Just try I am a loser at this I almost never win
"Wow left behind again not surprising," said Matt as he left the dark corridor following the the rest of them, "wow Radiant Garden now I have to find them all wow some trouble makers this should be fun." said Matt as he ran around town looking for everyone.
yep good luck and keep up:)
well then just fly to Hallow bastion and join up with nick and xero and act like you know what your doing it's that easy I did it too
Thanks yours are sweet too
dude you need to come back to the RP your losing your part in it and it sucks
OCC:wait are you getting sea salt ice cream
Hey dude check the RP were moving on and will you continue the duel
OCC: This is epic I have so many people in my first RP and it's getting good I love this IC:"Xero don't...," Matt never had a chance to say what he was going to as he watched Xero's blades faded he said, "we have no reason to wield keyblades if we miss use them," as Matt turned to Glen he said," Glen I need you to stop this please come back to us otherwise I'll have to put and end to this rage forever."
"Stop it," screamed Matt, " if we fight than we have no reason to wield these keyblades if we let darkness and are anger control us we have no reason to be here or to have reason for life no reason for light or darkness."
will someone post otherwise this is kind of stupid
OCC: wow now we need her to post so we can go on someone VM her so we can go on
this is really just a circle of all friends that you know on KH-Vids wow its cool
I hate Lordux wow I have bad luck
well since this Thread hasn't been closed it probably fine and with the codes try to find other versions because some just crash games
Thanks for the invite waz up
Wwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh no ones on I'm so alone and scared someone come on
Thanks but can we continue the duel
Hey waz up wahtcha doin
OCC: Yes were in the Castle idiot