wanna say there are 6. Try checking GameFaqs. Otherwise, I don't think you can add a new page before you beat the event in the page before it. The minigame or whatever it's asking of you.
yeah, it's much more action based than before. I liked the beginning better than toward the end. Machine guns on Zombies? Sensible, but weird for RE. Still, super fun on co-op. beat the whole game the night it came out with a friend. what a blast.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUJ9V8RTbuY&feature=related subbed. Has this been posted yet?
Plenty of good guides on Gamefaqs. At the same time, you might also consider farming for your stats. If you've gotten pretty close to victory already, it might work out. Ultima Weapon helps ALOT.
The same. It's all the same. Clear all worlds and go beat Xemnas II [again] at TWTNW. Watch "The Gathering" [again] and a little 'New Episode added' Notification will pop up in Disney Castle.
I couldn't log on for a while today. Now it' fine. Figured the site was down or there were too many people logged on already. IDK. Have him try again.
You mean like where to you get the option? Look for Tinkerbell inside the ship (similar to finding Carpet in Argrabah) and she'll ask ya if ya wanna go.
The LS had two sealing moves. One will seal magic (blue) and the other will seal attacks (red). The break them, you need to damage him enough with wha you can do (what isn't locked). If your attacks get sealed, you're nearly screwed. You honestly have to hope it doesn't happen. If it does, though, spam Firaga in place of attacking him. Well timed reflects might work and Thundraga might work if you need to heal but wanna blow through your magic before using an item. The second attack you spoke of is a menu manipulating move. Basically, when he freezes you in the air and the INFO box scrolls by, don't move your menu and carefully time circle on the longer text (I believe it says "release" in japanese). This will free you. BE Quick! Wait too long and the attack OTKs you for being lazy. lol General tactics: Whenever you can attack, shift into FInal Form and slam two combos. Retreat. If you can't, use reflect or jump in the air (DON'T MOVE) to avoid his random slashing counter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1gBNsNSmdQ ^My second successful defeat of Terra. (I actually beat him twice in a row. Once for the first time ever, then my first try when I decided I wanted to record a victory video.) Ignore the beginning, I was lazy after centering my camera to my tv. It's just the Swap Magic screen and me booting up the game. -=Kross His cannon attack can be blocked with a well timed jump in Final Form.
0s at bottom of deck. When attacks with a sleight you don't think you can dodge, use a 0. otherwise, keep your distance and attack with a combo of your own only if and when you break an attack card or sleight that he uses. Some practice more or less, but this is the strategy i used with most every boss in Re: CoM. It's just that simple sometimes. I never both using sleights outside Reverse/Rebirth or extra random play throughs where I'm bored.
Is this first time fight or the data battle fight? I assume it's the absent silhouette (first time). Rolling Dodge or Quick Run might work (I say 'might' because I haven't played in a little while and this question isn't familiar to me). If you don't have it yet, don't worry. I didn't beat the absent silhouette of any org member till I was well past halfway through the game.
Woot! Vexen and an understudy for Marluxia! Anyone else think that, at least once, understudies should be given a chance to voice their character? Just for the hell of it or the experience? Just a random thought. Totally psyched for the whole production!
Gamefaqs has a pretty good translation guide; that's what I used. It lists all the stuff in order that it appears in the game menu. Comparing the listed kanji in the game to the kanji in the guide, then to its english text was easy. Of course, the guide also lists when and where you get different abilities and even explains to some extent what they do and how they work. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/935702/50361 You'll need to print it, though, to better read the kanji.
Clear beasts Castle second time (?) to battle marluxia. Zexion: Rush him until he traps you in the book. Then, while in the book world, cast large magic or use Explosion to kill as many books as possible quickly. When you see Zexion appear, target that book till it dies. Rush him again until you get trapped. In the spot light game, stand between two of the lights and roll/quick run to the blue one when it stops. If you get unlucky, have reflect short-cut'd. Luck might still be on your side in that case. It's all about surviving book world while working to get out of it. You HAVE to find Zexion; there is no timer for it to go away. Either find Zexion to get or die trying.
Level up your drives and summon level to 7. I wanna say that's it.
Google: Audacity.
clear all world and then go play through the ending again. That should do it.
...no. This is a fandub. The auditions are for forum users to play roles in dubbing Japanese scenes and teasers as they come out. It's just good fun.
Lexeneus is a pretty tough guy. It's basically a race against time because if his 'power' rises too high he'll start OTKing you or at least throwing you into the critical being saved only by once more/second chance. Attack through his attacks. He doesn't recoil too much, but you'll still do damage. Take advantage of that fact that's fairly slow. Try Final Form if you have it. As his strength does star to sky rocket, shift into Limit and spam L1-Circle. You're invulnerable whenever you connect with him and you'll only be vulnerable just slightly out of his range. Plus, each hit restores hp so spend on once more/second chance. Honestly, that's the best strategy i can give you. When he jumps off the battle area and hovers around, use a rolling dodge to avoid his immediate charge. The earthquake afterwards is a different story. Try reflect or jumping high into the air. Well all else fails, just be persistent. Wasting your time and avoiding him is exactly as it is: a waste of time. Keep attacking.
Where do we send the auditions? What email address? Thanks.
You can also use this on one of the Organization Mushrooms in KHIIFM