XD No problem! =)
Yeah, I think I'll give it a try. Though I might need some tutorials lol
Then I salute to you. XD You draw really good!
Hiya! =) I see you really like Axel! Got it memorized? XD
Hiya! ^_^ Wow, you draw really good! Even the math is not bad =)
ROFL Your profile pic =) And i know it's kinda late, but welcome to KHV!
OK =) It was nice talking to you too! I will see you later =)
Just chilling, talking to you, playing KH2FM. Where I live it's pretty late so I can't really go out and ride my bike XD
I love Inuyasha!! lol So whats up?
So what's up?
Hey =) You drew the drawings in the album?!
XD Don't worry about that! And thanks anyway =)
lol I agree.
XD That bored?
lol You have so many pictures of her XD
lol That's cool. So why do you like Kairi so much?
Oh, and I think it's really cool that you make avatars. Are you using some kind of tool?
Spamming the X button. lol (magics, Reaction Commands and Drive Forms are acceptable =D)
lol Sorry about my question before, if it offended you or something :(
Square Enix says they will start with KH3 after FF Versus will be released. T_T