lol good ^^ *stops hitting my head against the wall* He said he will never be online on the internet again I told DS(Dark Sage) that I figured...
Oh I see and thats cool and lol same here specfically for the Mario ones ^^
lol hey I am okay how about u?
*bangs head against a wall* You don't know who Aura or Aurangzeb56 is?
Yea ^^ So what kind of games are you into besides kh?
Oh its fine Jaden and yea I thought that might have been it and did you hear about Aura from Soifon or whatever its called now?
Thanks :) Oh okay and yea thats true and aww ur my 1st friend on here which is where I got lucky since your really kind ^^
Oh I see ^^ Yep and well I really like it :)
Oh okay and are you sure your never comeing back online?
Oh no I mean I only read the bible and I only went to Church like once so thats what I mean and I see and yea I do ^_^
Also I am just chatting and playing video games how about u?
Thats nice ^^ Oh lol sounds cool ^^ Not really yet besides probably talking with my bf online ^^
Oh I see and yea maybe who knows though you might have just forgotten ^^ Oh i am Chritian only a tiny bit though how about urself? Also...
Okay and why is that?
Yea it has been a while and nothing really I am just chatting and playing video games how about u?
Yea it has been a while and well that might be because you never accepted that friend request I sent you and nothing really I am just chatting you? :)
Oh I see and yea they don't sound like the best combination lol Okay but what do you mean what I plan to do and faith? Either way Hobbies I...
It was sorta around the multipule accounts rule anyways my question was is it okay to have 2 accounts if you lost the password and the email it...
lol okay ...........
lol I see Like what?