Nirvana- You know You're Right <3333
No Doubt- Hella Good
Limp Bizkit- Break Stuff There you go and thank you for coming to my Shoppe! =D
5310 Sorry!! ;-; Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Where He At? Where He At? Now There He Go, There He Go!
5308 Tch. XD DARN IT >>;;
5306 x3 fixed. xD
5304 It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
5299 yes for randomosity
5297 We have half a day Friday. -dances- XD
5295 I don't have that option. xD Mom will be "C'mon! You have to go today! You missed yesterday!" ._.
5290 Heh, thanks. :D HOOKEY'S UNITE. ._. I almost typed hookers. XDD << I suck at jokes. Excuse me.:o
5288 I didn't go to school today. Woot.
Ok, I'm done. I did one purpule and one black, hope you will be satisfied with your siggies and avies. Don't be a stranger! Come back if you want more. Thank you for being my wonderful first customer! Purpuls sig & avy: Black sig & avy:
I'm very sorry, neither of your links work. I use this program called Photo Filtre, though I did those other three with something else called Nova Photo Explosion
4926 Fine, hot, but fine x3
4924 yeah...
4920 No it didn't suck, well, not to me! It was awesome. I loved it >>
4917 xD
4916 YAY! -swallows sticks- :D