"Were-wolves..." He remembered the amazing creature he'd helped the other day. "I saw one too I think...but...it wasn't dangerous...It seemed...confused to me."
Twilight nodded weakly, standing up. She knew she had to let him. She would try.
Twilight ran the back of her hand over her eyes, knowing it could have been worse. She blinked back tears of fear. "Gharanth...please...don't get hurt because of me...im not worth your life..."
Jayz froze, watching her closely. "Real..." ooc: lunch? It's 6:00 pm here.
Matt nodded lightly. "You really beleive we will make it off this island then, mi-Clarisse?" He stared into the fire.
"Gharanth!" Twilight rushed to his side, falling to her knees next to him and clutching his arm. "Gharanth...oh god...please tell me you're alright."
Jayz frowned. He had heard that somewhere. He couldn't recall when. "Yeah...why?"
"Clarisse. Of course, miss. I mean...If that's alright, miss...I mean...Clarisse." Matt made a face. He always refered to everyone as sir or miss. It was strange on his tounge to do otherwise. "I can see that. You seem to be the only one on the ship who has kept a level head. And the captain of course. But even I was...am afraid. You though..."
Twilight nodded. Her eyes went from silver to blue as she walked. It felt like she was walking through a cloud of misery. There was so much suffering here. It was everywhere, no escaping it. "Let's get in and out quickly, my love."
Twilight nodded. "We can make it. Together we can." She drew in a breath. "There are so many aweful memories here." She muttered as they stepped inside.
Jayz smirked. "Yeah...Jayz..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "What's up?" He sat down on a rock.
Matt shook his head, smiling slightly. "If I may ask a question, miss...Are you always this cheerful when stranded on an island?"
Twilight nodded, smileing the slightest bit. "This is what we've been working for. Is it not?" She stepped toward the huge, wooden door.
Matt looked up at her, dark black circles under both eyes. "It seemed cooked enough, miss. I took it off a few moments ago. I have never cooked outside the ship though, miss. I'm not too sure what done is and what raw is."
Jayz looked at Athena. "And I remember seeing you...a while ago though. Athena...right?"
"Wow..." Twilight's eyes widened. It was like nothing she had ever imagined.
"I have ordered them to rest. Many of them are feeling anxious though. They work on their own account. It's instinct to help out with most of them. The...dilema must have hit them mighty hard."
Jayz smiled. "And I'm pretty sure you know my name, right? I've met you before...I don't remember where though."
Jayz was positive she was lying. He frowned slightly. "You don't have to lie to me. I'm not gonna hurt you." ooc: g2g. Be back latr tonight. sorry.
The captain walked up to Clarisse with a nod. "Alright there, Mademoiselle?" ooc: computer trouble. B on latr tonight. Bye.