To bad man it sucks
Okay but I have school off
OOC: Drew accepted now was that so hard ICC: "Xero stop this." Said Matt as he regained his balance and attacked her.
I don't know talk about how the Trinity Limit connects to everyone else in the world of Kingdom Hearts
Okay whats up and you know that you can just get off and get back on a like 12:00
Peace out I'm out of here for tonight peace!! :)
Are we going to duel or what sorry but I have very little patience
Fine you got a Girlfeind becuse were in a fight about breaking up
whats up I don't think I know you but what evs
Is Yami's deck epic or is it just so amazingly built give you comments
C ya later
Later Dude
Dude nice new avatar
That is Epic wow wonder if there's others for other forms.
Well you know the guy Jaden Yuki on KH-Vids he's been helping me but I suck wanna go one round I'll help you.
Regular:Kingdom Key Valor:Fenfir Wisdom:Ends of the Earth Master:Ultima Wepon Final:X-Blade
Dude your avatar is epic where did you get it dude
Yes not like Makeup Deck recipes that would be really unfair.
Not much but I got an A on my science project how about you how did you do and do you play YUGIOH?
Okay 8000 LP Advanced Format No Gods or your own make ups otherwise you can go first or I can your choice.