I've been playing around with doing a sig based around the quote: "A welcome laid for Oblivion" said by the character Haer'Dalis in Baldur's Gate II. So, I put this together in a few minutes. I wasn't going for lots of amazing effects; that's not really my style. Anyway, feel free to criticize, whether it's constructive or not.
Yeah. x_x I broke two of my toes the last week of my freshman year. Hobbling around on crutches to get to my finals sucked. And it was dumb, too; I broke them kicking someone. XD One of the reasons I took up martial arts; now I can kick someone without breaking anything!
As the school year draws nearer (for some of us it's already begun), we find ourselves musing about the past, the future... pretty much everything but the present. I go back on the 4th, and I'm most looking forward to the resolution of the mysterious person who's been leaving love-notes outside my friend's locker. ...I'm dreading Completion Projects and the SATs.
In real life, a guy I've know for a while (and who's a good friend of mine) suddenly out of nowhere began calling me last Saturday during the Naruto marathon. (Keep in mind he had never called me before, and I hadn't called him since the beginning of the summer) From that day on, he has been calling me at least twice every day. He especially enjoys waking me up in the morning and waking me up after I go to sleep. My question to the forum is, is this guy going to ask me out or something? We're going to lunch with two other friends on Monday.
So said the subject of an e-mail Random Idiot sent me. The attached image is as follows: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=243 "...Orochi-o's. Apparently they're Orochi-licious." - Random Idiot, parody of the Yu-Gi-Oh!: Abridged Series
Did I miss anything exciting?
...so all you children better enjoy your respite from the Hammer! I'll be gone for about three days (tomorrow until Wednesday or Thursday) with mi amiga I've known since kindergarten Random Idiot. You'll all miss me. I know you will. XD You just won't say anything.
Not really a fan of the magenta color meaning premium now. Looks too much like the dark red of being banned. I signed on this morning and I'm like: "Whoa. How did Zott manage to get banned? And Risk Own? AND kitty_mckechnie?" But then I figured it out. Just wanted to say that.
...anyone ever play it? It's been sitting on my computer for over a year since I last played it, then I suddenly got the urge to play again... suffice to say that's where all my spare time is being spent. I'm off to play it right now. It's got a great storyline, decent graphics (for an over five-year-old game), and good gamplay if RPGs are your kind of game.
I found this completely by accident because I wanted to listen to the fourth Naruto opening theme "Fighting Dreamers"... I found this instead: Imagine Naruto done by the creators/animators of South Park... in Spanish.
And had to try out the website just because... My response? o.0
...absolutely nothing to say. x_x This kinda sucks.
What should I have for breakfast? I'm leaning toward strawberries and whipped cream, which is yummy... with toast. Or toasted pita bread, which means I'll get crumbs all over the keyboard.
I designed two versions of the Death Note anime t-shirt. Why? Version One was originally intended to be mi amiga's b-day present (Random Idiot is her username on here, in fact), but then we thought her mom might not like the fact that is displays "Death Note" across it... so a few hours of edit-ationing later, version Two was completed... Version One Version Two It says: "Kira, kill everyone"... so we defeated her logic with our logic. xD And finally... Apologies for the poor image my camera took... x_x It actually does look quite good on the shirts.
...unless I think of something to say. I'm going to play Tomb Raider II now because I'm feeling nostalgic. In about an hour, I'll be going to Tang Soo Do class, so I'll probably be on again tomorrow morning. Plus I have to read and grammar hammer about 10 chapters of KH:A by Zott, so that will occupy my short attention span for some time.
The crime is that God created me beautifully I’m wrong to be reflected in your eyes The punishment is that I’m overfilled with love Nevertheless, I’ll still love you, right? GUILTY BEAUTY LOVE Open the door, take a step forward, and welcome to the world of your dreams I’ll escort you, kneel, and kiss your hand Even a shy goddess looked back at the LUCKY GUY Because I’ll heal your tired heart The crime is that everything I touch falls in love It’s completely not your fault for having your HEART stolen The punishment is that I infinitely offer up love Nevertheless, you’ll still touch me, right? GUILTY BEAUTY LOVE The moon appearing at night is me, and you, who embraces and burns, are the sun We meet and it’s so blindingly bright that shadows can’t form When I deliver a bouquet of passion, Cutie Lady Here, you’re always a Heroine The crime is that God gave me these lips I’m wrong to have invited you into a dream The punishment is that I’m overloaded with love Nevertheless, you’re still charmed by me, right? GUILTY BEAUTY HEART The translation for "Guilty Beauty Love", sung by Mamoru Miyano for the Ouran High School Host Club soundtrack.
And it's kind of scary. There's me, and ten guests.
I'm just full of threads this morning, aren't I? This is one I've been meaning to post for a while, and since I can't find a "Video Assistance" section in which to put this, it is going here (more people will probably see it this way, anyway). I'm getting sick of WMM notorious freezing capabilities (that's why there have been no new Jade Rhade AMVs since March), so I'm finally giving in and buying myself a new program. What do you use/recommend? My pricetag would like to be under $50, but I'm willing to go up to $70 at most.
Has anyone else had trouble signing into their account? Before I start messing around with the "retrieve password" thing, I was wondering if this was a system-wide thing; I'll type in the correct password, but it will tell me "username or password incorrect" and it's kind of irritating. Either my parents changed the password (unlikely, but possible), my signature has been influencing me and I don't know how to spell (very unlikely), it's a systemwide error, OR someone hacked our account, which would piss me off severely.
Because I have been. First I got caught up watching Naruto (that's no excuse, I know. x_x), then two weeks ago I left to visit my godfather in Philadelphia for a week, then the past week until about a few hours ago I was in Washington D.C. on a family trip. So, anyone notice? Did anything spectacular and forum-changing happen in the past three weeks? Has your grammar fallen to pitiful levels during my absence? Will I respond to the 20 PM's in my Inbox? Will I ever stop asking these questions? ~Jade