Excuse me, I think you might need a correction. Those "noobs" you talk about should be the ones that think Ven is Roxas, Nomura stated so himself they're two seperate beings. /lmfao just remembered
xD;; Omaiimglad. :B Im actually not a fan for Digimon, though people have told me I look like someone who would like it. Never did.
*U* I love that smilie face.<3
Lol, I guess i'd need to be one to find out what things happen in thar.
LmfaoyouIseeyou'redoingfine. :'D I'm thinking of maybe joining an rp around here, to get more known, know more people, kill boredom, but i'm...
Lmfao, really? xD I wonder what goes on in there.
N.A site is decent, so far. They haven't done too much, anyways. I like the Japanese site more by a long shot, though. But hopefully the site will become epic over time. Lmfao, I agree.
Omaihowdoyoudo. Lmfao, i'm doing good, a bit bored, lurking around. You?
Thank you. x] I hope so, positively. :0 And apparently yes, you seem like a pretty nice person, btw.
Thanks for the comment at my introduction thread. x]
xD;; Ohaiyo.
Nothing much, lurking on some forums i'm in. x];; It feels a bit odd at first, because I don't know the whole forum at all, and the whole " just...
Glad to have met you. :> So what's up?
Thank you for welcoming me at my introduction thread. x]
Birth By Sleep is set 10 years before KH1, there are no heartless to fight, there are unbirths. Your theory might be possible, though. But where would Ven/Roxas be before Sora's emo-stabbing incident that gave birth to Sora's nobody? And wouldn't Ven, if he is Roxas, according to your theory, have no heart, since he'd be Roxas, a nobody? Sorry if i'm making no sense. xD;;
Ohaiyo. x];; Guess i'm new here, you all know that? Lol, probably not. My username is .:[Ultima Sanctuary]:. , as you can see, and i'm often called by my friends "Nat", short for my real name, Natalie. Why yes, i'm a girl. :B A bit about me? Well, as you can see from my signature, I love Code Geass. I love other animes, too. I'm still an avid big KH-fan. Some games I like are Legend of Zelda, Sims, Pokemon...some others i'm too lazy to remember. :/ My favorite music is from Perfume, a popular Jpop band. :> I'm into graphics making, and have for about 9 months, and I spend most of my almost-life sitting on this chair, in my room, on my laptop. Yay for a semi- long intro. Lmfao, not really. I look forward to my time here on the forums at KH-Vids. :]