Who says that iPhone will even be considered? In an interview with Tetsuya Nomura (I don't remember which one), he told us that he didn't want to put a kingdom hearts game on a total touch screen control system. That totally removes iPhone from the equation. I'm thinking it'll be on blackberry if anything at all for the North American version. That is if there is one!
Awesome! This is a good logo and I agree the Japanese is completely pointless unless you don't speak english and only know Japanese. If your friend did edit it then I have to admit he did a better job than I did in appleworks on the coded logo!
AT THIS POINT I MAY RESORT TO CASTING SOME CHARACTERS BASED ON AUDITIONS FOR OTHER CHARACTERS. IF YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CAST AS A CHARACTER YOU DID NOT AUDITION FOR, PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY EITHER PM OR EMAIL. Thank you! EPISODE 1 PROGRESS Visuals - 100% Music - 100% SFX - 90% (just have to mix destiny islands final battle) Voices 15% TRAILER PROGRESS Visuals - 100% Titles - 90 % Music - 100% SFX - 100% Voices - 80% I've decided to do an English Dub of Kingdom Hearts Coded episode 1 and 2 since Square-Enix probably isn't going to release a North American version and, face it, our phones probably can't handle the graphics anyway aside from Apple iPhone. At&T/Rogers/Fido sucks anyway and Tetsuya Nomura is strictly against kingdom hearts on touch screens unless he can have non touch controls so that's not going to happen. I'm dubbing Episode 1 - Awakening + Destiny Islands and Episode 2 - Traverse Town. I will do more episodes once gold_panner translates 3 and 4, but for now it's only this due to lack of every single level in the game and translations for scripts. Clips will be from DChiuch's Complete Playthrough Coded videos on YouTube and the script will be gold_panner's translation on Heartstation.org edited to make more sense by me. I will need the following characters: Main Characters: King Mickey: Cast to Nickle4aPickle Understudy(ies): KoVox Description: King of Disney castle and also one of the keyblade's chosen ones. He provides guidance to Sora throughout the game. ---------------------------------------- Donald: Cast to Majinboo0111 (Scouted) Understudy(ies):TeamNotrello Description: A magician at Disney Castle. He and goofy are old friends of Sora's from their previous adventures. Donald can have quite the temper. ---------------------------------------- Goofy: Cast to VoiceActorDreamer Understudy(ies): Art of Camelot Description: A knight at Disney Castle. He and Donald are old friends of Sora's from their previous adventures. Goofy can be a bit of... well a goofball. ---------------------------------------- Jiminy: Cast to SonicKrazy Understudy(ies): DarkKnightGrave Description: Jiminy Cricket chronicled Sora, Donald, and Goofy's journey's in a journal in previous games. In this one he discovers a message at the end of one of his journals. It turns out that something is wrong with the worlds in his journal. ---------------------------------------- Chip and Dale: Chip Cast to Subaru-Camui, and Dale Cast to durchxdenxmonsun Understudy(ies): Each other XD ....no seriously Description: Chip and Dale are in charge of the gummi ship usually. However in this game they're running a computer system that is taking data from Jiminy's Journal and allowing Sora to go in and uncorrupt the data. ---------------------------------------- Sora: Cast to khcrazy10 (sorry, I've been working on the voice for something else lately and randomly decided I wanted to be one of the characters in my own dub) Understudy(ies): Rhapsody~Duskbane, DABspidey Description: A 14 year old boy from the Destiny Islands. In this game Sora is data and his mission is to put the worlds back to the way their supposed to be with guidance from King Mickey. ---------------------------------------- Hooded Man: Cast to MegaGuts549 Understudy(ies): Ryusuke Description: A mysterious man that apparently has something to do with the strange blocks that are popping up everywhere. ---------------------------------------- Destiny Islands: Selphie: Cast to hinatarocks8888 Understudy(ies):Haruka, durchdenmonson Description: A 13 year old girl from the Destiny Islands. She is a friend of Sora's. ---------------------------------------- Tidus: Cast to Art of Camelot Understudy(ies): Jefferz, Kei, khslider Description: A 13 year old boy from the Destiny Islands. He is a friend of Sora's. Voice Type: Medium - medium high (male...I don't want him to sound queer). ---------------------------------------- Wakka: Cast to Kei Understudy(ies): Jefferz Description: A 15 year old boy from the Destiny Islands. He is a friend of Sora's. Voice Type: medium in Pidgin English (commonly confused with "Hawaiian Accent") ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Traverse Town: ---------------------------------------- Cid:Cast to *KHSlider* U/S: Cast to OmegaOptimusSupreme Description: Cid runs the accessory shop in Traverse Town. Voice Type: Medium Low - Low Line 1: Hey there. Haven't seen your face before. Line 2: Sorry, to have to ask this of you! You know, if there's anything you don't get, you can ask the townsfolk, too. ---------------------------------------- -No Picture Available...Sorry- Townsperson (male): Cast to SonicKrazy U/S: Cast to OmegaOptimusSupreme Description: An extra that tells Sora about what's going on in Traverse Town. Voice Type: Any! I'm not picky! Line 1: Lately, the town has been overrun by weird block things. I had a look, and it seems like there are many different types of them. Line 2: The door to the third district doesn't open lately. ---------------------------------------- Huey: PENDING Description: One of Donald's three nephews. Huey has two brothers, Dewey and Louie. Voice Type: Think Ducktales Huey Line 1: We were separated while finding out about the blocks. They said they'd search around the back alley. Line 2: I'll go with you! Waah!! ---------------------------------------- Dewey: PENDING Description: One of Donald's three nephews. Dewey has two brothers, Huey and Louie. Voice Type: Think Ducktales Dewey Line 1: Ah, you helped me! Thank you! Line 2: Aww!! I wanna go too! ---------------------------------------- Louie: PENDING Description: One of Donald's three nephews. Louie has two brothers, Huey and Dewey. Voice Type: Think Ducktales Louie Line 1: Ah! I have one! This, right? Line 2: If you put them all together... it will make the shape of a keyhole, won't it? Pre-cast trailer and auditions video: YouTube- Kingdom Hearts Coded Fandub Auditions - Open ______Recording Info_______ Please record in mp3, wav, aac, or aiff format Zip your auditions in a folder entitled YourUserName_CharacterName Auds before sending Label your auditions username_charactername_line# (example: khcrazy10_Selphie_01.mp3) Send your auditions to khcrazy10@gmail.com BE SURE TO MENTION WHICH FORUM YOU'RE FROM IN THE EMAIL. Critiques will only be sent if requested DEADLINE: October 29, 2009 - CLOSED SECONDARY DEADLINE: November 30, 2009 Traverse Town Extended to Feb. 20, 2010. Not enough auditions yet _____________________ Auditions So Far (from kh-vids.net, kingdom-coded-english.webs.com, and the VAA) DABspidey (VAA) - critique done over skype Rhapsody~Duskbane (VAA) - critique sent Nickle4aPickle (VAA) Ryusuke (VAA) Jefferz (VAA) - critique sent KoVox (VAA) Sonickrazy (VAA) - critique sent Subaru-Camui (VAA) VoiceActorDreamer (VAA) Rhapsody~Duskbane - Sora (VAA) Hinari (VAA) Kiramaru16 (VAA) TylerDanielz (VAA) TeamNotrell (KHV) Kei (VAA) †Haruka† (VAA) DarkKnightGrave (VAA) - Critique Sent Subaru-Camui - Mickey (VAA) MegaGuts549 (VAA) - Critique Sent Libra89 (VAA) DABspidey (VAA) - Redo TheCrownedRoxas (KHV) LowCaloriePie (VAA) - Critique Sent ArustaVoices (VAA) OmegaOptimusSupreme (VAA) - critique sent Kakyokuhime (VAA) Art_of_camelot (VAA) Refi-Chan (VAA) durchxdenxmonsun (VAA) - Critique Done Via VAA Profile Risktaker145 (VAA) Nickle4aPickle (VAA) - Redo Juicedtv (VAA) __________________________ Auditions received from Voice Acting Club: DeviantCrisis - Critique Sent _________________________________ YouTube Auditions Received: hinatarocks88888