Spoiler He merged with Terra, Terra and MX together make Xehanort but Terra IS partly Xehanort.
Spoiler ....yes he is.
Gah, I didn't understand what on earth was going on :/
Saxi was shocked to hear heartless were attacking, so, throwing down his cigar he ran after Xemnas.
Spoiler Master Xehenort merged with Terra's body, Terra's soul merged with his armour, so the armour is basically what's left of Terra.
Why did you make two threads with the exact same video.
Dude, I wouldn't have a title like that, people might not wanna know that Spoiler Terra is xehanort.
I just read on wikipedia that the part with Aqua and ATW takes place after KHII, is this true? (yeah I know it's wikipedia but it was right about Vanitas)
Hmm, I noticed Braig called Xehenort Terra, so Xigbar knew Xemnas was Terranort's nobody.
And now I beleive it. Spoiler
Vanitas is not Sora, he's Ven's darkness, for some reason that makes him look like Sora.
So he was a dark sora. cool.
That isn't the secret boss.
I could have posted that myself, don;t be an idiot.
those TWO miniscule bits of his hair matched Sora, and that could have just been coincidence. That picture doesn't prove anything. It seems like Vanitas is a dark Sora but I want picture proof before I truly beleive it.
Spoiler Braig and MX have the same boss music
http://www.justin.tv/clip/0dede6815b79d082 the music is ****ing epic, seriously
give us all the details pwease
He hasn't uploaded the secret ending, he uploaded Terra's ending.