Vanitas does not have an identity really, he's just a puppet created from Ven's darkness.
More would have been nice.
Wow, this is easily the most epic looking fight in the game: Dunno what was up with Vanitas becomming a D-Link though.
But we always knew Vanitas was going to have the apperance of a previous character and where would the connection be with Ven if Vanitas didn't look like someone we already knew. You are right though.
What do you think, yes it will spoil some of the game.
Really guys, what else could Vanitas have been that wouldn't have been anymore cliche? Riku? that would have been too obvious from the trailers. Xehanort? the apprentice of Master Xehenort ending up as the apprentice of Ansem under the same name, not really original. Xion?! Just, no. I think Sora was a interesting choice, especially after they swayed us with making it seem it might have been a Riku lookalike.
That's a pretty lame design =/
It does take place after KH2, Ansem talks about the events as though they happened in the past. do the research.
Roxas isn't Ven, I beleive Ven's soul went into Sora, which is why Sora's nobody looks like Ven.
I had a feeling too, I just felt Ansem hadn't finished in the Kh world.
Anti Form exists because Sora turned into a heartless in KH1, so that's not true.
nice to know ATW is alive, I thought it was lame he died he was cool.
Perhaps you don't age in the dark realm or something like that. Or perhaps they just felt it wasn't worth aging her, which I agree with, who cares if she ages.
Oh so that thing burning away was his mask, interesting. Braig Vs Aqua cutscenes before and after there also. anyone know why Braig is there?
Rofl, I can tell you didn't watch the video La Sofa, cause then you'd see the answer to your question as plain as anything. Spoiler Terra's skin darkens, he gains white hair and he gains Xehanort's eyes after MX merges with him.
Jesus Christ, how hard is this to understand guys? Spoiler Master Xehanort stabbed himself with the x-blade, this released his heart which merged with Terra's body, causing Terra and Xehanort to merge together to become The Apprentice xehanort that we know. And Trizzle, you're just repeating what I've already said, if you know Terra and MX merged, then why are you arguing that Xehanort isn't Terra =/
There's a pretty good chance the game is called something along those lines.
/facepalm. nevermind eh? YOu obviously don't get it.
So? That just means part of him is in the armour, and the rest is in Xehanort.