Celestia
    For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest.

    Since both warriors are superhumanly strong, possess a variety of supernatural powers, and ride the line between mortal man and god, I believe this to be a good initial matchup.

    I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed.

    I hope this thread is discussed in a fair and organized manner.

    All forum rules apply.

    The categories I decided to post this on:

    1. Physical Combat
    2. Supernatural abilities
    3. Who is simply harder to kill
    4. Tactics and strategies

    Today we discuss Sephiroth, the maniacle antagonist of the Final Fantasy 7 Universe, bent on world domination, against Kratos, the ancient warrior who dared to defy a god.

    Neith of these two fictional warriors universes have ever collided, therefore they will never meet on the battle field. We both know they are extreamly powerful, but WHO IS DEADLIEST!
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 28, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Princess Celestia
    I was planning on starting a thread on which Video Game Character would win in a battle if they ever met. Id do it in the format of the Television Show Deadlies Warrior.

    Different charactrs abilities, weapons and tactics, and rate each. I would like volunteers to be neutral judges in a variety of Video Game matchups, and help us determine who would win. I would also like specialist willing to reinforce the capabilities and unique powers of each character. Any ideas for fair matchups would be appreciated.

    I have a few ideas for matchups.

    Sephiroth Vs Kratos
    Alucard Vs Dante
    Raynors Raiders (Starcraft II, I woild like to be a specialist on here.) Vs Spartans of Halo

    So, what do you think?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 27, 2011, 96 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Princess Celestia
    Just curious, I saw someones sig with a conversation about how wrong he is... I'm curious, anyone have the link? I know I might result in a major bump of the thread, but I wanna defend P... unless... he is in fact wrong.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 14, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Princess Celestia
    I was wondering, right now its pretty much my Organization XIII theme, with little DK sprinkles and stuff. Should I switch my theme back to full on Org XIII? Should I go back to my Dark Knight (the class of warrior, not the Batman) theme? Or go something totally differnent? Like Daft Punk? Perhaps Portal? Specifically GLaDOS?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 10, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Princess Celestia
    The above title says it all. I was hoping to play Portal (original) on PS3. But due to the fact that The Orange Box is extreamly difficult to locate, the PC version may be a good and cheaper alternative.

    I don't want to download some random driver and get either some malware or a glitch fest, do any of yu have any solid recommendations?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 7, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Princess Celestia
    Now... do we really need all these threads about what devices we post from? Narcissist people, realize we don't care what you own.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 5, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Princess Celestia
    I have multiple tabs open in KH-V...

    Its now a regular habbit...

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 5, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Princess Celestia
    My goodness, I posted wanted to rep someone, and ended up delaying it three days till i found it. No lie.

    On this current skin, its very difficult to see. I had to squit, and get like 4 inches away from my screen.

    Seriously, It should be a simple fix. I'm using the KHV 4.0 Final Mix skin if it makes a difference. It should be an easy fix.

    I remember it on the old white skin it was easy to see.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 5, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Princess Celestia
    I have a thing for Metal, yet, I love House and Electronica...

    One day... while looking for the song Xepher, I found a youtube video of a guy playing a guitar to it...

    Which led to what I can only describe as a musical orgasm... v_v

    Clicking the suggestions led to this video

    then this

    I know, its Japanese Style Dance music with a fanmade guitar over this... but if a genre exist of this kinda music... my life is not complete without it... v_v

    I know theres the Black Mages, but they mainly do Video Game soundtracks...

    Can ANYONE HELP ME!?!?!?!

    I'm like tearing up over this thread... someone give me a serious reply.

    And NO! Dragon Force does not count!!! Metal Guitar, Dance Music beat box... Thats what i'm looking for.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Aug 2, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Music
  18. Princess Celestia
    The short version, I want to know if my old RAM sticks on my desktop will fit into my friends Laptop, specifically a Acer Aspire 5315.

    I looked up the requirements on 5315&Cat=RAM

    I know DDR2 is the main type, but I am unsure about the PC2 -5300 (Non ECC)... i truly do not know what it means.

    I upgraded an old desktop to 6GB ram. But didn't realize that it could only support 3.7 with a 32 bit OS. So I essentially have two completly unused RAM sticks.

    My desktop is a HP Pavillion a6228x

    I know it uses DDR2, but i was unsure if it was interchangeable with her laptop. I was hoping to give her my old RAM sticks, since they are useless on my comp.

    I looked it up on crucual as well... a6228x&Cat=RAM

    I am not sure if laptop ram and desktop ram is the same... some techy please help. v_V
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 30, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Princess Celestia
    If you were a Dark Knight... post here.


    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 29, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Princess Celestia
    Personaly, I am a Marvel fan over DC. But I'm curious as to how well they'll stack up in an actual competition.

    At first, I thought it was a no brainer for DC to win with Superman and Green Lantern being a bit overpowered. But on the other hand, Thor is enough to match Superman... or at least stavehim off a bit.

    On the othrhand, if Captain America fought Superman, CA has a shield which would basically neutralize every attack Superman could dish out... for a little bit anyways... long enough for a potential mismatch in the favor of Avengers to kik in. Idk.. what do you guys think?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jul 28, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: Debate Corner