KH2FM. With glitches though XP
When I was younger I drew many Keyblades, and I was pretty good. I dunno what about now.
Playing video games XD
Awesome =)
I think Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
I use PCSX2 to run it, since my PSN isn't working anymore and it runs perfect. And whaddya mean costs? An emulator is free.
XD I always wanted Final Mix, and now, I HAVE IT! XD
Hey whats up?
Well, I downloaded an English Patch and it works well! =) But only the main menu (with the Items, Abilities etc) are English. And of course the...
lol Sorry dude =)
WOW! I freaking love the dragons! ^_^
That's ok. We are all tired XD
lol I'm fine. I'm playing KH2FM all day XD
Rushed? i think the drawing is amazing! ^_^
Alright! I think I'll try that out. And thanks.
Hello =) I love your "Single, Taken, Keyblade Wielder" signature! So what's up?
You don't know how much of a good news that is. I live in Israel and it's such a relief. I just hope those *******s won't do anything to the US because of that!
Getting it next week. Can't wait!
GOD I love this game! Such genius dialogs.
Hey! I'm good! =) You? (and thanks for the friend invite)