XD I asked this because on many threads I see like "WOWOW SORA IS SOOO HOT" lol But anyways, Kingdom Hearts is my favorite series ever. I just...
lol You are a girl right? So you like Kingdom Hearts because of the game or because that Sora/Roxas/Riku/Axel are "hot"? XD
lol I think I like Ventus more but only because of his clothing and Keyblade XD Can I ask you something?
lol Even though they are the same person, Roxas or Ventus?
lol BTW, sorry for the long reply, didn't get on that site ^_^'
Yes I agree. But still, he didn't die, he just became whole with Sora so no worries :D
Thanks! Sora is my favorite character in Kingdom Hearts =) After him, Roxas/Ventus!
Hey :) Wanted to ask, did you create you avatar?
Thanks for the friend invite =)
Thanks! I didn't know there are so many girls who play Kingdom Hearts lol
lol I think me and my friends are the only Kingdom Hearts fans in Israel XD
Thanks! I just hope KH3 will be big and epic, and will be a PS3 exclusive lol And also released as soon as possible. Nomura said they will start making KH3 after FF Versus will be released...
New here! Just want to introduce myself. Alright, I'm 15, dude, live in Israel, love video games and my favorite series is Kingdom Hearts (of course). I currently own KH1, KH2, BBS, Re:Coded, Re:Chain of Memories and KH2FM+. I finished all of them 'cept for FM which I got yesterday. I also own a PS2, PSP and a PS3. KH pretty much changed my life! KH1 was one of the first games I have ever played on PS2! Now, Square Enix, WHAT ABOUT KINGDOM HEARTS 3?!