okay well all have to do is go to YUGIOH wiki search the card put the pic in and just state the phase you are in and if the player against you has...
OCC: Okay I'm just jumping back in by coming through a dark corridor I hope it fits in I'm going to glen and nick whatever that group was. IC: Matt exited the dark corridor tired from searching all over the worlds for his team and what he saw when he came out horrified him "What's happening what are you guys doing?" asked Matt scared to know the answer.
OOC: what the **** with the pink and I'm happy my first thread is doing so well but what about the people that were in deep Jungle ?
OOC:Me to I've been off for a bit and I got lost so slowdown
OCC: Okay I've been off lately so I have no idea who's where please help
OCC: We need to regroup sometime so how are we going to this or not. ICC: "That's the last of them and that was fun but we need to look around now" said Matt as he ran off into the jungle.
Dude you play I'll face you you can set terms and chose who goes first
" Not a bad fighter dude," said Matt as he did a back flip and cast Firaga and Blizara.
OOC: can we go on and someone find away for everyone that went to Hallow Bastion to come back because I got nothing
OOC: were all in deep jungle except for a few like mixt who are in hallow bastion and Xero's in Twilight Town.
" Guys get your head out of the clouds because more are coming." yelled Matt as he ran and started slashing at all the heartless.
" Shhh," said Matt, "I hear something and were trying to help this girl not get her killed."
"Ren, Trixis wait up and watch out," said Matt as he jumped over them using a X slash move, " are you going to help or not and Ren where is Glen were going to have to find him."
Ha ya I got so lucky
Great becuse the power at my school is out so I don't have school. :) Yaaaaa!
Whats up? How you been?
OOC: can we get back to it. ICC: "Answer me you guys" said Matt as he summoned his keyblades
"No Trixis wait," yelled Matt after her "No, I gotta go after her and yes I do think my friends have turned into keyblades" as Matt used all the power he had to open up the Dark Corridor, "if a boy comes here looking for a kid named Matt tell him he went to Deep Jungle" said Matt.
I will thanks *Draw Phase* I Draw *6 Cards* *Standby Phase* N/A *Main Phase 1* I summon [IMG] in DEF now I draw 2 cards *7 Cards* I now activate...
Here I'll start *Draw Phase* I draw *6 Cards* *Standby Phase* N/A *Main Phase 1* I activate [IMG] to fuse [IMG] and [IMG] to fusion summon [IMG]...