Matt saw Nixck and mouthed back waiting for the right time he knew that it would be dangerous to hurt either because he knew that their true power was released when they were almost defeated.
Okay no fusion monster can be summoned this way and he was my face down defense Position monster that was destroyed when dark hole was activated...
Matt walked up to Xero and someone who she was fighting he sighed becuse she hadn't noticed him so he stood by and watched ready to jump in and help or seperate them if they try to destroy each other but just in case of anything.
Okay no problem take your time we can still go on
Have you decided yet about the RP or still trying
Leaving Zurinax and Ren hurt but still alive he walked away but then collapsed in his head he heard the darkness saying give in to us and you can have whatever you wish but Matt fought it and took his heart back still knowing the darkness was there but knowing his light was strong enough to fight it for now but Matt knew he couldn't wait for Zurinax and Ren to recover so he cast Curaga on them and left headed looking for Glexn because he knew that the darkness had originated in him he could feel his essence and eventually he found him with a girl Xero and Nixck he stood by and watched.
Thanks for the friend Request you should join my RP The True Keyblade War
Nice see I knew you could do it but this is just starting *7400 LP* *Draw Phase* I draw *6 Cards* *Standby Phase* N/A *Main Phase 1* I activate my...
Character profile: Name:Matt Age:16 Keyblade (or other weapons) appearance: Your look:Pure Black Hair but wears a White sleeveless shirt with a pair of faded jeans Your story:Lost his friends and family at a very young age and has sometimes succumbed to the darkness but always come away from it back to light the darkness is very close to him but he fights for everything light Home world:Wielders Grove
Screaming in pain Matt lunged at Ren with all his strength he tried to hold back but the darkness was to strong and he shot a large blast of darkness at Zurinax and Ren. Matt then said in no control of himself but the pure darkness, "This is the end of you both no matter what you do you won't get your friend back goodbye to you both and after you two I'll destroy the rest of you pathetic Keyblade Wielders."
Hey dude come back to the RP because we need to fight because Glexin used his darkness and when he let it go I absorbed it and I asked you and...
OCC: I said there was a chance and I will let you if you think you can do it but if I think it's hard for you or you tell me I'll have you stop but MiMi accepted start posting whenever you like.
Later dude I got to go
Well you can always keep asking for an update or just ask me I was off for a while but now I'm back on top of it but if you have to then that's...
Hey dude what's up
OCC: If you have really good info I'll look at it but It's a small chance but there's some.
Matt turned and could feel a dark aura it hurt and it consumed him making him feel the darkness consume him he said, " Zurinax Ren help the darkness is so strong and it makes me want it fight me so Yyou can knock the darkness away." said Matt as he summoned he keyblades except the were both made of darkness and he attacked saying, "Stop me Before I destroy everything, Ahhhh." OCC: I thought it would be Cool to play off my light darkness thing so don't worry.
"Zurinix what's up have you seen anyone else that we know?" Matt said as he turned
Looking back Matt decided that he should let them be but as he walked around time he saw Ren and said "Hey have you seen anyone else from the team."
Running around a corner Matt saw Xero and Nixck talking Matt looked at them and hadn't seen him just the a man walked up to him and asked " Are you new around here he because I can show you around my name is Ansem welcome to Radiant Garden." Matt answered politely " Um I'm just going around town but thanks." as Matt ran off he thought wow weired he was so calm and acted like he knew about the other worlds I guess he must know about it.