...no, there's not really. This freshman at my high school is convinced that there is, though. o.O REALLY! He walks up to me at lunch and he's like: "I heard there's a party in your pants. Am I invited?" And I'm like "..." "I'll bring food!" he continues. Now, why exactly would I want FOOD in my PANTS? Guys, take note; this is one sign that you are completely desperate. In related news, this guy is one of my good friends... just has a bit of a one-track mind at times. It tends to be perverted... all the time. But he's really not that bad of a guy. Storytime with Jade is over now. Thank you for tuning in. Now it's time for the penguin on top of your computer to explode. ~Jade P.S... This is what I get for being sick and having eight-hour marathons of Monty Python's Flying Circus all weekend, and then having to brave school. Get used to it. This has been a public advistory from Jade Rhade, who would like to please remind everyone that drugs are bad. Even the legal ones. Such as TheraFlu. They are quite disgusting and all but the most-tastebud-deprived would find any measure of enjoyment in them. Have a pleasant day, unless you happen to be emo. Then have a very depressing and whiny day. P.P.S... I promise I'm done rambling now... maybe. In a bit. *is hit over the head by a knight wielding a rubber chicken*
Should the death penalty be a punishment for crime? I believe that yes, it should, but ONLY for cases in which a life has been taken away. If you murder someone, you owe the world a life that can never be brought back. It's the whole "eye for an eye" philosophy (well, actually it was a code of laws, but let's not get into Western Civ. class here). Also, a less philosophical reason; I don't know how this works in other countries, but here in America, jails are paid for by the taxpayers. In essence, we are paying for murderers to live. Opinions? ~Jade
This is just me wondering how many people on here study at least one form of martial arts. I'm currently 6th Gup (green belt) in Tang Soo Do.
A few friends have been bothering me to watch it; this is your opportunity to convince me that Naruto is actually a show worth watching. Why I don't watch it: -from what little I've seen, the main character is obnoixous and annoying -from all accounts, it does not display an accurate representation of ninjitsu -the main character has some kind of strange cat whiskers/fox whiskers on his face -my current stalker and my ex-boyfriend (two different people) both want me to watch it Why I should watch it: -....?
"Since the beginning of man, there have been religions around the world. In these separate religions, there are stories of life after death, but also about creatures that are born after certain circumstances are met. They are called demons. If the soul of a human is tied down to this world, it is called a haunting. Those souls who haunt these places are called ghosts. Ghosts and demons are a danger to the living, because they are envious of the living and may easily possess or kill them. However, it is time the living fought back." -Excerpt from "Hunters of the Supernatural" by Zexion of the Twilight Rules:-NO SPAM -No powerplay -No god-moding (Seriously, then it's cheating... and rather boring for the rest of the participants) -Romances allowed (I encourage them for plot development), but to PG-13 level. (If I catch any of you cheating on the other, I will personally kick your sorry @$$) -The Kingdom Hearts universe DOES NOT enter into this- NO KEYBLADES, please. Instructions-Rather than have everyone submit a character profile and wait to start the RPG until we have enough people, I've decided to try something a little different. I'm going to start this as a story (see below for more specifics) and post my resume at the bottom of my entry. Your first post will continue the story from your character's point of view, and your resume will be after the entry. Resume Name: Gender: Age: Aliases: (Fake names commonly used) Personality: Attire/Appearence: Specialty: Weapons: -Name-Description Powers: -Name-Description Reason: The basic concept for this RPG was taken from Zexion of the Twilight's Hunters of the Supernatural thread that was killed by spamming. Recently he gave me, Jade Rhade, permission to start it up again; I've made a few changes, however- -NO vampires. Sorry guys, but I’d prefer to stick with the original concept of demons and ghosts wherever possible. Later in the RPG we can discuss whether or not to include them, but I'd like to start with just ghosts and demons for now. -Takes place in a fictional city based loosely off Assisi, Italy... time period is about the late 19th century. -Entries can be written in either third person, first person, or script format depending on whichever you prefer. That’s about it from me! Write well! -xXx- The scent of death. It wafted through the air on a soft breeze with its distinctive tang of the iron from human blood and the shadow from demon dark, gently weaving among soot-lined buildings and crumbling edifices as if a diseased wisp of black cloud. Those unfortunates still wandering the winding cobblestone streets of the city at this late hour instinctively began to retreat toward their warm homes; they perceived the danger without knowing how or why. Yowling strays scattered before its silent threat wordlessly promising despair. In a dark alley forsaken by those who would rather not know of the evil that made its home in their once-fair city, a shadowed female figure knelt beside the limp form of a young child, newly slain. His blood leaked beween the cobblestones, mixing with the venomous dark staining the ground from the mortally wounded minor demon writhing in silent pain from a dozen cuts along its body; the only sound was the scrape of its hard scale against stone and a soft murmuring as the female made the sign of the cross over the dead child. "Even if you kill me, human," the demon's harsh voice grated, "I'll only return to slay more of your wretched kind. My Father-" It cut off with a soft urk as a blade was pressed against its throat. The female's hood fell, revealing long brown hair and piercing jade eyes. The sickly yellow glow of the harvest moon shone off the long, gently curved blade she held in her hand. "Son of Satan," she whispered roughly. "I will kill you as many times as it takes. Return to hell!" Her last word became a hoarse yell as she pressed down. The demon's decapitated head rolled to the entrance of the alley, where a second cloaked figure stopped it with a foot before it disintegrated into the night air, vanishing without a trace. ResumeName: Jade Daeia Gender: Female Age: 22 Aliases: Shadowed Abyss Personality: Quiet and intense, Jade often intimidates those she meets. She tends to use violence to solve her problems rather than to rationally think things through; this often gets her into trouble. Most consider her to be dangerous and immoral; though she has a code of justice, none can fathom its particulars. She still doesn't quite grasp the concepts and rules inherent in living in a city. Attire/Appearence: Pale skin, dark brown hair, and jade-green eyes. Wears a black leather skirt, knee-high laced black combat boots, and a plain white t-shirt. In colder weather, Jade wears a black leather jacket with a silver scarf. Specialty: Demons Weapons: Single scimitar/ skilled in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat... perfers to use her feet more than her hands or weapon. Reason: Cursed to always see the demons and ghosts around her, Jade was sent away from the city to live with her grandfather. Said grandfather shared her curse and taught her to fight the undead around her. A few weeks after her 22nd birthday, her grandfather died, leaving Jade alone to battle the undead. She fights to honor her grandfather's memory.
Is that true? I heard it from a friend; will KH3 only be released for the PlayStation3? Has anyone heard anything different?
What color would you classify his eyes to be? I write fanfiction, and I'm having difficulty deciding what adjective of blue best suits Zexy's eyes. >.< Roxas and Sora have been classified as 'azure', Riku has been classified as 'cyan'... ZEXION DEFIES CLASSIFICATION!! Any ideas? Thanks. (If this is spam, I apologize... I though CoM would be the best place to post this.) For an example of his eye color, check my avatar.
Right, I don't think anyone started a D.G-M thread yet... if anyone did, I apologize! Has anyone seen the D.Gray-Man anime? I've read up to Volume 4 of the manga, and I have to say it's the only manga I've read that compares to Fullmetal Alchemist. I know the anime exists; was it ever dubbed in English?