Replace any word in a quote with the word "pants". Example: "They're warm sir; meaning your pants." The original line was: "They're warm sir; meaning your hands." from The Lord of the Rings
Mine would have to be History and English.
I just put my breakfast in the toaster. I'm going to have a miniature bagel, strawberries, and chocolate milk. ^_^
Just so you know. =D I've been up since about 7:00, and I'm still in my pajamas. And that's your useless-fact-about-Jade for today.
Star Wars {Clone Wars} Republic Commando- Death's Point For those of you who have dial-up or just don't have the patience to watch a 30-second long introductory vid, here's a breakdown of the story. I need at least four people to serve as commandos in the Grand Army of the Republic; depending on the response I get, there will be anywhere from one to three squads. I'd prefer to keep the number of Jedi/Sith participants to a minimum wherever possible, since this IS, at heart, a Commando-centric RP. Alright, I've changed my mind based on the lack off entries; I'll RP as the communications specialist of the squad and receive the orders. People are still welcome to join in. Template (Clone Commando) Username: Name: Proficiency: Template (Force-user) Username: Name: Alignment: (Jedi or Sith) Background: Rules -No powerplay -complete sentences and grammar -NO SPAM -NO GODMODING- especially for Force-users. If I see ANYONE doing anything along the lines of *zomg force-chokes you and kills you*, I will not hesitate to immediately remove you from this RP. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a PM or post it here. Thanks to DPWolf for helping me out; she posted an entire Mandalorian Dictionary for use of the clone commandos. ________________________________________ Commandos Gamma Squad Username: burnitup Name: The End Proficiency: Sniper Number: RC- 1666 Squad: Gamma Username: DPWolf Name: Kyram (kee-RAHM) Proficiency: Leader Number: RC- 3913 Squad: Gamma Username: DarknessKingdom Name: Trig Proficiency: Demolitions Number: RC-4256 Squad: Gamma Username: Jade Rhade Name: Jade Proficiency: Communications Number: RC- 2187 Squad: Gamma Tau Squad Username: waytothedawn Name: Ashley Proficiency: Sniper Number: RC- 3138 Squad: Tau Force-users Username: Aeon Sora Name: Kenshin Himoura Gender: Male Alignment: Jedi Background: A 28 year old man who lives alone after the betrayal of his best friend. He vanished for several years till he finally returned, though completely changed. A kindhearted man who lives, trying to restore the mistakes of his past and make the world a better place to live without using his powers.
Alright, I've uncovered some information about a Death Note movie, but I'm highly allergic to spoilers. Can someone please (without spoiling anything) tell me when the movie takes place in relation to the series, and what the general premise is? Thanks.
I honestly think it's Braig. (Xigbar's original person) He's got the eyes, the facial structure, and also, Xigbar said that one line: "You don't look like you're half the hero the others were." Others? Hmm... so he KNEW the other Keyblade wielders... and Nomura's been saying that this is NOT a KH3, and this would take place BEFORE... theories, anyone?
I've signed on at school. In about five minutes, the bell will ring, and Spring Break will officially start.... WOOT! Just wanted to let everyone know. When does yours (if you go to school) start?
Mine would have to be either Aaron Allston or Matthew Stover. Allston's style is just so dry, and his word choices are hilarious, all while keeping a serious, believable story. Matthew Stover's writing style just intrigues me; he uses a lot of second-person narration, which is interesting and rarely seen.
I live in North America.
Got to be either the first Death Note opening; or the fourth Fullmetal Alchemist opening;
I finally got off my lazy butt and made a signature for Vexen month. HAPPY VEXEN MONTH! DON'T FORGET TO CELEBRATE VEXEN DAY!! 4/IV/07
My mom told me there was an elephant in the front yard. ....... I was four years old, okay!
In celebration of KH2FM+, give someone you know a hug. Right now. If you must, hug the computer screen or in your next post, just hug the person above you. Tomorrow, hug someone at school or at work (or both) just because. If they ask why, you can say because Jade is the Center of the Universe, and ordained it so. The world needs more hugs.
Jade Rhade. That's rah-DAY. Commit it to memory. ~Jade
...using a program other than Paint. Yes, I know it's nothing exceedingly fancy, nor is it even extremely good, but it's the first one I ever did. I was in a Saix mood today, appearently. ^-^ ~Jade
If we continue to find cures for all diseases in the world, eventually the human race will drive itself to extinction. This may seem uncommonly callous, but consider: a) Overpopulation as a result of fewer deaths and longer lives b) Eventually, a virus/disease will become resistant to medicate and mutate; imagine if HIV/AIDS were to become airborne? ~Jade
I've been looking into purchasing a Photoshop-esque program; I've been using Paint, and I'm starting to get tired of the limited possibilities. I was just wondering what you use, and what you'd suggest me buying (hopefully something not too expensive; under $50 would be preferable ^-^). I've never used an image-editing program outside of Paint, and I have Windows XP. Thanks! (And if this is in the wrong section, I apologize.) ~Jade
Where did Riku get it? This is my theory. It may have already been stated by someone, or everyone else may already know this, but: I believe Way to the Dawn was created when Riku clipped a keychain to the Soul Eater. Any objections? ~Jade
This is a series I found recently on YouTube, after reading the first volume of manga based on the anime. To my surprise, this little-known anime was actually dubbed in English... While simplistic in plot (wolves searching for paradise), Wolf's Rain surprised me by the attachment one forms to the cast of characters. Thirty episodes in total, it clearly knew when to stop and allow its storyline to end, which I can't say as much for many of the shows I've seen. Has anyone else uncovered this anime?