6712 -sigh-
I'm not at school >D I talked my way out of not going! I'm a smoooth talker. XD
Yay! I have a regular! =DD
6650 spam...
Nirvana- Blew
Here: SIG: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f198/oceang/Sig%20Requests/Jordz03.jpg AVY: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f198/oceang/Sig%20Requests/JordzAva03.jpg
I want a Louie Vuitton purse!! >< I can't find one, I live in a sucky state, the ones online are like...so expensive. It'd be cheaper if I was to find one at the store >> o.o I'm like...very rough with my purses to the point they break from the handle. So I guess I should say never mind to such a purse. x3
Ooo, that's a pretty outfit. I have to get a job this summer. I don't always buy designer clothes. But today I managed to I got this green,black and white retro looking shirt, it's really cute. x3
Beck- Loser
Anyone else likes to go out and shop? I do, may not be able to get anything but a couple of shirts and etc, but I like seeing new stuff that I plan to get next time. x3 So much stuff...so little money... ;-;
5981 bored....><
I am the same excact way, though I never had anyone that liked me. I dunno, I think I'm incapable of love or having alot of friends. One good friend is all you ever need, a friend who sees who you are as a person and won't judge you in any way. I am so happy I have a friend like that. As a girl, my escape has been writing or listening to music. I think it's good to have an outlet to vent your troubles so you won't feel bad all the time. I know my image will never change at school, I know I'm not what they say I am, that's all that matters to me. They don't talk to me because I am different, I don't talk to them because they are all the same. I've been where you come from, and from experience, I say keep on living. After school, none of those people will matter. You will find someone right for you who'll accept you as is, not now, but eventually... Ever need anyone to talk to again about stuff like this, pm me. I'll listen/read. lol :D Keep your head up, things will get better.
Oooo, I remember them. I think my mom had their version of Smooth Criminal I liked their video xD
I jump at them. Once, I was counting deer and the girl from the Excorsist jumped out. I screamed...and I slept with the light on. Maybe that was what I get for having my face in the screen while I was counting the deer.... The second one my mom showed me, it was like a normal coffee commercial then this dead person jumped in the camera screaming... I was standing behind mom...I almost hit her in the head....XD <<;; I'm not scared but they do make me jumpy...
I don't want to meet Avril Lavigne, she severly dissapointed me with "Girlfriend" no doubt about Paris etc, they're all the types of girls I can't stand and make us decent girls throw up. Well, beat her up at least also. xD I don't want to meet that many celebs....but if I could...I would only see one man and one man only. Kurt Cobain from Nirvana. He's the only person I would just love having a coversation with. If that meeting could be obtained...I would savor every moment... Errr, yeah, anyways, Tom Cruise is alright to me. I wouldn't mind him in my house. He's a lively person and can't control all that..."liveness" lol MJ would be cool to meet like...when was 15, I don't make fun of him. His very complicated childhood made him into the spectacle he is now, which is sad.
Nirvana -Come As You Are Ohh...love this song...<3333
Nirvana- Come As You Are Come as you are As you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend As an old enemy Take your time Hurry up Choice is yours don't be late Take a rest As a friend As an old enemy Memory Memory Memory Come, dowsed in mud Soaked in bleach As I want you to be As a trend As a friend As an old enemy Memory Memory Memory Man I swear that I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun Memory... Memory... Memory...( No I don't have a gun) Man I swear that I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun Memory.... Memory.... Man...I love Nirvana. <333
Nirvana- **** Me I am not the only one <3
Nirvana- About A Girl <33333
Any Nirvana song at the moment. x3