Oh! I love doing these on Facebook when I'm bored! Name and age: Lindsay, 18 (Lindsay can be a guys name too!!! >.> <.<) Favorite KH character and why: Demyx; because he's a pansy-***... JUST LIKE ME!!! 8D Favorite Disney movie and why: The Emperor's New Groove! (Oh David Spade, you make me "LOL") Strengths: ... Weaknesses: Physically weak, I ain't be too smart, I laugh at the most inappropriate moments and have no heart! }8D Hobbies, interests: Kingdom Hearts, playing other variously video games, watching TV, surfing the web, sleeping, eating, and so on... Something unique about you: My name is usually given to girls, and I'm actually named after my father... (stupid family names. >.<) Your ideal home?: One that has a sturdy roof, and a firdge that can magically re-stock itself! What type of people are your friends?: Random Drama Geeks FTW!!!! Sword, staff or the shield?: Sheild; it can be used for both defense, and offense! What's most important to you: My stomache! Worst fears: Spiders!!!! What you want out of life: ...to live it...? You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): ...MYSELF!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH *cough* Appearance (photos are optional): ...durh? How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: None, I'm not a CGI, nor do I have gravity-defying hair. Who suggested that you come here?: My brain!
Actually, the reason for it to be sticking out is because I believe the PSP has a screen protector on it and it isn't placed squarely on. That's just what it looks like to me.
Well... I can't really confirm whether it's fake or not. I just found it and firgure that it was. But for all I know, it could be the real opening menu... although it's unlikely... EDIT: I now have found proof that it was made by a fan... EDIT... YET AGAIN!!!: I found a fan-made opening menu for 358/2 days. It's obviously fan-made due to the fact that the creator used the wrong title. XD, but it's still pretty impressive!
Worst nightmare hmm? Well, the only one I can remember at the moment is actually pretty stupid, but it did scare the 6 years old life out of me. ^^ I dreamt that I was sitting in my old house, when suddenly I noticed a tornado coming. I ran outside to tell my grandma (who was working in the garden), then she was frightened and ran off to Africa, leaving me behind, XD. I ran into my house, locked the door, set the alarm, and hid behind the wall, but the tornado kept ramming into the door trying to break in. I think that's when I woke up...
I know it's obviously fake, but I thought it looked kinda cool. any thoughts on it? (Sorry for the size... ^^; )
Thanks Stardust... again, 8D I was thinking of adding in more flashes aswell, but when I tried it, I almost had a sezieur, XD. Well, that and it really made Windows Movie Maker really lag... which totally sucks. >_> Thanks for the critique though! ^^
The preview/intro to my Roxas/ Axel tribute. CnC please! 8D http://youtube.com/watch?v=x0aplV4npjo
And I must say, it is so much lighter than the old ones, even with the battery installed. There isn't much of a difference in the screen resolution, but it is slightly brighter than the original model. I'm not too sure how well the new way of putting in the UMD's will last, it seems pretty... floppy. (You just put it in and shut the door. There's no longer a tray for it to be placed in.) The flat back is a nice change compared to the bulky covers that the old model had. It's much more comfortable to play now hours on end. One thing I'm not too sure of is the sound. The slim seems to be slightly quieter when it comes to pumping out the noise, but the quality seems to be about the same. All around though, it is quite an improvement from the old system. With the clearer screen, more dignified D-pad buttons, flat back, weight difference and more; I'm definitely glad that I own one. And for those of you worried about the price... it costs only $30 more than the old system.
... agreed... /fillerz
...HAZAH!!! Yet another follower of the "you are as smart as the cat --->" and/or "RIBOSOMES!!!!!1!!" movement.
...meybe... I said everything would be right with the world... so anything could happen! ;3
...Simpsons Hit and Run!?!? I <3 that game! X3 You get to run over various Simpsons characters, and all the do is roll around on the ground and make comments on your driving. XD ...you should give it to me... and all will be right with the world. *insert Holy/Miracle music here:*
Nomura stated that he "hopes" for Kingdom Hearts: Coded to be released within the next year and a half. Followed by 385/2 days and Birth by Sleep. I think you giys are all getting ahead of yourselves. If coded really doesn't come out for another year and a half (meybe longer...) then the following two aren't due for probably another year (or two) after that! I expect to see BbS realeased near the end of '09 to the end of '10. I really don't think it'll come any sooner. Sorry to burst everyones bubble, but I'm just being logical.
Hey Soush, I just have a couple of questions about the fic. (No, they're not "When's the next chapter coming?" so don't worry. XP) They're actually about Ven, so I was wondering... 1) Is Ven still a nobody? Or did he become whole when he regained his memories? (Can't remember if you explained this or not, so sorry if you did) and 2) Will Arianna and Atticus make an actual appearance in the fic? I mean, I know that Ven, Arianna, and Atticus we're suppose to be killed when they used the last of their strength to "defeat" Nocenarus, but how could Ven still be alive and thoes two still be "dead"? (You don't have to reply to this one if it will give away HUGE spoilers, I was just a bit confused.)
...I'de become a ghost... that could enter the interwebz... and SPAM ALL YOUR STUFF!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... (and so on...) X3
Hazah for Soush and his all-knowing Mac info!! X3 ...I just know they're purdy and run a heck of a lot better than my PC does... thus is why I got a Macbook for my grad gift. Just wondering though Soush, do Macs need a PC crossover program to run Windows on them? My cousin wanted to know. Why he turned to me for the answer I have no idea, but...
Don't have to listen to you!?!? You're like... the only person who gives me CnC. XD Thanks Stardust, I'll look into that scene-change idea of yours! ^_^
Wow, this one took a while. Not my best, crappy quality (stupid Movie Maker >.>), was a royal pain in my rump to make... but I'm pretty much pleased with the outcome. CnC please and thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O_Cn6cJIkY
@ HB I'm so gonna be one of thoes kids when Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass comes out next month. XD Back on topic though... ...I just love watching old french-canadian pioneers try to send each other beaver pelts... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1-ztl085nU
I like how it takes the blue ranger half a minute to react, XD