Okay We'll have 8000 life points and play traditional format and no gods you can start.
OOC: Nope not to late and your accepted Xenree. Also anyone who knows exactly where everyone is please post it thanks.
Love the new avatar and are we going to duel sometime because if we are you can set terms.
Yellow guys
Waz up dude thanks for the E-Vite.
Okay same rules okay or do you want to be able to use one amines or forbidden it's your choice.
"Okay I don't know these two but I got mine when I was a kid me and my friends were hanging out and my heart got out of control and a large explosion happened when it cleared my friends were gone and my keyblades were next to me. OOC: This is my way of tying in Twilight Blast from the beginning okay guys.
huh sucks but it can be good for you
Oh thats true...
"Hi I'm Matt and this idiot who I don't know seems to not have surprised you with the word keyblade makes me think your all keyblade wielders how did you get here and dude stop swinging you keyblade around before you take your hand off," Said Matt calmly, "now you probably came from space, and Garbage boy probably lives here can Keyblade idiot I don't know about."
Okay whatever I activate one facedown and I can becuse it's 3 turns away and it's [IMG] Chain?
Non taken I'll work on them.
*Draw Phase* Okay I Draw *6 Cards* *Standby Phase* N/A *Main Phase 1* Okay [IMG] I place 3 cards facedown [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] activate [IMG] sorry I...
What about the ones in my album Riku Sprites?
No it's like 1:18 PM now
As Matt rounded a corner he saw a kid by some garbage cans and a girl that looked like she was lost on different sides of a huge crater. "Um, did one of you guys make this crater?" asked Matt calmly.
Well I got school off so kind of hanging
I want a Riku centered game but if they do make one they will probably make it a side game or a like a completely off story game
"Fine but if you get your butt whopped it's your fault," said Matt as he began to run, "since you weren't going to check out that smoke I'll be over there."
Hey dude waz up