Can't decide whether I like the image with the name, or without the name. *shrug* Anyway, CnC is appreciated; I know the text is rather overwhelming.
Can someone give me a list of some Riku quotes? I'm working on a sig, but I honeslty can't think of any good quotes by him. x_x I'm not much of a Riku fan, so that's why. Please? online right now. I sees you, Random Idiot. :D Yes, boys and girls... Random Idiot developed the Grammar Hammer of which I am so famous for. xD She's the one who Grammar-Hammers me.
Now, before the rest of the forum starts going "WTF?!", this is a thread regarding the Kadaj Family. As I've PM'd most everyone in our happy flock, we need to restore some sense of order to the family; hence, this. We on the KF will be enacting a council system to keep order, as some of our members are not mature enough to post without insulting someone. As I've stated in the PM's, those who think they can handle the responsibilities of managing the Kadaj Family, post a paragraph here saying why you think the rest of the family should vote for you. All submissions are due in one week's time (5/28); then voting will begin. My resume is as follows. ________________________________ I've been with the Kadaj Family since it's conception on the V-Day Bash back in February. It was my idea to start a family in the first place. I've been managing most of the member admissions, signature creation, banishment, etc. You've all even given me the title of -sama. I'd like to be able to earn that title by being on this council. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
In the spirit of just trying out a new brand of contacts, I'd like to state that it is only slightly better than a poke in the eye with a flaming brand; the difference being that my eyesight will recover from this pain, while the flaming brand would be rather permanent. So everyone: glasses, contacts, or neither?
I finally gave in and started watching Naruto. Every couple of episodes, I'll be giving a review of what I think so far. For those of you who've spoken to me before, you know I've had little patience with the series, so this is coming from a completely unbiased anime fangirl. Please remember this is all my personal opinion, and you're free to disagree; however, please don't flame, or I lose patience completely. Let's begin, shall we? Episodes 01-03 Right... well, I've decided to watch the Japanese subs because the English voice for Naruto almost made my ears bleed. The concept is interesting, though I don't think starting with the concept of the Nine-Tailed Fox and revealing it in the first episode was very wise. It would have been better had they left it unresolved as to why everyone hated Naruto so much. In the beginning of episode 03, I thought Sakura was irritating, and still do. That will probably change as I continue watching the series. Sasuke... is adorable. When I first saw him in the beginning of 03, I thought he was irritating as well, but just telling Sakura she was annoying... I like him. And he has a mysterious past. See, that's what they should have done with Naruto's past. Iruka-sensei (sp?) is an interesting character so far. Still wondering who the guy in the mask is. Please don't post spoilers here. Feel free to comment on what I've said, but I'm allergic to spoilers (you can ask ZotT if you don't believe me).
I don't even watch Naruto, but I love this. I have become obsessed with this song. Blame DPWolf, she sent it to me...
...I got my permit this morning. xD That means I can now legally drive. If you live anywhere along the East Coast of America, please stay off the roads. It is for your own good.
"Have you heard the news that you're dead? No one ever had much nice to say; I think they never liked you anyway..." Anyone know who does this song? Anyone? (Yay for more misleading thread titles by Jade! xD)
....... I just felt like shouting the name of the most ownsome bounty hunter the Star Wars galaxy has ever known. xD
A/N: This was written a long time ago in October as part of my English midterm. It's labeled as AU because I, not long into Kingdom Hearts at the time, didn't realize that there was no possible way for Larxene to be in the Organization before Demyx. >.< Please enjoy in spite of this. This is my entry for Story of the Week... I apologize if I missed a section of the rules that states it must be a new fanfiction. Crushed Rose by Jade Rhade Prolog “Do you remember your true name?†Two cloaked figures stood on the edge of a vast sea, bordered by a black sand beach stretching as far as could be seen in either direction. The white moonlight reflecting off the waves was the only illumination, and showed no one else was near. Why would there be? This realm existed in Darkness. The one who had spoken had his hood down, revealing a thick mane of silver hair around his shoulders, accentuated by the light from the moon. His voice was given to being melodramatic at times, but now it was cold. Calculating. Almost as if ready to lash out were the wrong answer to be given to his question. The other man had his hood up, masking his face. His hands were at his sides, clenched into trembling fists. “Larxene...†he hissed, gazing out over the ocean known simply as the Sea Between Worlds. The first man shot the other a sharp glance, then realized that the poisonous exhalation had nothing to do with his query. “Your name is Demyx. It’s best you remember that.†“I’m not like you, Xemnas,†Demyx said haltingly, fists shaking. “I have a heart.†“Not anymore.†Xemnas opened a pathway through darkness and vanished. Demyx did not acknowledge his new superior’s departure, gazing up at the moon. “Larxene...†he whispered. -xXx- “Larxene!†a young man shouted, shouldering his way through the press of people toward the head of blonde hair he had seen. “Larxene!†He bashed someone with the sitar case he had slung across his back. “Oh! Sorry!†“Watch it, punk!†someone yelled, but Mey’d paid no attention. “Hi,†he said breathlessly, coming to a stop in front of the blonde woman. “Hi yourself,†she replied, a smile growing on her beautiful face. “I didn’t think you’d come.†“What, you think I came to see you?†Mey'd crossed his arms and looked away toward the bustling crowd of people and vendors surrounding them. “I came for the fair.†“Is that so? Well, I suppose I’ll go home, seeing as how I’m not wanted...†Larxene mock-glared and made to leave. Mey'd’s eyes widened, and he grabbed her wrist. “No, don’t go!†She turned and smirked, and with a flush of embarrassment, Mey'd realized that she was never intending to leave. “Come on,†she said, wrapping her fingers around his and tugging gently on his hand. “I saw a shop I wanted to go to. You can buy me something pretty.†“Oh really?†he grinned and allowed her to pull him through the crowd without resistance. -xXx- High above on a rooftop, two black-cloaked, hooded men stood and observed the fair below- more importantly, the path of Mey'd and Larxene. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think she had a heart,†one said casually, lowering his hood and taking a bite of blue sea-salt ice cream. His shock of red hair and emerald green eyes marked him as none other than the Flurry of Dancing Flames- Axel. “Where did you get that?†the other hooded figure asked. Saïx’s emotionless monotone and X-shaped scar made him easily distinguishable as the Luna Diviner. Both were members of the Organization. Both were Nobodies- their hearts had been taken from them, leaving them an empty shell, unable to feel emotion. But they could remember what it was like- that’s what makes them special. That, and their willingness to hurl the worlds into total chaos to achieve their goal of regaining a heart. “I gost tit ‘own dere,†he replied through a mouthful of ice cream. “Ish not bad.†Saïx shook his head and returned his attention to the square. “Why do you think she persists in this ridiculous charade?†he murmured softly. “She cannot feel... desire.†“Nye fink-†Axel started, then swallowed. “Sorry. I think she enjoys making humans want her, knowing that she can only break their pathetic hearts. She enjoys causing pain.†“Hmm.†“Not to mention the pathetic fools often buy her whatever she asks for.†Axel held out his popsicle. “Want some?†"No.†-xXx- “Where is the Savage Nymph?†Xemnas’ haughty voice easily filled the small white room where the members of the Organization were gathered. The other nine members of the Organization looked at each other uneasily, as if mentally choosing who would be the one to speak. Axel, Luxord, Marluxia, Saïx, Xaldin, Xigbar, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion sat around a table embossed with their symbol. There was one empty seat. “She’s not here,†Xigbar finally ventured after an uncomfortable silence. “I realized that, thank you.†Xemnas held out a hand. “Do you mean to tell me, that although we have vast resources at our disposal and almost limitless information, none of you know where Larxene is?†Axel grinned, about to say something highly sarcastic, but immediately thought better of it and adopted a look of proper consternation. And none too soon, as Xemnas pointed to both Saïx and Axel. “You two were with her last.†“That was over a month ago,†Axel pointed out. “She may very well have-†Zexion raised his hand to stop conversation and sniffed, sensing the presence of darkness with his peculiar talent. “She comes,†he stated softly. Axel breathed a sigh of relief; Saïx, not one for displays of emotion, remained exactly as he was. “You are late,†Xemnas announced as Larxene stepped through the portal of darkness. “Well, excuse me for not being dressed when your all-powerful summons came!†she snapped. Her blonde hair was disheveled, and her black robes were slightly skewed. “You will address me with respect!†Xemnas thundered, standing and pointing furiously. Larxene visibly swallowed a retort and inclined her head. “My apologies, Superior.†“Take a seat, Savage Nymph.†She stalked over to the only remaining empty chair and sat. Axel wondered what she could have been doing, then mentally shrugged as the Superior began to speak, but despite his best efforts, his mind began to wander. “Blah blah Kingdom Hearts blah blah Dusks blah blah Keyblade blah Heartless blah...†the usual. Axel absent-mindedly started drumming his fingers against the table. He caught Saïx giving him a severe look and stopped tapping the table, choosing to instead lean his chair on his back legs. Saïx, you’re the only one who listens to Xemnas babble on and on. ‘Kingdom Hearts’ this, ‘Kingdom Hearts’ that. Sheesh, that guy’s like a broken record or something. “Blah blah more hearts blah blah blah Larxene.†Axel looked up as Xemnas changed his cadence. Wait. Did he just say...? “Why were you unable to attend this meeting on time?†Xemnas asked calmly. “I was... otherwise engaged.†I’m sure you were, Axel thought with raised eyebrow. “Not only that, but you have been gone for the past month without reporting in. I’m starting to have doubts about your loyalty, Larxene. Your plaything seems to be taking up an inordinate amount of time.†Larxene remained silent, face unreadable. “Make sure you know where your true loyalties lie.†“Of course,†she responded coolly. “You’re all dismissed.†Xemnas held out a hand. “Except you two; Axel and Saïx. I want to speak with you.†Crap. In his mind, Axel went through all the things he could possibly have done since the last meeting, but came up blank as the others disappeared. “What is your opinion of Larxene?†Xemnas asked, sitting down and folding his hands on the table. “Her... distraction... does not seem to be causing any harm,†Saïx answered, choosing his words carefully. “I don’t like her having commitments outside of the Organization. Rectify it. Both of you.†-xXx- “How is ice cream rectifying the problem?†Saïx asked. Axel shrugged. “You sure you don’t want some?†He offered a half-eaten popsicle. “Yes.†“Why are we spying on Larxene in the first place? From the top of an apartment building, no less?†Axel gazed at him curiously with his sharp emerald orbs. “We need to determine whether Mey’d is distracting her from her duties as a member of the Organization.†“Why?†“Because the Superior ordered us to.†“Why?†“You are exceedingly annoying.†“That was actually a serious question,†Axel noted as he finished his sea-salt ice cream. “Why does Xemnas care?†“I... don’t know.†Saïx sounded almost surprised. “See, you need to think about these things,†he pointed the popsicle stick at Saïx, “instead of blindly following orders.†“You think too much.†“You don’t think enough.†“I am tempted to throw you off this building.†“Are you running out of retorts? I could do this all day.†“Shut up.†Saïx paused. “What exactly are they doing?†“You really are naïve, aren’t you?†Saïx crossed his arms and didn’t answer. -xXx- Axel had counted all the people in the town square below, amused himself by picking out Heartless-shaped clouds, bought three more ice creams, and still Saïx did not seem ready to leave the roof. And it had been over an hour. “I’m getting a tan here!†Axel complained, lying flat on the rooftop and noticing a cloud shaped like a Dusk. Saïx didn’t answer, and the other Nobody thought about poking him to make sure he was alive. “I’m going to start braiding my hair like Xaldin!†he threatened. Saïx blinked. Axel gave up and returned his attention to the clouds, which were infinitely more interesting than his companion. “Talk about emotionless stiffs,†he muttered under his breath. A half-hour went by. Axel had flipped over onto his stomach, making the observation that there were only three people in the entire town wearing red. “What do you think would happen if someone were to drown in the Sea Between Worlds?†Saïx asked eventually. There was no answer. Axel had fallen asleep and was snoring softly. Saïx jabbed him hard in the side with his boot. “Get up.†“I wasn’t asleep.†He yawned broadly and stretched, squinting up at the sky. “I was contemplating the mysteries of the heart.†“You don’t have one.†“Which is why it’s a mystery!†Axel grinned triumphantly. “You are an idiot.†“With the company I keep, that’s not surprising.†Saïx narrowed his eyes, suspecting that he’d just been insulted. “What would happen if someone were to drown in the Sea Between Worlds?†he repeated. “They’d... drown?†Axel suggested, raising his eyebrows in a ‘well-duh’ expression, then paused. “Wait. You’re not thinking about drowning Mey’d in the Sea Between Worlds, are you?†Saïx almost smiled. Almost. “It would rectify the problem... while providing an answer to a question of mine.†Axel got up and slapped Saïx on the shoulder. “And here I was thinking you had no imagination. Let’s go get some ice cream!†“No.†-xXx- Unbeknownst to the two Nobodies, Larxene was watching them from behind a chimney. -xXx- Axel had moved from being bored on the rooftop to being bored sitting on his bed in his room. He absent-mindedly tossed one of his chakrams into the air and caught it. Maybe he’d go bother Saïx later. That was always fun. Flick, catch. Flick, catch. Flick- Huh? He blinked as a slender hand shot into his vision and snatched the weapon from midair. Larxene slinked fully into view, a smug smile gracing her features as she twirled the chakram on one delicate finger. “You’re slowing down, Flurry of Dancing Flames,†she mocked. “You must be getting old.†Axel matched her grin and dismissed the weapon with a thought, raising an eyebrow. She pouted and crawled onto the bed next to him. “You’re no fun.†“I’m sorry, that title has already been claimed by Saïx,†he replied casually, sliding over to make room. After a few moments silence, she spoke: “Axel...†she said slowly. “We are... friends, yes?†“Insofar as a Nobody can have friends, seeing as how we don’t technically have emotions...†He narrowed his eyes as she looked down. “Saïx did not tell you his theory on drowning a human in the Sea Between Worlds. He and Vexen have been working on it.†“Oh?†“They think it will turn a human into a Heartless.†She met his eyes. “Tell me... my friend... why does Saïx want to turn Mey’d into a Heartless?†“You’re the sadistic ‘Savage Nymph’,†he pointed out. “Can’t you see the logic in that yourself? In his mind, all Saïx is doing is following orders.†It was her turn for eyes to narrow. “What do you mean, ‘orders’?†Oops. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.†Axel offered a smile, but Larxene was having none of it. A slender yellow knife appeared between her fingers. “What do you mean, ‘orders’?†she repeated dangerously. Uh-oh... shouldn’t have said that. After thinking it over, Axel decided to tell the truth. After all, neither Xemnas nor Saïx had ordered him to keep his mouth shut. And who knows- maybe he’d need Larxene on his side one of these days. “Xemnas... ordered Saïx to ‘rectify’ the issue of Mey’d.†He purposefully left himself out of the sentence. “And why were you plotting with Saïx? Don’t treat me like a fool, Axel; I heard everything.†Damn. “Xemnas ordered both of us to come up with a solution,†he added reluctantly. The knife disappeared. “I see.†She sounded almost regretful. “Don’t you think you’re putting a lot of time into a human who will have to be killed?†Axel ventured, as neither of them had said anything for some time. Larxene sighed, and her shoulders slumped. “In the space where your heart was,†she touched her breast where a heart would have been, had she possessed one; “you can remember humor and happiness. I could only remember pain and suffering. When I’m with Mey’d, it’s almost as if I can feel...†she trailed off and shook her head briskly, brushing Axel’s face with her blonde locks. “Never mind.†She stood and opened a portal of darkness. “Give me a few more days with him. Then I promise I’ll help you and Saïx... dispose of him.†“All right,†he was surprised to find himself agreeing. “I’ll try and delay Saïx.†Larxene smiled softly. “I hope you find someone who helps you remember what it was like to have a heart,†she said quietly, then stepped through. Axel laughed shortly, even though she was not there to hear him. “I don’t need anyone to remember,†he said to the empty room. But even to his own ears, his words sounded bitter. -xXx- Mey’d had no way of knowing that his lover was plotting his death. He had no idea that he was about to die. He was buying a rose for Larxene, his black sitar case slung casually across his back. “Let’s see here...†he was perusing a chart that explained the different meanings behind the colors of a rose. “Definitely not white for ‘purity and innocence’,†he smirked to himself. Larxene was anything but pure and innocent. “Dark red- ‘unconscious beauty’... no, I’m sure she’s very conscious of her beauty... Mmm... This is hard. Coral for desire, maybe?†“Hurry it up, buddy!†the shopkeeper shouted from behind the counter. “I usually close up ten minutes ago!†He looked out the shop window, where one could see the sun setting over the horizon. “Give me a second, please!†Mey’d held up one finger without turning. “Red is too cliché,†he murmured. “Ah, she probably won’t know what they mean anyway.†He shrugged and closed his eyes, picking one at random. “White.†He regarded the single rose in his hand and blinked. “Okay. Purity and innocence it is.†He laid the flower gently on the counter. “I’d like to buy this one.†“Ya want the thorns cut off?†Mey’d shook his head. “Just wrap around them with this, please,†he picked out a spool of bright coral-hued ribbon and handed it to the shopkeeper. -xXx- “Saïx!†Axel jogged after him down the hall. “What do you mean, tonight?†“I thought I made that clear,†he answered, stopping without turning. Vexen looked up and blinked, lowering the clipboard he and Saïx had been studying. “There is no reason to wait longer in the carrying out of our orders,†Saïx continued. “Can’t we do it tomorrow, at least?†“No. Tonight.†“All right. I’ll be there.†“That is not necessary,†Vexen interjected, brushing his dirty-blond hair away from his face. “I’m interested in the result,†he countered. “Fine,†Saïx replied. “I shall go to Larxene now.†He opened a portal of darkness and disappeared, leaving Axel alone in the hall with the ‘Chilly Academic’. “You’ll be there?†Axel asked. Vexen shook his head. “I have other things to take care of.†He inclined his head once to Axel, then went through his own darkness-portal. Axel’s lips twitched as he looked at the spot where from which Saïx had disappeared. “Sorry, Larxene,†he muttered emotionlessly. -xXx- To all appearances, nothing was wrong as Mey’d and Larxene walked down the deserted street hand in hand. The streetlamps hadn’t yet been lit, and the last rays of the sun illuminated the scene with a rich golden glow. All seemed right with the world. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Larxene caught a glimpse of a man wearing the cloak of the Organization standing in an alley. As she watched, he deliberately pulled his hood down and shook his ice-blue hair free, staring directly at her with golden eyes. Saïx. She quickly looked away not wanting Mey’d to see him, and her grip tightened instinctively on his hand. “Oh!†Mey’d stopped walking and released her hand, pulling something from his coat pocket. It was the white rose, wrapped with a coral ribbon. “Here,†he said simply, extending it toward her. “This is for you.†Her eyes sparkled with tears as she took it. “Thank you,†she whispered. “Hey,†he looked concerned. “What’s wrong?†Larxene wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him desperately, knowing this would be the last time she would ever get the opportunity. “I’m sorry,†she breathed in his ear, feeling a single tear trickle down the side of her face. Mey’d looked at her strangely, his mouth open to ask why. But he never got the chance. Faster than blinking, Larxene brought her right hand up in a knifehand to the temple. Unconsciousness was immediate, and he collapsed to the cobblestones, still looking confused. She grabbed him by the arms and dragged him into the alley where Saïx was waiting. “Here,†she said bitterly, wiping away the tear with the back of her hand and dropping her lover’s unconscious body to the cobblestones. “Do what you will.†-xXx- Axel, Saïx, and Larxene stood on the edge of the Sea Between Worlds, with Mey’d’s limp body unceremoniously lying on the black sand beach. The three Nobodies were garbed in their dark cloaks with the hoods up; the soft sea breeze blowing a wisp of Larxene’s golden hair across her face. “You will take him out several miles into the water by stepping through a portal of darkness,†Saïx told Larxene. Obviously he had put some thought into this. “Simply drop him in. The weight of his sitar will drag him down, and the Heartless in the water will ensure that he cannot survive long enough to reach shore.†“Very well,†she replied coldly, kneeling down next to the man who had once been her lover. She pulled the rose he had given her from the inside of her robe and tucked it into his shirt. “A white rose,†she whispered softly, so neither Axel nor Saïx could hear her. “A symbol of happy love, or of innocence and purity. The coral-hued ribbon for desire. Another time, another place, we could have been happy together, Mey’d. But this is the fate of a human; your heart led you to me, and ultimately- to destruction. Farewell, my love.†She stood and flicked her fingers, opening a portal and dragging Mey’d into it. They both disappeared. “Will she do it?†Saïx asked. Axel nodded once. “No matter what she thought she felt, she is still Larxene. She is still a Nobody. And, above all, she still enjoys inflicting pain.†-xXx- Easy enough, Larxene thought as she dropped his limp body into the ocean. She was preparing to step back into darkness when a startled gasping forced her to turn. The shock of the icy water had roused Mey’d, and he grabbed at the only thing in reach- Larxene’s ankle. With her concentration broken, she lost her hold on the darkness and splashed into the water. “Damn you!†she screamed, kicking out. The kick was unnecessary, as Mey’d released her himself. “Larxene?†He frantically tried to tread water. With a spike of fear, Larxene realized that her hood had fallen down around her shoulders, then dismissed the feeling. “Yes, it’s me. Your sweet little Larxene.†She smiled sweetly, treading water with ease. “What... what are you doing?†Mey’d bright cerulean eyes were wide with fear and betrayal. “Why?†She blew him one last kiss and disappeared into darkness. “Larxene!†Mey’d cried, flailing desperately, sinking despite his efforts. “Larxene!†And then he had time for one more breath before he slipped beneath the surface. The weight of his sitar was pulling him down fast. Mey’d frantically tried to undo the straps, but the pressure of the water was pushing it down hard, and try as he might, he couldn’t loosen the straps. He was sinking ever faster, tears of fear and betrayal mixing with the salty water of the Sea Between Worlds. He futilely reached up, as if someone would take his hand and lift him up... ...but no one came. The last thing Mey’d saw, as spots were dancing in front of his vision and his lungs felt as if made of fire, was a swarm of black creatures with glowing eyes swimming toward him. The last thing Mey’d saw was his heart, floating gently up toward the surface he could not reach... -xXx- Axel and Saïx watched as Larxene, sopping wet, emerged from a portal of darkness. “Trouble?†Saïx asked dryly. “Nothing I couldn’t handle,†she replied, wringing out her hair. Axel squinted out toward the horizon, catching a glimpse of a black creature skimming the water with impossible speed. “Uh-oh.†Mey’d’s Heartless leapt into the air, the Shadow ready to attack- but fell backward and disintegrated, a knife the color of old bone through its throat. Larxene lowered her hand. “It’s finished, then,†she whispered, then she and Saïx stepped through a portal and vanished. Axel made to follow them when something else caught his eye, and he paused. Drifting slowly, ominously toward shore was the body of Mey’d. Unwilling, or simply unable, to look away, he watched it draw ever nearer until it bumped against the sand. “You poor *******,†Axel murmured, shaking his head. He was about to look away, but stopped and looked closer. Mey’d was still alive, and even as Axel watched in shock, he rolled over onto his hands and knees, vomiting water. Impossible! his mind shouted. Larxene just killed the Heartless, which would mean that this... A Nobody? Against all better judgement, Axel knelt down and removed his hood, observing him with a sense of wonder. The Nobody who had formerly been known as Mey’d was on his hands and knees, coughing violently in an effort to rid the water from his lungs. His dark brown hair had shifted a few shades lighter, and his eyes had changed from bright cerulean blue to an almost jadecolor. After the worst of the coughing had passed, he looked up and met Axel’s gaze, breathing heavily. At a loss, Axel held out his hand. “Welcome to the Organization, kid,†he said simply. -xXx- Demyx stood on the edge of the Sea Between Worlds, the ocean in which he should have died- the ocean where he did die. Where he had been murdered by the love of his young life- Larxene. And now, he saw her every day. He passed her in the hall. Even when he didn’t see her, he could feel her presence in the jagged hole where his heart had been; an open wound someone was constantly filling with salt. He unclenched his fists and knelt down on the wet sand, seeing something being slowly pushed into shore by the tide. Demyx reached out and scooped it from the water, cradling it gently with both hands. It was the rose he had given to Larxene. Despite his best efforts, he could feel his eyes filling up with tears and spilling down his cheeks. That deep sorrow quickly turned to fierce anger, and Demyx clenched his fists again. The white petals were crushed in his right hand, the juice staining his gloves. His left hand, however, crushed the stem. The thorns pierced the coral ribbon with ease and sliced through his thin glove to the skin below. Black shadow leaked from his palm and dripped down his arm. A heart... not something one takes notice of until it’s gone, yet Demyx cannot bring himself to admit the truth. That all the emotions he thinks he feels are naught but lies- memories of a life he once knew and will never achieve again. This is how it feels to be Demyx. Constantly in denial of his own nonexistence. Forever... End
A/N: This was written a long time ago in October as part of my English midterm. It's labeled as AU because I, not long into Kingdom Hearts at the time, didn't realize that there was no possible way for Larxene to be in the Organization before Demyx. >.< Please enjoy in spite of this. Crushed Rose by Jade Rhade Prolog “Do you remember your true name?†Two cloaked figures stood on the edge of a vast sea, bordered by a black sand beach stretching as far as could be seen in either direction. The white moonlight reflecting off the waves was the only illumination, and showed no one else was near. Why would there be? This realm existed in Darkness. The one who had spoken had his hood down, revealing a thick mane of silver hair around his shoulders, accentuated by the light from the moon. His voice was given to being melodramatic at times, but now it was cold. Calculating. Almost as if ready to lash out were the wrong answer to be given to his question. The other man had his hood up, masking his face. His hands were at his sides, clenched into trembling fists. “Larxene...†he hissed, gazing out over the ocean known simply as the Sea Between Worlds. The first man shot the other a sharp glance, then realized that the poisonous exhalation had nothing to do with his query. “Your name is Demyx. It’s best you remember that.†“I’m not like you, Xemnas,†Demyx said haltingly, fists shaking. “I have a heart.†“Not anymore.†Xemnas opened a pathway through darkness and vanished. Demyx did not acknowledge his new superior’s departure, gazing up at the moon. “Larxene...†he whispered. -xXx- “Larxene!†a young man shouted, shouldering his way through the press of people toward the head of blonde hair he had seen. “Larxene!†He bashed someone with the sitar case he had slung across his back. “Oh! Sorry!†“Watch it, punk!†someone yelled, but Mey’d paid no attention. “Hi,†he said breathlessly, coming to a stop in front of the blonde woman. “Hi yourself,†she replied, a smile growing on her beautiful face. “I didn’t think you’d come.†“What, you think I came to see you?†Mey'd crossed his arms and looked away toward the bustling crowd of people and vendors surrounding them. “I came for the fair.†“Is that so? Well, I suppose I’ll go home, seeing as how I’m not wanted...†Larxene mock-glared and made to leave. Mey'd’s eyes widened, and he grabbed her wrist. “No, don’t go!†She turned and smirked, and with a flush of embarrassment, Mey'd realized that she was never intending to leave. “Come on,†she said, wrapping her fingers around his and tugging gently on his hand. “I saw a shop I wanted to go to. You can buy me something pretty.†“Oh really?†he grinned and allowed her to pull him through the crowd without resistance. -xXx- High above on a rooftop, two black-cloaked, hooded men stood and observed the fair below- more importantly, the path of Mey'd and Larxene. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think she had a heart,†one said casually, lowering his hood and taking a bite of blue sea-salt ice cream. His shock of red hair and emerald green eyes marked him as none other than the Flurry of Dancing Flames- Axel. “Where did you get that?†the other hooded figure asked. Saïx’s emotionless monotone and X-shaped scar made him easily distinguishable as the Luna Diviner. Both were members of the Organization. Both were Nobodies- their hearts had been taken from them, leaving them an empty shell, unable to feel emotion. But they could remember what it was like- that’s what makes them special. That, and their willingness to hurl the worlds into total chaos to achieve their goal of regaining a heart. “I gost tit ‘own dere,†he replied through a mouthful of ice cream. “Ish not bad.†Saïx shook his head and returned his attention to the square. “Why do you think she persists in this ridiculous charade?†he murmured softly. “She cannot feel... desire.†“Nye fink-†Axel started, then swallowed. “Sorry. I think she enjoys making humans want her, knowing that she can only break their pathetic hearts. She enjoys causing pain.†“Hmm.†“Not to mention the pathetic fools often buy her whatever she asks for.†Axel held out his popsicle. “Want some?†"No.†-xXx- “Where is the Savage Nymph?†Xemnas’ haughty voice easily filled the small white room where the members of the Organization were gathered. The other nine members of the Organization looked at each other uneasily, as if mentally choosing who would be the one to speak. Axel, Luxord, Marluxia, Saïx, Xaldin, Xigbar, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion sat around a table embossed with their symbol. There was one empty seat. “She’s not here,†Xigbar finally ventured after an uncomfortable silence. “I realized that, thank you.†Xemnas held out a hand. “Do you mean to tell me, that although we have vast resources at our disposal and almost limitless information, none of you know where Larxene is?†Axel grinned, about to say something highly sarcastic, but immediately thought better of it and adopted a look of proper consternation. And none too soon, as Xemnas pointed to both Saïx and Axel. “You two were with her last.†“That was over a month ago,†Axel pointed out. “She may very well have-†Zexion raised his hand to stop conversation and sniffed, sensing the presence of darkness with his peculiar talent. “She comes,†he stated softly. Axel breathed a sigh of relief; Saïx, not one for displays of emotion, remained exactly as he was. “You are late,†Xemnas announced as Larxene stepped through the portal of darkness. “Well, excuse me for not being dressed when your all-powerful summons came!†she snapped. Her blonde hair was disheveled, and her black robes were slightly skewed. “You will address me with respect!†Xemnas thundered, standing and pointing furiously. Larxene visibly swallowed a retort and inclined her head. “My apologies, Superior.†“Take a seat, Savage Nymph.†She stalked over to the only remaining empty chair and sat. Axel wondered what she could have been doing, then mentally shrugged as the Superior began to speak, but despite his best efforts, his mind began to wander. “Blah blah Kingdom Hearts blah blah Dusks blah blah Keyblade blah Heartless blah...†the usual. Axel absent-mindedly started drumming his fingers against the table. He caught Saïx giving him a severe look and stopped tapping the table, choosing to instead lean his chair on his back legs. Saïx, you’re the only one who listens to Xemnas babble on and on. ‘Kingdom Hearts’ this, ‘Kingdom Hearts’ that. Sheesh, that guy’s like a broken record or something. “Blah blah more hearts blah blah blah Larxene.†Axel looked up as Xemnas changed his cadence. Wait. Did he just say...? “Why were you unable to attend this meeting on time?†Xemnas asked calmly. “I was... otherwise engaged.†I’m sure you were, Axel thought with raised eyebrow. “Not only that, but you have been gone for the past month without reporting in. I’m starting to have doubts about your loyalty, Larxene. Your plaything seems to be taking up an inordinate amount of time.†Larxene remained silent, face unreadable. “Make sure you know where your true loyalties lie.†“Of course,†she responded coolly. “You’re all dismissed.†Xemnas held out a hand. “Except you two; Axel and Saïx. I want to speak with you.†Crap. In his mind, Axel went through all the things he could possibly have done since the last meeting, but came up blank as the others disappeared. “What is your opinion of Larxene?†Xemnas asked, sitting down and folding his hands on the table. “Her... distraction... does not seem to be causing any harm,†Saïx answered, choosing his words carefully. “I don’t like her having commitments outside of the Organization. Rectify it. Both of you.†-xXx- “How is ice cream rectifying the problem?†Saïx asked. Axel shrugged. “You sure you don’t want some?†He offered a half-eaten popsicle. “Yes.†“Why are we spying on Larxene in the first place? From the top of an apartment building, no less?†Axel gazed at him curiously with his sharp emerald orbs. “We need to determine whether Mey’d is distracting her from her duties as a member of the Organization.†“Why?†“Because the Superior ordered us to.†“Why?†“You are exceedingly annoying.†“That was actually a serious question,†Axel noted as he finished his sea-salt ice cream. “Why does Xemnas care?†“I... don’t know.†Saïx sounded almost surprised. “See, you need to think about these things,†he pointed the popsicle stick at Saïx, “instead of blindly following orders.†“You think too much.†“You don’t think enough.†“I am tempted to throw you off this building.†“Are you running out of retorts? I could do this all day.†“Shut up.†Saïx paused. “What exactly are they doing?†“You really are naïve, aren’t you?†Saïx crossed his arms and didn’t answer. -xXx- Axel had counted all the people in the town square below, amused himself by picking out Heartless-shaped clouds, bought three more ice creams, and still Saïx did not seem ready to leave the roof. And it had been over an hour. “I’m getting a tan here!†Axel complained, lying flat on the rooftop and noticing a cloud shaped like a Dusk. Saïx didn’t answer, and the other Nobody thought about poking him to make sure he was alive. “I’m going to start braiding my hair like Xaldin!†he threatened. Saïx blinked. Axel gave up and returned his attention to the clouds, which were infinitely more interesting than his companion. “Talk about emotionless stiffs,†he muttered under his breath. A half-hour went by. Axel had flipped over onto his stomach, making the observation that there were only three people in the entire town wearing red. “What do you think would happen if someone were to drown in the Sea Between Worlds?†Saïx asked eventually. There was no answer. Axel had fallen asleep and was snoring softly. Saïx jabbed him hard in the side with his boot. “Get up.†“I wasn’t asleep.†He yawned broadly and stretched, squinting up at the sky. “I was contemplating the mysteries of the heart.†“You don’t have one.†“Which is why it’s a mystery!†Axel grinned triumphantly. “You are an idiot.†“With the company I keep, that’s not surprising.†Saïx narrowed his eyes, suspecting that he’d just been insulted. “What would happen if someone were to drown in the Sea Between Worlds?†he repeated. “They’d... drown?†Axel suggested, raising his eyebrows in a ‘well-duh’ expression, then paused. “Wait. You’re not thinking about drowning Mey’d in the Sea Between Worlds, are you?†Saïx almost smiled. Almost. “It would rectify the problem... while providing an answer to a question of mine.†Axel got up and slapped Saïx on the shoulder. “And here I was thinking you had no imagination. Let’s go get some ice cream!†“No.†-xXx- Unbeknownst to the two Nobodies, Larxene was watching them from behind a chimney. -xXx- Axel had moved from being bored on the rooftop to being bored sitting on his bed in his room. He absent-mindedly tossed one of his chakrams into the air and caught it. Maybe he’d go bother Saïx later. That was always fun. Flick, catch. Flick, catch. Flick- Huh? He blinked as a slender hand shot into his vision and snatched the weapon from midair. Larxene slinked fully into view, a smug smile gracing her features as she twirled the chakram on one delicate finger. “You’re slowing down, Flurry of Dancing Flames,†she mocked. “You must be getting old.†Axel matched her grin and dismissed the weapon with a thought, raising an eyebrow. She pouted and crawled onto the bed next to him. “You’re no fun.†“I’m sorry, that title has already been claimed by Saïx,†he replied casually, sliding over to make room. After a few moments silence, she spoke: “Axel...†she said slowly. “We are... friends, yes?†“Insofar as a Nobody can have friends, seeing as how we don’t technically have emotions...†He narrowed his eyes as she looked down. “Saïx did not tell you his theory on drowning a human in the Sea Between Worlds. He and Vexen have been working on it.†“Oh?†“They think it will turn a human into a Heartless.†She met his eyes. “Tell me... my friend... why does Saïx want to turn Mey’d into a Heartless?†“You’re the sadistic ‘Savage Nymph’,†he pointed out. “Can’t you see the logic in that yourself? In his mind, all Saïx is doing is following orders.†It was her turn for eyes to narrow. “What do you mean, ‘orders’?†Oops. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.†Axel offered a smile, but Larxene was having none of it. A slender yellow knife appeared between her fingers. “What do you mean, ‘orders’?†she repeated dangerously. Uh-oh... shouldn’t have said that. After thinking it over, Axel decided to tell the truth. After all, neither Xemnas nor Saïx had ordered him to keep his mouth shut. And who knows- maybe he’d need Larxene on his side one of these days. “Xemnas... ordered Saïx to ‘rectify’ the issue of Mey’d.†He purposefully left himself out of the sentence. “And why were you plotting with Saïx? Don’t treat me like a fool, Axel; I heard everything.†Damn. “Xemnas ordered both of us to come up with a solution,†he added reluctantly. The knife disappeared. “I see.†She sounded almost regretful. “Don’t you think you’re putting a lot of time into a human who will have to be killed?†Axel ventured, as neither of them had said anything for some time. Larxene sighed, and her shoulders slumped. “In the space where your heart was,†she touched her breast where a heart would have been, had she possessed one; “you can remember humor and happiness. I could only remember pain and suffering. When I’m with Mey’d, it’s almost as if I can feel...†she trailed off and shook her head briskly, brushing Axel’s face with her blonde locks. “Never mind.†She stood and opened a portal of darkness. “Give me a few more days with him. Then I promise I’ll help you and Saïx... dispose of him.†“All right,†he was surprised to find himself agreeing. “I’ll try and delay Saïx.†Larxene smiled softly. “I hope you find someone who helps you remember what it was like to have a heart,†she said quietly, then stepped through. Axel laughed shortly, even though she was not there to hear him. “I don’t need anyone to remember,†he said to the empty room. But even to his own ears, his words sounded bitter. -xXx- Mey’d had no way of knowing that his lover was plotting his death. He had no idea that he was about to die. He was buying a rose for Larxene, his black sitar case slung casually across his back. “Let’s see here...†he was perusing a chart that explained the different meanings behind the colors of a rose. “Definitely not white for ‘purity and innocence’,†he smirked to himself. Larxene was anything but pure and innocent. “Dark red- ‘unconscious beauty’... no, I’m sure she’s very conscious of her beauty... Mmm... This is hard. Coral for desire, maybe?†“Hurry it up, buddy!†the shopkeeper shouted from behind the counter. “I usually close up ten minutes ago!†He looked out the shop window, where one could see the sun setting over the horizon. “Give me a second, please!†Mey’d held up one finger without turning. “Red is too cliché,†he murmured. “Ah, she probably won’t know what they mean anyway.†He shrugged and closed his eyes, picking one at random. “White.†He regarded the single rose in his hand and blinked. “Okay. Purity and innocence it is.†He laid the flower gently on the counter. “I’d like to buy this one.†“Ya want the thorns cut off?†Mey’d shook his head. “Just wrap around them with this, please,†he picked out a spool of bright coral-hued ribbon and handed it to the shopkeeper. -xXx- “Saïx!†Axel jogged after him down the hall. “What do you mean, tonight?†“I thought I made that clear,†he answered, stopping without turning. Vexen looked up and blinked, lowering the clipboard he and Saïx had been studying. “There is no reason to wait longer in the carrying out of our orders,†Saïx continued. “Can’t we do it tomorrow, at least?†“No. Tonight.†“All right. I’ll be there.†“That is not necessary,†Vexen interjected, brushing his dirty-blond hair away from his face. “I’m interested in the result,†he countered. “Fine,†Saïx replied. “I shall go to Larxene now.†He opened a portal of darkness and disappeared, leaving Axel alone in the hall with the ‘Chilly Academic’. “You’ll be there?†Axel asked. Vexen shook his head. “I have other things to take care of.†He inclined his head once to Axel, then went through his own darkness-portal. Axel’s lips twitched as he looked at the spot where from which Saïx had disappeared. “Sorry, Larxene,†he muttered emotionlessly. -xXx- To all appearances, nothing was wrong as Mey’d and Larxene walked down the deserted street hand in hand. The streetlamps hadn’t yet been lit, and the last rays of the sun illuminated the scene with a rich golden glow. All seemed right with the world. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Larxene caught a glimpse of a man wearing the cloak of the Organization standing in an alley. As she watched, he deliberately pulled his hood down and shook his ice-blue hair free, staring directly at her with golden eyes. Saïx. She quickly looked away not wanting Mey’d to see him, and her grip tightened instinctively on his hand. “Oh!†Mey’d stopped walking and released her hand, pulling something from his coat pocket. It was the white rose, wrapped with a coral ribbon. “Here,†he said simply, extending it toward her. “This is for you.†Her eyes sparkled with tears as she took it. “Thank you,†she whispered. “Hey,†he looked concerned. “What’s wrong?†Larxene wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him desperately, knowing this would be the last time she would ever get the opportunity. “I’m sorry,†she breathed in his ear, feeling a single tear trickle down the side of her face. Mey’d looked at her strangely, his mouth open to ask why. But he never got the chance. Faster than blinking, Larxene brought her right hand up in a knifehand to the temple. Unconsciousness was immediate, and he collapsed to the cobblestones, still looking confused. She grabbed him by the arms and dragged him into the alley where Saïx was waiting. “Here,†she said bitterly, wiping away the tear with the back of her hand and dropping her lover’s unconscious body to the cobblestones. “Do what you will.†-xXx- Axel, Saïx, and Larxene stood on the edge of the Sea Between Worlds, with Mey’d’s limp body unceremoniously lying on the black sand beach. The three Nobodies were garbed in their dark cloaks with the hoods up; the soft sea breeze blowing a wisp of Larxene’s golden hair across her face. “You will take him out several miles into the water by stepping through a portal of darkness,†Saïx told Larxene. Obviously he had put some thought into this. “Simply drop him in. The weight of his sitar will drag him down, and the Heartless in the water will ensure that he cannot survive long enough to reach shore.†“Very well,†she replied coldly, kneeling down next to the man who had once been her lover. She pulled the rose he had given her from the inside of her robe and tucked it into his shirt. “A white rose,†she whispered softly, so neither Axel nor Saïx could hear her. “A symbol of happy love, or of innocence and purity. The coral-hued ribbon for desire. Another time, another place, we could have been happy together, Mey’d. But this is the fate of a human; your heart led you to me, and ultimately- to destruction. Farewell, my love.†She stood and flicked her fingers, opening a portal and dragging Mey’d into it. They both disappeared. “Will she do it?†Saïx asked. Axel nodded once. “No matter what she thought she felt, she is still Larxene. She is still a Nobody. And, above all, she still enjoys inflicting pain.†-xXx- Easy enough, Larxene thought as she dropped his limp body into the ocean. She was preparing to step back into darkness when a startled gasping forced her to turn. The shock of the icy water had roused Mey’d, and he grabbed at the only thing in reach- Larxene’s ankle. With her concentration broken, she lost her hold on the darkness and splashed into the water. “Damn you!†she screamed, kicking out. The kick was unnecessary, as Mey’d released her himself. “Larxene?†He frantically tried to tread water. With a spike of fear, Larxene realized that her hood had fallen down around her shoulders, then dismissed the feeling. “Yes, it’s me. Your sweet little Larxene.†She smiled sweetly, treading water with ease. “What... what are you doing?†Mey’d bright cerulean eyes were wide with fear and betrayal. “Why?†She blew him one last kiss and disappeared into darkness. “Larxene!†Mey’d cried, flailing desperately, sinking despite his efforts. “Larxene!†And then he had time for one more breath before he slipped beneath the surface. The weight of his sitar was pulling him down fast. Mey’d frantically tried to undo the straps, but the pressure of the water was pushing it down hard, and try as he might, he couldn’t loosen the straps. He was sinking ever faster, tears of fear and betrayal mixing with the salty water of the Sea Between Worlds. He futilely reached up, as if someone would take his hand and lift him up... ...but no one came. The last thing Mey’d saw, as spots were dancing in front of his vision and his lungs felt as if made of fire, was a swarm of black creatures with glowing eyes swimming toward him. The last thing Mey’d saw was his heart, floating gently up toward the surface he could not reach... -xXx- Axel and Saïx watched as Larxene, sopping wet, emerged from a portal of darkness. “Trouble?†Saïx asked dryly. “Nothing I couldn’t handle,†she replied, wringing out her hair. Axel squinted out toward the horizon, catching a glimpse of a black creature skimming the water with impossible speed. “Uh-oh.†Mey’d’s Heartless leapt into the air, the Shadow ready to attack- but fell backward and disintegrated, a knife the color of old bone through its throat. Larxene lowered her hand. “It’s finished, then,†she whispered, then she and Saïx stepped through a portal and vanished. Axel made to follow them when something else caught his eye, and he paused. Drifting slowly, ominously toward shore was the body of Mey’d. Unwilling, or simply unable, to look away, he watched it draw ever nearer until it bumped against the sand. “You poor *******,†Axel murmured, shaking his head. He was about to look away, but stopped and looked closer. Mey’d was still alive, and even as Axel watched in shock, he rolled over onto his hands and knees, vomiting water. Impossible! his mind shouted. Larxene just killed the Heartless, which would mean that this... A Nobody? Against all better judgement, Axel knelt down and removed his hood, observing him with a sense of wonder. The Nobody who had formerly been known as Mey’d was on his hands and knees, coughing violently in an effort to rid the water from his lungs. His dark brown hair had shifted a few shades lighter, and his eyes had changed from bright cerulean blue to an almost jadecolor. After the worst of the coughing had passed, he looked up and met Axel’s gaze, breathing heavily. At a loss, Axel held out his hand. “Welcome to the Organization, kid,†he said simply. -xXx- Demyx stood on the edge of the Sea Between Worlds, the ocean in which he should have died- the ocean where he did die. Where he had been murdered by the love of his young life- Larxene. And now, he saw her every day. He passed her in the hall. Even when he didn’t see her, he could feel her presence in the jagged hole where his heart had been; an open wound someone was constantly filling with salt. He unclenched his fists and knelt down on the wet sand, seeing something being slowly pushed into shore by the tide. Demyx reached out and scooped it from the water, cradling it gently with both hands. It was the rose he had given to Larxene. Despite his best efforts, he could feel his eyes filling up with tears and spilling down his cheeks. That deep sorrow quickly turned to fierce anger, and Demyx clenched his fists again. The white petals were crushed in his right hand, the juice staining his gloves. His left hand, however, crushed the stem. The thorns pierced the coral ribbon with ease and sliced through his thin glove to the skin below. Black shadow leaked from his palm and dripped down his arm. A heart... not something one takes notice of until it’s gone, yet Demyx cannot bring himself to admit the truth. That all the emotions he thinks he feels are naught but lies- memories of a life he once knew and will never achieve again. This is how it feels to be Demyx. Constantly in denial of his own nonexistence. Forever... End simply to love, and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge *shrug* This idea hit me out of nowhere. And I really wanted to wear Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. CnC?
Well, I've been talking to Shadow via IM, and he requested I respond to him on the boards, so.... I shall agree to marry you, Shadow. BUT! I want a wedding. Until then, we are engaged. ^-^
Yeah... PowerPoint presentations suck. I'm going to be presenting in oooh... about 2 minutes. >.< Got to go present now.. see you all when I get home! ~Jade
My Keyblades, according to DPWolf and Roxasvsriku... :p So I had to make a tag with their images....
"If you marry me, would you bury me? Would you carry me to the end?" -MCR's "To the End" ...... I love that song. And it makes for a very misleading thread title :p Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. He cooks, he cleans, he does the laundry, he's humble, he's adorable, and when occasion calls for it, he kicks *** like nobody's business! xD
...right when the last bell rang, too. We're all going to our lockers, and all the teachers are freaking out: "Get out of the building! Don't worry about your lockers!" And we're like: "Hell no, we're not leaving our stuff overnight for any ***hole to steal." So anyway, they wouldn't let any of the buses or drivers leave the parking lot, the fire department came, and the end result was we were stuck after school a full twenty minutes, and there was no fire. *sigh*
During CoM. When Riku killed his clone, the clone's heart returned to darkness; however, he had absorbed Zexion before his death. With the power of a Nobody, can the Riku Replica really be killed? And what about Zexion? Introduction and Chapter I Chapter II “Travis, you are indeed smarter than I gave you credit for.†Zexion sounded pleased. “You were able to fool one of Riku’s best friends into believing that you are Riku. We shall remain on this world for about three days to establish my presence, then move on.†“Huh,†Travis grunted noncommittally, adjusting a strap on his boot. After he had told Kairi that some of his memories were fuzzy after spending so much time in darkness, she had shown him around town. Rather than taking him to his own house, Kairi had set him up in one of the guestrooms in her house, claiming that he shouldn’t see his parents until his memory improved; Travis had had no problem with that. He glanced out the window to see the sun casting a rosy red glow across the ocean as it slowly began to dip below the horizon. Zexion was still talking. “Yes, three days should be sufficient to establish my presence on this world so to lure the Trackers here.†“What?†the clone frowned. “What Trackers?†“A type of Nobody modified by Vexen and myself,†he answered. “A variation of the normal Dusk, they were created specifically to seek out strong presences of darkness; such as that generated by a Nobody, for example. A creature of darkness leaves a footprint of sorts as it moves; that is how a denizen of darkness is able to ‘smell’ the presence of darkness. We simply altered the genome to make that trait more prominent.†“No, I meant, who’s sending the Trackers?†Travis leaned down and started to un-strap his black boots. “The Organization has to think that we’re dead.†Somehow he felt Zexion shake his head. “No. There’s a room in our main headquarters called the Proof of Existence. In that room there are thirteen panels; they glow green while our darkness footprints can still be detected. Therefore, while I exist, that panel will glow green.†His tone turned thoughtful. “However, I believe that there’s a way to tamper with that panel so it will stop detecting my presence; perhaps reset it to read the presence of one of my comrades that are confirmed dead. Once we are able to separate, I will travel to the Castle That Never Was to deactivate that panel; that’s the only way to keep our continuing existence a secret.†“And where will you go with your new life?†Travis asked, kicking his boots under the bed and pulling his feet up to sit cross-legged. “That’s need-to-know information,†Zexion responded coldly. “Never forget, while I still exist inside of you, I am the one in control.†Travis felt his mouth sour at the Nobody’s last statement. “So how long until can we go our separate ways?†“Not soon enough,†he echoed the clone’s own thoughts. “The panel in Proof of Existence won’t be tampered with on its own.†Zexion paused. “And what will you do after that?†“That’s need-to-know information,†Travis mocked the Nobody’s earlier phrase. “And you don’t need to know.†“Actually, I do.†The Nobody sounded almost smug. “You have no idea how normal human life works, do you? The memories Naminé implanted into you have begun to fade, and you don’t know why.†His eyes narrowed. “How do you know that?†“I’m part of you, remember? I’ve also worked with Vexen, and I know his methods. Did you think you were the first clone to be created at our hands?†Travis breathed in sharply. “There’s more like me?†“Not ‘like you’; they were crude, always with the same basic flaw, and little to no mental capacity. The original reason we, Vexen in particular, became interested in cloning was that we thought perhaps we could clone ourselves new hearts; unfortunately, these attempts failed quite spectacularly. One can reproduce a biological heart, but never the emotions and memories and feelings associated with it. Hence the flaw inherent in you.†He tensed. “What do you mean, ‘flaw’?†“Your heart is incomplete; you are not much better off than us Nobodies, except in the fact that your mind refuses to accept that and still projects these feeble emotions. The false memories Naminé created don’t belong in your heart, so it is slowly rejecting the information that it can’t process. Also, the fact that you are now having new memories is re-writing the false ones, speeding up this process.†“So you’re saying that eventually all my memories will fade?†He narrowed his eyes unhappily. “Only the ones that don’t belong to you; anything you’ve experienced for yourself will remain in your flawed heart. And for you to keep up this pretense to being Riku, you will need someone to explain how human life works. That’s why I need to know what your plans are. Never forget that I am the one in control.†“Yes, you’ve made your point, I heard you the first time!†Travis snapped. “What is the flaw in my heart? And use terms I can understand!†Zexion sighed. “There can never be a precise copy of a heart created; it is simply impossible for them to coexist. There is a failsafe of sorts to prevent that, and any heart created will be flawed in some irreparable way; that is why all of our earlier experiments in cloning failed. The flaw is-†He trailed off. “Silence! Someone is coming.†“Riku!†came a hiss through the door. “Riku, I’m coming in now, so if you’re doing anything embarrassing, please stop!†“She certainly has a way with words,†Zexion remarked dryly as the door swung open and Kairi slipped into the room. Travis ignored him, watching her suspiciously as she shut the door behind her with a soft click. “What is it?†he asked. Kairi tossed him a small brown paper bag. “Dinner,†she laughed as he tore it open hungrily. She moved across the room and sat down beside him on the bed. “Riku?†“Mmph?†he responded through a mouthful of food. “Chew your food before opening your mouth to speak!†Zexion ordered with exasperation evident in his tone. “I realize that this is your first meal in your entire life, but Vexen must have bred some decency in you.†“Riku...†Kairi continued. “Where’s Sora?†Travis choked and coughed. “What?†he managed. She looked at him earnestly. “Where’s Sora? Why didn’t he come back with you? Have you seen him since you escaped? And how did you get out of the darkness?†Kairi edged closer with every question until she was practically on top of him. “Tell me everything.†Travis shoved a piece of bread into his mouth to give him time to think. “Just make something up,†Zexion advised. “In three days at the most, you won’t ever have to see her again.†He frowned at that, but nodded, swallowing. “Well, I don’t remember a lot from when I was lost in the darkness,†he started between mouthfuls, making it all up spur-of-the-moment. “I don’t even know how long I was there. All I remember is a long stretch of nothing, then some kind of portal or door or... some such that seemed to be made of...†he used the time chewing to think of something, “pure light. “I ended up in this place called Castle Oblivion,†Travis continued his improvisation. “From there, I... made my way here,†he ended lamely. “There’s not much to say... the castle was deserted. I haven’t seen Sora,†he added honestly, almost as an afterthought. “I have no idea where he could be.†“He’s looking for you, you know,†Kairi told him. His head shot up. “Why?†he asked suspiciously. “Because you’re his friend,†she answered simply. Travis didn’t reply to that, looking down at the roll he had clenched in his fist. “Right,†he finally said, the barest hint of bitterness lacing his voice. “Friend.†Kairi gazed at him thoughtfully. “You’ve changed, Riku,†she observed. He felt a spike of fear run through him; she suspected-! “What do you mean?†he asked warily. “You just seem... I don’t know.†She bit her lip and smoothed down her short pink skirt. “You’re... distant, for lack of a better word.†Travis grimaced. “Sorry,†he muttered, not really knowing why he felt the need to apologize. She shrugged and suddenly grinned. “And what’s with the skirt?†He bristled. “It’s not a skirt!†Travis crossed his arms, fairly pouting. “It’s a kama!†He could hear Zexion laughing at him in the back of his mind, a low, surprisingly mellow chuckle; the Nobody had taunted him earlier about his kama. Kairi laughed and poked his shoulder. “Call it what you want, it still looks like a skirt.†“It does not!†he protested, lips unconsciously twisting into a full-fledged pout. She laughed again, and to his surprise, he found himself laughing with her; he didn’t know why. It just felt good. This was not the mocking laughter that he was accustomed to, and he paused, disturbed. “Kairi?†he said finally. “Are you... my friend?†Travis didn’t know why he was waiting so anxiously for her answer. “Of course!†Kairi gave him a light punch on the shoulder. A sudden grin crossed his face; he had never had a friend before! But then her next words, spoken so lightly and innocently, completely crushed him. “Of course you’re my friend,†she repeated. “You’re Riku.†The tentative hope that had been building in his heart was ground to dust, but the only outward sign was his face falling. “Right.†A should from below interrupted the two of them- well, three of them, technically. “Kairi?†a male voice called. “Kairi!†“Coming, Father!†she yelled back. “My adopted father, the mayor,†Kairi explained, seeing Travis’s blank expression. “I have to go down there before he realizes that you’re here; he’ll raise all kinds of questions that I don’t think you have an answer for right now.†She jumped down form the bed and skipped to the door, stopping with her hand on the knob. “If I don’t come back before morning, have a good night.†“Good night,†Travis answered as she slipped outside, “...Kairi.†Once the door was closed, he sighed dejectedly and stared out the window. “That went well,†Zexion observed. “Heh.†Travis laughed bitterly, tearing a chunk from his almost forgotten bread roll, scattering crumbs across the sheets. “Everywhere I turn on this world, I’m reminded that I’m only an imitation.†“Stop feeling sorry for yourself,†the Nobody’s tone was harsh. “You at least have a heart with which to feel loneliness and despair. Pull yourself together, Travis!†The clone was somewhat taken aback by the heat of his tone. “And what’s your problem?†he retorted quickly, resorting to sarcasm as his only means of defense. “Is this where you start crying ‘oh-woe-is-me, I-have-no-heart’?†“No. I’ve accepted what I am; yet I still work toward my ultimate goal. These petty yearnings for a so-called ‘normal’ life are analyzed for possible use, then discarded.†Zexion’s voice had returned to its customary soft pitch. “You need to learn to do the same; unless, if this normal life is what you truly desire, you must go after it and hold nothing back.†“What’s that supposed to mean?†Travis found himself asking, unwillingly curious. He felt more than heard Zexion’s sigh. “The phrase ‘to lose one’s heart’ is not quite true. Though darkness does indeed consume the heart, creating what is so crudely referred to as the ‘Heartless’, when the empty shell of the body is left behind, some small, imprecise fragments are left behind, disjointed and disconnected. These fragments linger because the loss of a heart is very unscientific; though you indeed consume the bread, crumbs yet remain.†He sighed again. “You’re making a mess.†Travis frowned and swept the crumbs from his dinner into a small garbage can beside the bed. “What do your stupid metaphors have to do with me?†“I’m not finished,†he replied testily. “These pieces that are left behind can be bound together by a strong will; though not strong enough to truly ‘feel’, there is nonetheless still a heart, and thus, the Nobody is created. Had we not any hearts at all, it would be biologically impossible for one such as myself to survive. We as Nobodies still possess the very basest emotions; the simple, uncomplicated, instinctual emotions that originate in the body itself, not the heart, such as fear and lust. What we can feel also depends on the memories that are retained. You are similar to this. “You ask how your cloned heart can be flawed; as I said before, there cannot exist two exact copies of one heart. Your heart is created from cast-off pieces of other hearts, and one day your will won’t be strong enough to hold those fragments together, and you will die.†“Cheery,†Travis muttered under his breath. “Therefore, similar to a Nobody, you must be prepared to commit everything to your ultimate goal; if your will weakens at any time, you will die, and it will most likely be quite spectacular.†“And what if I don’t have an ultimate goal?†Travis laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t know what to do with my life. All I’ve ever known is deception, sadism, and betrayal.†He snorted self-depreciatingly. “My memories have been rewritten so many times, I’m left to assume that this is even my own will anymore.†“Though you are indeed a copy, there is one thing that can never be duplicated, and that is the soul,†Zexion told him. “Even if your memories have been tampered with, nothing can ever change the soul. Remember that.†“Heh,†Travis grunted, throwing his arm over his eyes to block out the fading rays of the sun. “Whatever.†Mercifully, the Nobody was silent as the clone lolf in thought. “Maybe I will take over his life,†he decided finally. “This seems like a nice enough world.†“Not to mention the attractive female you’ve become acquainted with.†“Not to mention.†Travis ground his teeth together but didn’t attempt to deny it. “It’s just... I’ve never met anyone like her,†he admitted softly, getting up and gazing out the window, over the rooftops of the houses of the town to the sun dipping slowly below the horizon. “She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.†He shook his head abruptly and yanked the curtains shut with a definitive air. “Well, we’ll see in the morning,†he stated, shutting off the small electric light on the nightstand and throwing himself down on the bed. “We’ll see in the morning,†he repeated in a whisper. A/N: There's no need to worry, SoKai fans... this won't be a Repliku/Kairi. It's a bit one-sided on his part, but he'll get over it. Comments are, as always, greatly appreciated!