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  1. Kross
    If you're talking about the data battle than there are no reaction commands for the water clones.

    Equip all negative combos you have (Fenrir if needed, too) and turn off all ground finishers except explosion. Stock nothing but ethers and short-cut Firaga.

    Depending on how many of the clones there are, either spam explosion on top of the immune Demyx (he can't take damage, but all the clones spawn from him, so using explosion of top of him will kill them off fast) or, if it's 50+ clones, shift into Wisdom Form and spam Firaga all around the map. When he's done, continue to spam Firaga on Demyx. This should do a ****-load of damage.
    The problem comes up when wisdom form fades away. This is where I recommend air combos. Use explosion to get him into the air and then do a nice air combo + finisher. DO NOT go into wisdom again until another round of 50+ clones. In the time limit, I'd say it's nearly impossible to beat 99 clones without going into wisdom form and using Firaga and you'll need a nearly full level 9 form gauge to pull it off.
    Post by: Kross, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Kross
    what game are you talking about?
    Post by: Kross, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Kross
    Use Wisdom form's auto-moving or glide as normal sora or in final. Equip Donald/Goofy with draw abilities, as well. Equip follow the wind keyblade.

    I found gliding to be the most useful. The moment he run away, do a tiny jump and glide after him.

    If you know these tricks already then it comes down simply to luck and sheer skill. Not much else to say.
    Post by: Kross, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. Kross
    Shift into Final and wail on him.
    Eventually, as Anti-Sora begins to become a problem, target it attack randomly in a circle around Vexen. Anti-Sora will eventually die while he/it tries to attack though final forms attacks. As you get close to a finisher, get closer to Vexen to break his shield and continue to wail on him.
    As the battle get closer to victory, consider using Limit Form and L1+Circle. Each of this attack's connections count as finishers, so just keep doing it (being immune from damage all the time except when Sora briefly stands still) and eventually the shield will break again. Just keep mashing L1-Circle.

    Things get pretty hectic as the battle goes on.The AS version of him i actually just waited until I was about to enter TWTNW. By then I thrashed him without really knowing what was going on. The strategy I provided above it what I made with when fighting the data form.
    Post by: Kross, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. Kross
    You can defeat Xemnas as many times as you want to get the Strength boost. Same goes for all the other Order members.

    I don't exactly recall the synthesis materials needed for defense/strength up. I know it needed Thunder Crystals (space Paranoids has alot of them) and Mythril Crystals (Combine Dense/Twilight Crystals/Gems). You need a Serenity Crystal to bump the Defense boost into a Strength Boost.

    Post by: Kross, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. Kross
    Synthesize Strength, Defense and Magic Ups. Or you could defeat Xemnas (Strength) Axel (Magic) and Siax (Defense) to get free boosts, too.

    That said, my stats were around 88 (ATK), 71 (MAG) and 105 (DEF) [I choose the shield to start with and raised my defense alot to the point where there's a healthy chance that I'll survive a combo without using Second Chance/Once More.

    Still, Terra Strategies (like Final Form Rush) are still affective any any level with simply healthy stats. Boosted stats (like my defense) just make the fight a tad easier.

    Post by: Kross, Jan 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  7. Kross
    Well, Xemnas has Aqua's armor, right?

    I've always been fond of the idea of a secret final boss being Aqua; similar to Terra being the secret final boss to KHIIFM.

    No doubt though, because he has that armor, something will come up. Xigbar seemed to know stuff about it, so they're bound to reference it. Maybe not have a full blown conversation about it, but reference it at least.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Kross
    Your crown upgrades as you complete the three tasks (terra, data battles, mushrooms).

    They don't do anything other than appear for show.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  9. Kross
    lol, I think Vexen's would be called Reraise or auto-life.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Kross
    Avoid the Summon Fire that he uses right away and try to sneak in a combo. Eventually, your health will drain. Auto-Shift into Limit.

    Spam L1+Circle and get the finisher for it. Axel will be thrown up into the air and will then jump into his wall of fire. Run around in circles (it's important that you're moving or you won't the command; stay away from the walls, too) and mash triangle to the get the reaction command that removes the fire-floor. He's stunned now so try to get two of Limit Forms Ground finishers.

    When he starts moving again, use L1 Circle again. KEEP doing it. Eventually he'll summon the fire floor again. This is fine because even if you don't do damage (he makes himself invulnerable for his desperation attack), mere contact restores some HP.

    Eventually, you'll get the Limit's finisher on him and he'll leap into the air and out of the arena. Reaction command again and finish him off. (If you don't by now, just keep doing L1-Circle. Each single hit counts as a finisher but be aware that you can't beat him unless the floor is normal. Throw him out again and get the reaction command again.
    Reward: Magic Up.

    I really thought I'd have a problem with him so i saved him for last. Oddly, i did it in one try. VERY luck based, IMO.
    Spam Thunder whenever he's far away and ignore his card games. When thunder hits he'll flinch a little. Nail him with a finisher. Keep that up until you're clearly ahead of him. So long as you're casting thunder to start with from a safe distance (and keeping in mind that thunder disrupts his attacks) you'll quickly gain a lead.
    Eventually he'll use his desperation move. Try to get each counter to land on a circle. If you fail, Luxord DRAINS time from you and gives to himself. Not a big deal though. Assuming you survive the drain and survive through your dice form, he'll eventually try again. Success, not matter how much time he has left, will always drop his time to ZERO. Basically, just keep trying until you get the last game right. IMO, luck based.

    Xemnas 1.
    Guard right when the battle starts and keep guarding until he's done his combo(s). Throw some combos on him afterwards.
    Xemnas 1 likes to warp around the field. Time it right and you can deflect his arrival and nail some combos. if all else fails, guard again until he stops.
    I've also found that Limit Forms L1-Circle (I love that move, honestly) works pretty well, too. Just keep doing it.
    At about three bars of health or so, Xemnas will start the building sprint reaction command. Run over the building and press triangle. If you can, while the sprinting up the building scene plays, watch for the reaction command to change three times and hit the third one. Manage then and Xemans lands stunned with 1 HP. Finish him off.

    Xemnas 2.
    Xemnas 2 is the real challenge. Thankfully, Riku joins you. Be sure to go to TWTNW and equip him with Hi-Potions to use on himself and you (that's about all he can really do for you) and to give him some half-decent armor and accessories.
    Don't bother trying to attack when Xemnas throws you up into the air with "We shall go Together". Just mash triangle until it's over.
    Now, you can try the Limit Form abilities here if you want, but when Xemnas starts his regular laser barrages, you'll want to have Reflect, so revert.
    Xemnas is very fond of standing in the middle of the stage and throwing giant balls of energy at you. Glide around and see if you can sneak in there to attack him. he stops the attack eventually, but a finisher will do that early.
    Be relentless. He sometimes shows up and splits himself into two. Big deal. Pick the real one and beat the crap out him.
    At some point you'll gain control of Riku. IGNORE the Xemnas clone and take a path around him to reach Sora. In other words, don't be-line it to him. Take some strides diagonally left or right to help avoid the Xemnas clone. Mash Triangle as you get closer to him and free Sora.
    You'll prolly familiar with the last of Xemnas' moves: The super-long laser barrage. Circle-Triangle-Circle-Triangle-Circle-Triangle-Circle-Triangle over and over. Survive it and you win. Be aware that it lasts a bit longer this time than it used to. You CANNOT win until you survive this attack. If you get him down to 1 HP and he doesn't use the attack right away, KEEP YOU DISTANCE. You don't want to die being so close to victory.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. Kross
    Hmmm... 91 should pretty good to take on a few of the org members. I beat my firsts at 83.

    Some of them don't really need high levels, just strategy. For example, I've NEVER died to Demtyx because of his water attacks (I just die to his kill water challenges). Morever, you can be as strong as you want but you can still die randomly to some of these guys on critical mode. Just keep trying on a single member until you random succeed. It came down to luck for me often than I'd like to admit.

    Try looking up strategies for each of the members.

    As far as farming for sythesis stuff goes, here's what I can remember:

    Space Aparoids for Thunder Crystals
    TWTNW/Hollow Bastion [The room before the data battle room] for Twilight/Dense Crystals/Gems.

    Those were the only two synthesis materials that I constantly had to farm for when boosting for Terra.

    You'll also need to be getting good times with one of XII Mushrooms so you can get the Crystal material from them (Tranquil?) and then the red devestators from the cavern of remembrance drop remembrance crystal.
    Together those will help you make Serenity Crystals which your need for strength boosts.

    You also wanna makes sure you have two or three of Marluxia's accessory+. They provide three strength and have MP Haste (25%) on them.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. Kross
    Powerwild is key. You deck of crappy cards suddenly becomes pretty solid. Wait for the moment to try then nail him.

    Otherwise, keep your distance. This is the only Riku Battle (well, maybe Ursula too) where i found myself having a hard time (Proud Mode). It's tough to break his attacks without stringing random cards to beat him random sleights while normal. Keeping your distance by roll dodging. attack only when you can win a break and then follow up with a combo. Then back off.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. Kross
    Final Mix includes some new material that can only be found in the Cavern of Remembrance. Max out your drives and try to get through there.

    There are also a few that (some more commonly than others) are dropped by the XIII Mushrooms. Pick the easiest one you can do and attempt to complete it with the BEST times you can to try and pick it up.

    Mushroom Eight.

    have you tried this:

    Wisdom Form
    Negative Combo(s) equipped. Fenrir Equipped.
    Start off with as many Thundragas as you can then follow up with the Wisdom Shoot command until your magic pops back up. You should be throwing nothing but finishers (three bursts of three shots) that should keep him in the air (but still slowly descending) Thunder spells shoot him back up again real high.
    It's nerve racking, this one. Even when I got the hang of the wisdom form trick I read up on Gamefaqs I was still shaking with every shot as I got up closer to the goal.

    Post by: Kross, Jan 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  14. Kross
    You can search for the Swap Magic Disc for just DVD for about $10. That's what i found.


    Whatever PS2 model you have affects what parts you need to actually 'modify' your console.

    good luck.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Kross
    You get crowns for defeating Terra, the Data Battles, and the XIII Mushrooms.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  16. Kross
    Like every boss battle, zeros at the end of the deck and some patience learning the boss' attacks will help.
    I found Vexen (Both times) to have rather easily avoid able attacks. Be in a nearly constant state of dodge roll if you can't break his attack.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. Kross
    personally, I hate big decks. I usually build small decks with largely 7s, 8s, 9s, and 0s. Maybe a 6 if it fits.

    Use mostly 7 or higher Oathkeepers (or stronger) keyblades when you get to Riku (finish up a combo with Wishing Lamp if you can). Combos with these cards will dish damage QUICKLY.
    Takes time but that's how I built the deck that beat Riku 4... and pretty much the rest of the game (proud mode). Prolly only 8 or 9 attack cards, a row of cures, 4-5 0s (of any type), and the regular enemy cards (Vexen, Oogie Boogie, Jafar(? not sure if he still fit)
    I thought Marluxia was pretty easy compared to Riku 4. That said, i leveled up quite a bit in stupid Destiny Islands before Riku 4.
    Post by: Kross, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  18. Kross

    Is it safe?

    This is more related to the PS2 in general, but I've found help on this forum before so I'll try again.

    is it safe (after having magic switch installed on the PS2) to play your games with the lid open?
    I ask because, due to the magic switch install, my console makes alot of noise when the is game loads and such from the consoles lid (slimline, btw).


    Thread by: Kross, Jan 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Technology