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  1. draik88
    If your looking for some pretty good sigs and avvies, you might wanna try out and They're photo sharing sights where people can post various, and usually random stuff. (If you know the artist, it's always good to give them credit, just so you know.)
    Post by: draik88, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. draik88
    It feels like there's a nuclear war going on in my wrist! DX
    Thread by: draik88, Nov 7, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. draik88
    ...I feel sorry for the pig... O.o
    Post by: draik88, Nov 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. draik88
    1) Legend of Zelda games. Although the "Do the Quests, Beat the Bad guy, Save the Princess" storyline is used in pretty much every Zelda game to date, Nintendo always seems to come up with a way to keep it fresh, which makes all of them rather enjoyable.

    2) Donkey Kong series. Mainly the old "Donkey Kong Country" sector of the games. Most definitely my three favorite games for the Super Nintendo consisted of Donkey Kong Country's 1,2, and 3.

    3) Jak and Daxter. I just started to get into this series this year, and I really can't believe that I hadn't played any of them before. An intiguing storyline, great gameplay, and variety of difficulties are what make this series great, and are what make me glad that I didn't pass it up.

    4) The Mario games. I just can't seem to get enough of that Princess saving, Koopa stomping, Bowser bashing plumber.

    5) Grand Theft Auto series. For those days when you just feel like you have to... kill something...
    Post by: draik88, Nov 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. draik88
    Some say yes, some say no...

    Some say Nostradamus predicted it, some say he didn't...

    What do you guys think?
    Thread by: draik88, Oct 28, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. draik88


    A hump is a fat sac located on the back of a camel that is used to store water for the camel when it is off wandering about in the desert and water is scarce! 8D
    Post by: draik88, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. draik88
    Ew, midterms... >.<. I had mine (plus a final for one of my courses) last week, it was unpleasant. DX

    No problem, glad I could give a little help to your editing woes. XD
    Post by: draik88, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. draik88
    The first thing I must say is, Thank You. You've brought me so much joy today Soush... I'm absolutely brimming! 8D

    Second is, this chapter was, once again, amazing. Although it wasn't as action-packed as I kind of hoped for, it was still a great read! I must wonder whether Ariannas might be one of Nemas's henchmen now...? But I suppose we'll find out in good time.

    I did notice a couple of errors while I was reading, and figured that I should point them out to you...

    It felt like you might have missed a word between "Completely" and "as"...

    A simple typo perhaps?

    Another typo...?

    I think you might have meant "can.", since "no one else can't" means that everyone can... XD

    Once again Soush, thanks so much for bringing out chapter 17. I'm glad to know you haven't given up!

    ...And just to annoy you for the sake of it... any vague ideas for the release of Chapter 18? X3
    Post by: draik88, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. draik88
    ...Wow. I've been mentioned in threads and I never knew about it!

    ... I fell some-what accepted! 8D

    ... and apparently Kitty stalks me... O.o;
    Post by: draik88, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. draik88
    ...Aren't most schools practically considered correctional facilities? XD
    Post by: draik88, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. draik88
    And to answer you question, I present:

    becomes Cold Rain...
    becomes Freezin' Rain...
    becomes Hail...
    becomes Sleet...
    becomes Snow...
    becomes Blizzard...
    then meltin' into Summah...
    Post by: draik88, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. draik88
    =O, Mish just pointed out my mistake... I feel so dumb now... TT^TT.

    XD, That kid complaints and whining makes me smile. It reminds me of when I use to play Donkey Kong Country and beg my mom to let me play for 5 more minutes. X3
    Post by: draik88, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. draik88
    Hmmm, I guess I must be one of thoes rare WoW players. I've been playing it for well over a year now, and yet I still have a fairly active social life.

    Than again, I've never really felt "addicted" to it. I mean, I've been known to play it straight for a few months, but then I'll get bored, and forget about it for a while.

    Back to the video though... XD, I like how he smashes his keyboard to bits then ends up looking for the "ESC" key. I guess this is why I've never realy wanted to go to Germany, lol.
    Post by: draik88, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. draik88
    Sorry, I'm too lazy to type it out again. XD
    Post by: draik88, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. draik88
    XD, my mom made Jello shots during the summer one year...

    She's vowed to never get the blasted ever again. lol
    Post by: draik88, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. draik88

    Pink Floyd

    Pink Floyd is life. Without them, I don't know what kinda of person I would have become. (Probably some boring-old business type guy or something. >.>)

    My fav songs have to be: Bike, High Hopes, Another Brick in the Wall (full version of course. ^^), and Comfortably Numb.

    Out of all the albums I have of theirs, Echoes is probably the best.
    Post by: draik88, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Music
  17. draik88


    Welcome to the league of Procrastinators: The Leaders of Tomorrow.

    You shall be recieving a jacket in the mail later today... or tomorrow... or next week... or next month... eventually... we hope.



    BUT WE'LL DO IT LATER...! (It makes us look busier that way...)
    Post by: draik88, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. draik88
    ...Curse you lucky people and your Cartoon Network...

    I'm not getting english DN until the 26th. >.> Oh well, at least it's coming! 8D
    Post by: draik88, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. draik88
    ...I beat Dragon Maleficient by standing on a bit a rubble and letting Beast on Donald beat her down... then I sent Sora in for the final blow. Sora got most of the experience for only hitting her once. XD



    I'm a terrible person. X3
    Post by: draik88, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. draik88
    Well, there is a way to connect the new PSP Slim to larger TV screens. (Not too sure about the old PSP...) I'm not too sure how yet, (haven't tried it myself) but there is a definite way. I don't really mind that it's on the PSP, but it would be kinda nice to have it back on the ol' PS2.
    Post by: draik88, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX