lol yep and thanks Thats good to hear and yea I am tired and excited and super happy but most of all excited! ^_^
Oh I see and yea I think ZexionxXion would be the best nobody couple although I sorta like XionxRoxas but there both good ones and thats cool and...
I know and thank you :)
Hey, nothing much just finishing up an amv you? ^^
Yea it is really cool and well out of the girls Xion and Aqua are my favs. but out of the guys Ven, Riku, Roxas and Axel are my favs. how about you?
Yes and well a little bit of it yea and yea it is cool and lol I see ^^
I am great how about you? :) Btw you might have called me a Night Owl but I think I am more like a Vampire cause sometimes sunlight really bothers...
yep and I am working on a new video now ^^
I know I am and okay I see and lol alright ^^
Hey there Thanks for the add ^^
Oh okay and thanks I edited myself ^^
Yea I like it too and right now verses looks better than 13 to me normal 13 that is but it still looks really good ^^
Oh well last week I started one of thouse jobs for school that just gets you experenice but I still find it fun I also had a accuplacer(college...
Yea maybe and haha true and yea I agree and yea I am not really willing to either I mean right now my bedtime is midnight and I alwasy stay up...
Yep and yea sure its (basically Windows Live) Oh I see and lol okay and I have been doing funer things than just talking ^^
lol yep :)
Hey there :)
lol I guess and yea I really hate that feeling D: Honestly I think the phrase "Never Better" describes how I have been for like 3 or 4days now ^_^
lol it could be xD
Okay ^^ Oh that is good I have been Happy/Excited/Nervous lately but over all great ^^